Partial fractions allow us to simplify rational expressions into the sum of two or more fractions with constant numerators and linear denominators
This allows for integration of rational functions
The method of partial fractions is essentially the reverse of adding or subtracting fractions
When adding fractions, a common denominator is required
In partial fractions the common denominator is split into parts (factors)
If we have a rational function with a quadratic on the denominator partial fractions can be used to rewrite it as the sum of two rational functions with linear denominators
This works if the non-linear denominator can be factorised into two distinct factors
If we have a rational function with a linear numerator and denominator partial fractions can be used to rewrite it as the sum of a constant and a fraction with a linear denominator
The linear denominator does not need to be factorised
How do I find partial fractions if the denominator is a quadratic?
How do I find partial fractions if the numerator and denominator are both linear?
If the denominator is not a quadratic expression you will be given the form in which the partial fractions should be expressed
Expand the expression on the right-hand side and compare coefficients
Compare the coefficients of x and solve for the first unknown
e.g. 12x = 3Ax
therefore A = 4
Compare the constant coefficients and solve for the second unknown
e.g. - 2 = - A + B = - 4 + B
therefore B = 2
Write the original as partial fractions
How do I find partial fractions if the denominator has a squared linear term?
A squared linear factor in the denominator actually represents two factors rather than one
This must be taken into account when the rational function is split into partial fractions
For the squared linear denominator (ax + b)2 there will be two factors: (ax + b) and (ax + b)2
In IB you will be given the form into which you should split the partial fractions
Put the rational expression equal to the given form and then continue with the steps above
There is more than one way of finding the missing values when working with partial fractions
Substituting values is usually quickest, however you should look at the number of times a bracket is repeated to help you decide which method to use
Exam Tip
An exam question will often have partial fractions as part (a) and then integration or using the binomial theorem as part (b)
Make sure you use your partial fractions found in part (a) to answer the next part of the question