Farmer John's cows have decided to offer a programming contest for the cows on Farmer Nhoj's farm. In order to make the problems as fun as possible, they have spent considerable time coming up with challenging input cases. For one problem in particular, "Haybales", the cows need your help devising challenging inputs. This involve solving the following somewhat intriguing problem:
There is an array of sorted integers x1≤x2≤⋯≤xNx1≤x2≤⋯≤xN (1≤N≤1051≤N≤105), and an integer KK. You don't know the array or KK, but you do know for each index ii, the largest index jiji such that xji≤xi+Kxji≤xi+K. It is guaranteed that i≤jii≤ji and j1≤j2≤⋯≤jN≤Nj1≤j2≤⋯≤jN≤N.
Given this information, Farmer John's cows need to construct any array along with some integer KK that matches that information. The construction needs to satisfy 0≤xi≤10180≤xi≤1018 for all ii and 1≤K≤10181≤K≤1018.
It can be proven that this is always possible. Help Farmer John's cows solve this problem!
The first line of input contains NN. The next line contains j1,j2,…,jNj1,j2,…,jN.
Print KK, then x1,…,xNx1,…,xN on separate lines. Any valid output will be accepted.
6 2 2 4 5 6 6
6 1 6 17 22 27 32
The sample output is the array a=[1,6,17,22,27,32]a=[1,6,17,22,27,32] with K=6K=6. j1=2j1=2 is satisfied because a2=6≤1+6=a1+Ka2=6≤1+6=a1+K but a3=17>1+6=a1+Ka3=17>1+6=a1+K, so a2a2 is the largest element that is at most a1a1. Similarly,
This is not the only possible correct output for the sample input. For example, you could instead output the array [1,2,4,5,6,7][1,2,4,5,6,7] with K=1K=1.
Problem credits: Danny Mittal
(Analysis by Danny Mittal)
Consider creating a tree on the indexes of the array as follows. For an index ii, let its parent be ji+1ji+1. Note that this means that we'll also need a node N+1N+1, since jN+1=N+1jN+1=N+1; this node will be the root of the tree.
Let's define the height of a node as the depth of the deepest node minus its own depth. This tree construction is illustrated below for the sample with heights on the left.
3 7 /| 2 5 6 | | 1 3 4 /| 0 1 2
Notice that as we go down the array from index NN to index 11, the heights of the corresponding nodes decrease. This means that the array consists of first the nodes at height 00, then the nodes at height 11, etc. Additionally, since each node ii's parent is ji+1ji+1, which is the first index whose element aji+1aji+1 is greater than ai+Kai+K, and a node's parent necessarily has height 11 higher than the height of that node, the nodes at a certain height need to have values that are approximately KK higher than the values of the nodes at the immediately lower height.
This suggests that we assign the values of the nodes as ai=hiK+xiai=hiK+xi, where hihi is the height of node ii and xixi is some yet to be determined value between 00 and K−1K−1. Using these values means that ai+K=(hi+1)K+xiai+K=(hi+1)K+xi, which means that the point at which values go from being less than ai+Kai+K to more than ai+Kai+K occurs at height hi+1hi+1, which is exactly what we want since ii's parent, ji+1ji+1, is at height hi+1hi+1.
All that remains is to choose values of xixi appropriately so that that point occurs at exactly the right place inside height hi+1hi+1. This means choosing the xx values so that xji+1>xixji+1>xi, but any smaller indexes at height hi+1hi+1 have an xx value less than or equal to xixi.
We can do this using DFS. We start by assigning the root node N+1N+1 to have xN+1=K−1xN+1=K−1, the largest xx value possible. Then, it DFSs through its children starting from the largest index and going down. Whenever we reach a node, we assign it the next lower xx value, then DFS through its children in decreasing order. This guarantees that every node ii has an xx value larger than ii's children, but all smaller indexes at the same height as ii get an xx value smaller than ii's children, since the DFS reaches them only after searching through all of ii's descendants.
Since each node will get a unique xx value, we need to set K=N+1K=N+1 in order to ensure that all xx values are between 00 and K−1K−1. The xx values for the sample are illustrated below.
7 /---/ 5 6 / / 3 4 /-/ 1 2 x = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
As an example of how this construction works, consider index 44, which has j4=5j4=5. Its height is 11 and its xx value is x4=4x4=4, which means that its array value will be a4=(1)K+4=(1)(7)+4a4=(1)K+4=(1)(7)+4, and a4+Ka4+K will be (2)(7)+4(2)(7)+4.
Index 55 is at height 22 but has the smaller xx value x5=3x5=3, so its array value will be a5=(2)(7)+3a5=(2)(7)+3, which is smaller than a4+K=(2)(7)+4a4+K=(2)(7)+4. Similarly, index 66 is at height 22 and has the larger xx value x6=5x6=5, so its array value will be a6=(2)(7)+5a6=(2)(7)+5, which is larger than a4+K=(2)(7)+4a4+K=(2)(7)+4. Therefore index 55 is the largest index jj satisfying aj≤a4+Kaj≤a4+K, and so the requirement j4=5j4=5 is satisfied.
Using these xx values, we can calculate our array aa along with the choice of K=N+1K=N+1 to produce a valid construction. Our algorithm simply consists of constructing the tree then performing a DFS to compute the xx values as well as the heights. This runs in O(N)O(N) time.
The array values for all indexes in the sample are illustrated below.
(3)(7) + 6 /----------------------/ (2)(7) + 3 (2)(7) + 5 / / (1)(7) + 2 (1)(7) + 4 /------------/ (0)(7) + 0 (0)(7) + 1
import; import; import; import java.util.*; public class TestsForHaybales { static List<Integer>[] children; static long[] depths; static long[] xs; static long x; static void dfs(int a) { xs[a] = x; x--; Collections.reverse(children[a]); for (int b : children[a]) { depths[b] = depths[a] + 1L; dfs(b); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; int n = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); children = new List[n + 2]; for (int a = 1; a <= n + 1; a++) { children[a] = new ArrayList<>(); } StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(in.readLine()); for (int a = 1; a <= n; a++) { children[Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.nextToken()) + 1].add(a); } depths = new long[n + 2]; xs = new long[n + 2]; x = n; dfs(n + 1); long k = n + 1; StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner("\n"); for (int a = 1; a <= n; a++) { long height = depths[1] - depths[a]; long value = (height * k) + xs[a]; joiner.add("" + value); } System.out.println(k); System.out.println(joiner); } }
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