Farmer John's NN cows (N≤3×105)N≤3×105) have heights 1,2,…,N1,2,…,N. One day, the cows are standing in a line in some order playing frisbee; let h1…hNh1…hN denote the heights of the cows in this order (so the hh's are a permutation of 1…N1…N).
Two cows at positions ii and jj in the line can successfully throw the frisbee back and forth if and only if every cow between them has height lower than min(hi,hj)min(hi,hj).
Please compute the sum of distances between all pairs of locations i<ji<j at which there resides a pair of cows that can successfully throw the frisbee back and forth. The distance between locations ii and jj is j−i+1j−i+1.
The first line of input contains a single integer NN. The next line of input contains h1…hNh1…hN, separated by spaces.
Output the sum of distances of all pairs of locations at which there are cows that can throw the frisbee back and forth. Note that the large size of integers involved in this problem may require the use of 64-bit integer data types (e.g., a "long long" in C/C++).
7 4 3 1 2 5 6 7
The pairs of successful locations in this example are as follows:
(1, 2), (1, 5), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7)
Problem credits: Quanquan Liu
(Analysis by Benjamin Qi)
For partial credit, we can iterate over all pairs (i,j)(i,j) and check whether they satisfy the given condition. Naively this would take O(N3)O(N3) time (there are O(N2)O(N2) time and each one takes O(N)O(N) time to check), but it is easy to speed this up by checking all pairs (i,j)(i,j) for a fixed ii in O(N)O(N) time.
My code:
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); int N; cin >> N; vector<int> h(N); for (int& i: h) cin >> i; int64_t ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { int mx = -1; for (int j = i+1; j < N; ++j) { if (mx < min(h[i],h[j])) ans += j-i+1; // (i,j) should be counted mx = max(mx,h[j]); } } cout << ans << "\n"; }
For full credit, we use the observation that if the cows at positions (i,j)(i,j) can throw to each other, then (i,j)(i,j) must be of one of the following two types:
Note that as the heights are all unique, we do not consider the case hi=hjhi=hj.
Define the contribution of a pair (i,j)(i,j) to be j−i+1j−i+1. To sum the contributions over all pairs of both types, it suffices to sum the contribution over pairs of the first type, then reverse the line of cows and sum the contribution over pairs of the first type again.
There are several ways to sum the contribution over pairs of the first type.
Solution 1: Use a set that maintains the cows in sorted order of position (ex. std::setstd::set in C++). Consider inserting cows into this set in decreasing order of height. When cow ii is inserted into the set, the next cow after ii in the set (if it exists) is precisely the closest cow to the right of cow ii that is taller than cow ii. This solution runs in O(NlogN)O(NlogN) time.
The following two solutions sum the contribution in O(N)O(N) time.
Solution 2: Start with a linked list containing all of the cows in order of position, then iterate over the cows in increasing order of height and remove them from the linked list in that order. Just before cow ii is removed from the linked list, the cow succeeding ii in the linked list (if it exists) is the closest cow to the right of cow ii that is taller than cow ii. A similar idea was used in Snow Boots.
Solution 3: Iterate over the cows from right to left and use a monotonic stack.
All of these solutions are included in my code below.
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int64_t ans = 0; int N; // using a sorted set void add_contribution(const vector<int>& h) { vector<int> with_h(N+1); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) with_h[h[i]] = i; set<int> present; for (int cur_h = N; cur_h; --cur_h) { auto it = present.insert(with_h[cur_h]).first; if (next(it) != end(present)) ans += *next(it)-*it+1; } // the cow at position with_h[cur_h] can throw to the next cow after it } // either of the next two functions may be substituted in place of the first function // using a linked list void add_contribution_ll(const vector<int>& h) { vector<int> with_h(N+1); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) with_h[h[i]] = i; vector<int> pre(N), nex(N); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { pre[i] = i-1; nex[i] = i+1; } for (int cur_h = 1; cur_h <= N; ++cur_h) { int pos = with_h[cur_h]; int p = pre[pos], n = nex[pos]; if (n != N) ans += n-pos+1, pre[n] = p; if (p != -1) nex[p] = n; } } // using a monotonic stack void add_contribution_alt(const vector<int>& h) { stack<int> stk; for (int i = N-1; i >= 0; --i) { while (!stk.empty() && h[] < h[i]) stk.pop(); if (!stk.empty()) ans +=; stk.push(i); } } int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); cin >> N; vector<int> h(N); for (int& i: h) cin >> i; add_contribution(h); reverse(begin(h), end(h)); add_contribution(h); cout << ans << "\n"; }
Note: All three of these solutions can also be applied to HILO Gold from last contest, although that problem is much less straightforward.
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: 沪ICP备2023009024号-1