A wave that transfers energy from one point to another without transferring the medium itself
Diagram showing the amplitude and wavelength of a wave
Diagram showing the time period of a wave
Frequency-period equation
The Wave Equation
The relationship between frequency and wavelength of a wave
The wave in the diagram below has a speed of 340 m s–1.What is the wavelength of the wave?
You may also see the wave equation be written as c = fλ where c is the wave speed. However, c is often used to represent a specific speed ー the speed of light (3 × 108 m s–1). Only electromagnetic waves travel at this speed, therefore it’s best practice to use v for any speed that isn’t the speed of light instead.
Two waves ¼ λ out of phase
Plane waves on the surface of water at a particular instant are represented by the diagram below.The waves have a frequency of 2.5 Hz.Determine:
a) The amplitude
b) The wavelength
c) The phase difference between points A and B
When labelling the wavelength and time period on a diagram:
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