今天Special A 的学生抵达考场并且顺利完成了考试。
经过Special A的学员回忆这次考试表示: 阅读整体难度不高, 语法难度也一般, 数学有些同学反应不算简单。 总得来说,这是一次中规中矩的考试,其难度符合我们在考试之前几个月所作出的预判。
本次新SAT亚洲卷阅读部分整体难度中等偏低,与2017年5月亚洲卷,2017年1月及2016年10月北美卷相比较而言,无论历史还是科学类的文章,话题都较好理解,观点也比较清晰,阅读部分不会造成太大障碍,题型总体正常,均在College Board官方公布的出题范围内,没有超纲题型或异常难题。
【小说】 小说摘自于Barbara的Flight Behaviors。 妈妈带着儿子一起去森林看蝴蝶,让孩子去探索自然,其中也谈到了关于母子之前关系的话题,总体上比较简单。
【社会科学】 这次是经济方面的文章,凯恩斯经济学和布雷顿森林体系(Bretton Woods system)。讲了创始人提出理论的目的,功能,缺陷(在通货膨胀的时候就出现了问题)。
【科学】 一篇是关于植物通过根吸收金子,通过脉络输送到植物的茎和叶子上;人们根据植物中金子含量多少,就可以去附近寻找金子。
【历史双篇】 对林肯的历史功绩做评价。第一篇是道格拉斯批评林肯,认为他政治生涯的早期比较偏心,偏袒了白人(解放黑奴也还是为了白人好);第二篇是完全赞美林肯的,认为林肯对黑人特别好,是救世主。双篇关系相反。
【科学】 第二篇冰川对地球的影响,冰川时期,海水会变少,这样海水海床的压力会变小,导致岩浆会出来,使得地壳变厚,产生一些地貌。
【The Net Effect of Online Journalism】 在当代社会,因为时代的进步,媒体人需要进行多方面的发展,需要掌握多种技能(multiskilled)。不仅仅要会写文章,还要有编辑,整理素材,以及对于读者的feedback提供回复的能力。在工作中,还需要亲自出去采访,以丰富自己的文章以及阅历。为了适应社会快速发展的年代和互联网如此普及的年代,媒体人需要提高自己的各种能力。
【Working Hard Notto Play TooHard】 有一种哺乳动物canids性格凶猛,但在幼时需要参加社交活动。为了区别社交需求和有攻击性的行为,canids会发出特定的gesture和signal。在和比他们弱小的动物进行社交时,为了保护弱小动物,canids会进行以下的行为:rolereversive和self-handicapping。当youngcanids寻找社交时,他们会做出特殊的动作“bow”。这些都是canids为了正常社交生活所做出的行为,这是他们成长中必备的。
【The Powerlessness of Persuasion】 在美国总统选举期间,民主党和共和党会有多场debate(辩论)。但是根据调查结果表明,大多数选民都不根据debate来投票了。主要原因为两点,第一是debate的时间在大选的后半程,多数选民已经有了自己的选择,这个时候再看debate的作用不大。第二是因为看debate的群众是对政治非常感兴趣的,因此会有自己所支持的党派。但是,研究表明,debate还是对美国人民在选举期间有着informative的意义,是大选中必不可少的一部分。
【Ruede Fleuvus】 GertrudeStein购买了两幅画,与当时流行的realism风格画作完全不同,引起大家热议,同时也开始了modernart时代,推动了当时的艺术发展。之后他在家里开了一个gallery,让大家普遍熟知了这种风格,但是也有一些人不懂这种风格,需要解释风格的艺术价值。
Lighten up, Sir David. Our wildlife is safe
By Matt Ridley Sep. 12, 2013, The Times
1. Publicising his imminent new series about the evolution of animals, Sir David Attenborough said in an interview this week that he thought a reduction in human population during this century is impossible and “we’re lucky to be living when we are, because things are going to get worse”. People will look back in another 100 years “at a world that was less crowded, full of natural wonders, and healthier”. His is a common view and one I used to share. He longs for people to enjoy the open spaces and abundant herds of game that he has been fortunate enough to see. To that end he thinks it vital that there should be fewer of us.
2. Ever so politely, I would now passionately disagree with the two premises of his argument. It’s actually quite likely, rather than impossible, that population will be falling by the end of this century and it is also quite likely that the people alive then will have lots more wilderness to explore and wildlife to admire than today.
3. The rate at which world population grows has roughly halved from more than 2 per cent a year in the 1960s to roughly 1 per cent a year now. Even the total number of people added to the annual population has been dropping for nearly 30 years. If those declines continue, they will hit zero in about 2070 — not much more than 50 years from now. In recent decades the birth rate has fallen in every part of the world. Fertility in Bangladesh has fallen from nearly 7 children per woman in the 1960s to just over 2 today; Kenya from 8 to 4.5; Brazil 5.7 to 1.8; Iran 6.8 to 1.9; Ireland 3.9 to 2…
4. Europe, Asia and Latin America have already gone through this transition and most countries are producing babies at or below replacement rate of 2.2 per woman, at which population stabilises (without immigration). Africa, for so long written off as a special (basket) case, is following suit almost exactly. For this reason alone, I suspect the world population will stop growing and begin to shrink even earlier than 2070 and almost certainly within this century. But even if it does not, there is good reason to reassure Sir David that our great grandchildren will have more wildlife to look at than he has had.
5. An ingenious study by scientists at Rockefeller University in New York has recently calculated that even with population continuing to grow, and even with people eating more food and especially more meat, we have almost certainly already passed “peak farmland”, because of the rate at which fertilisers are improving yields. (Or we would have done if not for biofuels projects.) We will feed nine or ten billion people in 2070 from a considerably smaller acreage than we need to feed seven billion today.
6. Land sparing is already occurring on a grand scale. Forest cover is increasing in many parts of the world, from Scotland to Bangladesh. Wildlife populations are booming in Europe (deer, bears, boar, otters), in the polar regions (walrus, seals, penguins, whales) and North America (turkeys, coyotes, bison, geese) and this is happening fastest in the richest countries. According to one recent report, animal populations grew by 6 per cent in Europe, North America and Northern Asia between 1970 and 2012, while shrinking in tropical regions. There is almost a perfect correlation between the severity of conservation problems and poverty, because the richer people get, the less they try to live off the land and compete with nature — the less they seek bushmeat and charcoal from the forest.
7. Once again, Africa may spring a pleasant surprise. Over the past four decades agricultural yields in Africa hardly budged while they doubled or quadrupled in most of Asia. That is almost entirely down to a dearth of fertiliser and it is beginning to change. If African yields were to rise, the acreage devoted to farmland globally would start to fall even faster, releasing more and more land for “re-wilding”. The great herds and flocks that so delight Sir David would reassemble in more and more places. The happy conclusion is that making people better off and making nature better off are not in opposition; they go hand in hand.
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