The electrophilic substitution reaction in arenes consists of three steps:
Generation of an electrophile
Electrophilic attack
Regenerating aromaticity
Mechanism of electrophilic substitution
The nitration of benzene is one example of an electrophilic substitution reaction
A hydrogen atom is replaced by a nitro (-NO2) group
The overall reaction of nitration of arenes
In the first step, the electrophile is generated
The electrophile NO2+ ion is generated by reacting concentrated nitric acid (HNO3) and concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4)
Once the electrophile has been generated, it will carry out an electrophilic attack on the benzene ring
The nitrating mixture of HNO3 and H2SO4 is refluxed with the arene at 25 - 60 oC
Nitration of Benzene Mechanism:
Addition reactions of arenes
The delocalisation of electrons (also called aromatic stabilisation) in arenes is the main reason why arenes predominantly undergo substitution reactions over addition reactions
In substitution reactions,
In addition reactions, on the other hand, the aromaticity is not restored and is in some cases completely lost
The hydrogenation of arenes is an example of an addition reaction during which the aromatic stabilisation of the arene is completely lost
The cyclohexane formed is energetically less stable than the benzene