Bessie was recently taking a USACO contest and encountered the following problem. Of course, Bessie knows how to solve it. But do you?
Consider a sequence A1,A2,…,ANA1,A2,…,AN of length NN (1≤N≤5⋅104)(1≤N≤5⋅104) consisting solely of integers in the range 1…K1…K (1≤K≤20).(1≤K≤20). You are given QQ (1≤Q≤2⋅1051≤Q≤2⋅105) queries of the form [Li,Ri][Li,Ri] (1≤Li≤Ri≤N).(1≤Li≤Ri≤N). For each query, compute the number of non-decreasing subsequences of ALi,ALi+1…,ARiALi,ALi+1…,ARi mod 109+7109+7.
A non-decreasing subsequence of AL,…,ARAL,…,AR is a collection of indices (j1,j2,…,jx)(j1,j2,…,jx) such that L≤j1<j2<⋯<jx≤RL≤j1<j2<⋯<jx≤R and Aj1≤Aj2≤⋯≤Ajx.Aj1≤Aj2≤⋯≤Ajx. Make sure to consider the empty subsequence!
The first line contains two space-separated integers NN and KK.The second line contains NN space-separated integers A1,A2,…,ANA1,A2,…,AN.
The third line contains a single integer Q.Q.
The next QQ lines each contain two space-separated integers LiLi and Ri.Ri.
For each query [Li,Ri],[Li,Ri], you should print the number of non-decreasing subsequences of ALi,ALi+1…,ARiALi,ALi+1…,ARi mod 109+7109+7 on a new line.
5 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 1 5
3 4 20
For the first query, the non-decreasing subsequences are (),(2),(),(2), and (3).(3). (2,3)(2,3) is not a non-decreasing subsequence because A2≰A3.A2≰A3.
For the second query, the non-decreasing subsequences are ()(), (4)(4), (5)(5), and (4,5)(4,5).
Problem credits: Benjamin Qi
<h3>USACO 2020 January Contest, Platinum Problem 2. Non-Decreasing Subsequences Return to Problem List 题解(翰林国际教育提供,仅供参考)</h3>
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(Analysis by Benjamin Qi)
Let MOD=109+7.MOD=109+7. General optimization tips:
It also helps to declare a separate class (or struct in C++) to take care of modular arithmetic operations.
For the sake of convenience, we'll assume that all numbers are in [0,K)[0,K) rather than [1,K].[1,K]. Also note that later sections use variables referenced in previous ones (so read in order).
Subtask 1:
We can compute the answer for every pair (L,R)(L,R) satisfying 1≤L≤R≤N1≤L≤R≤N in O(N2K)O(N2K) time by trying each index of the sequence as LL, setting R=LR=L, and then repeatedly incrementing R.R. We should create an array tottot of size KK which stores the number of non-decreasing subsequences which have last element ii for all 0≤i<K0≤i<K and update it appropriately after adding each element of the sequence. (Consider the empty subsequence as having last element 0.0.) After this, we answer each of the QQ queries in O(1)O(1) time.
SegTree (subtasks 2,3):
Note that adding an element xx to the end of the contiguous subsequence [L,R][L,R] that we are currently considering is equivalent to setting tottot equal to tot⋅Mxtot⋅Mx for a K×KK×K matrix MxMx, where we treat tottot as a 1×K1×K matrix. For example, when K=5K=5,
which satisfies
In other words, if we add 3 to the end of the sequence, the number of subsequences ending with 3 increases by c0+c1+c2+c3c0+c1+c2+c3 while the number of subsequences ending with every other number remains the same.
This inspires us to build a segment tree. If a vertex represents the interval [L,R],[L,R], then we should store the matrix M=MAL⋅MAL+1⋯MAR.M=MAL⋅MAL+1⋯MAR. We can multiply two such matrices in O(K3).O(K3). Thus, we can build this segment tree in O(NK3).O(NK3). We can query this segment tree in O(K3logN)O(K3logN) by considering the matrices for the O(logN)O(logN) segments covering [L,R][L,R] in order and multiplying them.
The time complexity of this approach is O((N+QlogN)K3),O((N+QlogN)K3), which may or may not pass subtask 2. Of course, it is possible to speed up both build and query.
Both of these optimizations combined may or may not pass subtask 3. I'm not sure whether it is possible to earn full points with this method.
Divide and Conquer (full points):
The segment tree solution would allow updates to the sequence as well. However, there is really no reason to use a segment tree on an array that remains constant.
In fact, given an array b1,b2,…,bNb1,b2,…,bN and an associative operation ⊕⊕ that runs in O(1)O(1) time, we can process the array in O(NlogN)O(NlogN) time such that any query in the form bl⊕bl+1⊕⋯⊕brbl⊕bl+1⊕⋯⊕br can be answered in O(1)O(1) time.
Let M=⌊1+N2⌋.M=⌊1+N2⌋. First we can deal with all query intervals that contain both MM and M+1.M+1. Suppose that the subsequence contains indices j1<j2<…<ja≤M<ja+1<…<jx.j1<j2<…<ja≤M<ja+1<…<jx. Then we can iterate over all KK possible values of AjaAja and generate the number of possible subsequences for all intervals in the form [i,M][i,M] or [M+1,i][M+1,i] independently in O(NK)O(NK) time for a total of O(NK2)O(NK2) time. The answer for a query [L,R][L,R] can then be derived from the answers for [L,M][L,M] and [M+1,R][M+1,R] in O(K)O(K) time.
Then we can recursively solve for all queries completely contained within the intervals [1,M][1,M] and [M+1,N][M+1,N] in a similar fashion. If there are no queries left to process for our current interval, we can break immediately. This approach can be improved to run in O(NlogN⋅KlogK+QK)O(NlogN⋅KlogK+QK) time online (though logKlogK with a high constant is not better than KK).
Dhruv Rohatgi's code (O(NK2logN+Q(K+logN))O(NK2logN+Q(K+logN)) offline):
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> using namespace std; #define MAXN 200000 #define MAXQ 200000 #define MOD 1000000007 int msum(int a) { if(a >= MOD) return a-MOD; return a; } int N,K,Q; int A[MAXN]; int l[MAXQ], r[MAXQ]; int qid[MAXQ]; int qans[MAXQ]; int lans[MAXN][21]; int rans[MAXN][21]; int cnt[21]; void countLeft(int a,int b) { for(int i=a;i<=b;i++) for(int k=1;k<=K;k++) lans[i][k] = 0; for(int k=K;k>=1;k--) { for(int j=k;j<=K;j++) cnt[j] = 0; for(int i=b;i>=a;i--) { if(A[i] == k) { cnt[k] = msum(2*cnt[k] + 1); for(int j=k+1;j<=K;j++) cnt[j] = msum(msum(2*cnt[j]) + lans[i][j]); } for(int j=k;j<=K;j++) lans[i][j] = msum(lans[i][j] + cnt[j]); } } } void countRight(int a,int b) { for(int i=a;i<=b;i++) for(int k=1;k<=K;k++) rans[i][k] = 0; for(int k=1;k<=K;k++) { for(int j=1;j<=k;j++) cnt[j] = 0; for(int i=a;i<=b;i++) { if(A[i] == k) { cnt[k] = msum(2*cnt[k] + 1); for(int j=1;j<k;j++) cnt[j] = msum(msum(2*cnt[j]) + rans[i][j]); } for(int j=1;j<=k;j++) rans[i][j] = msum(rans[i][j] + cnt[j]); } } } int split(int qa,int qb, int m) { int i = qa; int j = qb; while(i<j) { if(r[qid[i]] > m && r[qid[j]] <= m) { swap(qid[i],qid[j]); i++, j--; } else if(r[qid[i]] > m) j--; else if(r[qid[j]] <= m) i++; else i++, j--; } if(i > j) return j; else if(r[qid[i]] <= m) return i; else return i-1; } void solve(int a,int b,int qa,int qb) { if(a>b || qa>qb) return; if(a == b) { for(int i=qa;i<=qb;i++) qans[qid[i]] = 1; return; } int m = (a+b)/2; countLeft(a,m); countRight(m+1,b); for(int i=m+1;i<=b;i++) for(int k=K-1;k>=1;k--) rans[i][k] = msum(rans[i][k] + rans[i][k+1]); int qDone = 0; for(int i=qa;i<=qb;i++) { int q = qid[i]; if(r[q] > m && l[q] <= m) { qans[q] = 0; for(int k=1;k<=K;k++) qans[q] = msum(qans[q] + (lans[l[q]][k]*((long long)rans[r[q]][k]))%MOD); for(int k=1;k<=K;k++) qans[q] = msum(qans[q] + lans[l[q]][k]); qans[q] = msum(qans[q] + rans[r[q]][1]); qDone++; } else if(qDone>0) qid[i-qDone] = qid[i]; } qb -= qDone; int qm = split(qa,qb,m); solve(a,m,qa,qm); solve(m+1,b,qm+1,qb); } int main() { freopen("","r",stdin); freopen("nondec.out","w",stdout); cin >> N >> K; for(int i=0;i<N;i++) cin >> A[i]; cin >> Q; for(int i=0;i<Q;i++) { cin >> l[i] >> r[i]; l[i]--,r[i]--; qid[i] = i; } solve(0,N-1,0,Q-1); for(int i=0;i<Q;i++) cout << qans[i]+1 << '\n'; }
Matrix Inverse (full points):
Let ipref[x]=M−1Ax−1⋅M−1Ax−2⋯M−1A1ipref[x]=MAx−1−1⋅MAx−2−1⋯MA1−1 and pref[x]=MA1⋅MA2⋯MAx−1.pref[x]=MA1⋅MA2⋯MAx−1. It's actually quite easy to compute M−1xMx−1 given Mx,Mx, as both of them will be identity matrices with the exception of column x.x. For example, when K=5,K=5,
which satisfies
We can represent the query [L,R][L,R] as the product of the matrices corresponding to AL,AL+1,…,AR.AL,AL+1,…,AR. Then we can rewrite the desired product as ipref[L−1]⋅pref[R].ipref[L−1]⋅pref[R].
Both iprefipref and prefpref can be computed naively for every ii in O(NK3)O(NK3) time because multiplying two K×KK×K matrices takes O(K3)O(K3) time. However, O(NK2)O(NK2) can be accomplished due to the special structure of the matrices; after all, they each differ from the identity matrix by only one column.
The answer for each query is equal to ∑K−1i=0(ipref[L−1]⋅pref[R])[0][i],∑i=0K−1(ipref[L−1]⋅pref[R])[0][i], which can be computed in O(K2)O(K2) time. In fact, this can be sped up to O(K)O(K) time because we can rewrite this sum as
So we can store ipref[L][0][i]ipref[L][0][i] for each L,iL,i in an 2D array which we'll call "isto" and ∑K−1j=0pref[R][i][j]∑j=0K−1pref[R][i][j] for each R,iR,i in another 2D array which we'll call "sto" in the code below. This is clearly superior to storing NN matrices of size K×KK×K. Overall, this approach runs in O(NK2+QK)O(NK2+QK) time (and NK2NK2 can be improved to NKlogKNKlogK).
My code follows.
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; const int MOD = 1e9+7; // 998244353; // = (119<<23)+1 const int MX = 5e4+5; void setIO(string name) { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); freopen((name+".in").c_str(),"r",stdin); freopen((name+".out").c_str(),"w",stdout); } struct mi { int v; explicit operator int() const { return v; } mi(ll _v) : v(_v%MOD) { v += (v<0)*MOD; } mi() : mi(0) {} }; mi operator+(mi a, mi b) { return mi(a.v+b.v); } mi operator-(mi a, mi b) { return mi(a.v-b.v); } mi operator*(mi a, mi b) { return mi((ll)a.v*b.v); } typedef array<array<mi,20>,20> T; int N,K,Q; vector<int> A; array<mi,20> sto[MX], isto[MX]; mi i2 = (MOD+1)/2; void prin(T& t) { // print a matrix for debug purposes for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) cout << t[i][j].v << ' '; cout << "\n"; } cout << "-------\n"; } int main() { setIO("nondec"); cin >> N >> K; A.resize(N); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) cin >> A[i]; T STO, ISTO; for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) STO[i][i] = ISTO[i][i] = 1; for (int i = 0; i <= N; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) for (int k = j; k < K; ++k) sto[i][j] = sto[i][j]+STO[j][k]; for (int k = 0; k < K; ++k) isto[i][k] = ISTO[0][k]; if (i == N) break; int x = A[i]-1; // STO goes from pre[i] to pre[i+1] // set STO = STO*M_{A[i]} for (int j = 0; j <= x; ++j) for (int k = x; k >= j; --k) STO[j][x] = STO[j][x]+STO[j][k]; // ISTO goes from ipre[i] to ipre[i+1] // set ISTO=M_{A[i]}^{-1}*ISTO for (int j = 0; j < x; ++j) for (int k = x; k < K; ++k) ISTO[j][k] = ISTO[j][k]-i2*ISTO[x][k]; for (int k = x; k < K; ++k) ISTO[x][k] = ISTO[x][k]*i2; } cin >> Q; for (int i = 0; i < Q; ++i) { int L,R; cin >> L >> R; mi ans = 0; for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) ans = ans+isto[L-1][j]*sto[R][j]; cout << ans.v << "\n"; } }
Here is a problem which uses a similar concept in two dimensions (albeit with smaller matrices).
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