Farmer John has recently purchased a new farm to expand his milk production empire. The new farm is connected to a nearby town by a network of pipes, and FJ wants to figure out the best set of these pipes to purchase for his use in pumping milk from the farm to the town.
The network of pipes is described by NN junction points (endpoints of pipes), conveniently numbered 1…N1…N (2≤N≤10002≤N≤1000). Junction point 1 represents FJ's farm and junction point NN is the town. There are MM bi-directional pipes (1≤M≤10001≤M≤1000), each joining a pair of junction points. The iith pipe costs cici dollars for FJ to purchase for his use, and can support a flow rate of fifi liters of milk per second.
FJ wants to purchase a single path worth of pipes, where the endpoints of the path are junctions 1 and NN. The cost of the path is the sum of the costs of the pipes along the path. The flow rate along the path is the minimum of the flow rates of the pipes along the path (since this serves as a bottleneck for the flow traveling down the path). FJ wants to maximize the flow rate of the path divided by the cost of the path. It is guaranteed that a path from 11 to NN exists.
The first line of input contains NN and M.M. Each of the following MM lines describes a pipe in terms of four integers: aa and bb (the two different junctions connected by the pipe), cc (its cost), and ff (its flow rate). Cost and flow rate are both positive integers in the range 1…10001…1000.
Please print 106106 times the optimal solution value, truncated to an integer (that is, rounded down to the next-lowest integer if this number is not itself an integer).
3 2 2 1 2 4 2 3 5 3
In this example, there is only one path from 11 to N.N. Its flow is min(3,4)=3min(3,4)=3 and its cost is 2+5=7.2+5=7.
Problem credits: Brian Dean
(Analysis by Nick Wu)
Let's first approach a simpler problem - what is the minimum cost needed to reach junction NN from junction 11, ignoring flow rate? This is a shortest paths problem and can be solved by applying Dijkstra's.
There's a small problem though - if we just use Dijkstra's to compute the length of the shortest path, we don't know which edges are used so we can't compute the ratio of flow rate and cost directly. We need more information about the minimum weight edge used in the graph.
There are two ways that we can handle this. The first way is to delete all edges with the minimum weight, and recompute the length of the shortest path. We repeatedly apply this process until there is no path between junctions 11 and NN. For each application of Dijkstra's, compute the ratio between the minimum weight edge present in the graph and the length of the shortest path, and take the maximum of all of these values.
This answer is clearly a lower bound on the answer since it cannot overestimate the flow rate within the graph, and the reason that this answer must be valid is that if the length of the shortest path increases after deleting edges of minimum weight, then all shortest paths in the prior graph must have used one of those edges.
Here is Brian Dean's code implementing this approach.
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <set> #include <map> using namespace std; int N, M; map<int, vector<int>> nbrs; map<pair<int,int>,double> edgecost; map<pair<int,int>,double> edgeflow; vector<int> flows; int dijkstra(int source, int destination, int flowmin) { map<int,int> dist; set<pair<int,int>> visited; visited.insert(make_pair(0,source)); while (!visited.empty()) { int i = visited.begin()->second; visited.erase(visited.begin()); if (i == destination) return dist[i]; for (auto j : nbrs[i]) if (edgeflow[make_pair(i,j)] >= flowmin) if (dist.count(j) == 0 || dist[i] + edgecost[make_pair(i,j)] < dist[j]) { dist[j] = dist[i] + edgecost[make_pair(i,j)]; visited.insert(make_pair(dist[j],j)); } } return -1; } int main(void) { ifstream fin (""); ofstream fout ("pump.out"); fin >> N >> M; int i, j, c, f; for (int m=0; m<M; m++) { fin >> i >> j >> c >> f; flows.push_back(f); nbrs[i].push_back(j); nbrs[j].push_back(i); edgecost[make_pair(i,j)] = edgecost[make_pair(j,i)] = c; edgeflow[make_pair(i,j)] = edgeflow[make_pair(j,i)] = f; } long long best_num = 0, best_den = 1, cur_num, cur_den; for (int f : flows) { cur_num = f; cur_den = dijkstra(1, N, f); if (cur_den != -1) { if (cur_num * best_den > best_num * cur_den) { best_num = cur_num; best_den = cur_den; } } } fout << best_num * 1000000LL / best_den << "\n"; return 0; }
The other way to approach this is to augment the vertices to also keep track of the flow rate currently going through the vertex at that point in time. With this approach, you only run Dijkstra's once, but you have to maintain more information when computing the transitions. Here is my code implementing this approach.
#include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <queue> using namespace std; typedef pair<int, int> pii; typedef pair<int, pii> edge; // <flow, cost> typedef pair<int, pii> vertex; // <vertex, flow> int dp[1001][1001]; vector<edge> edges[1001]; int main() { freopen("", "r", stdin); freopen("pump.out", "w", stdout); memset(dp, 1, sizeof(dp)); int n, m; cin >> n >> m; dp[1][1000] = 0; while(m--) { int a, b, c, f; cin >> a >> b >> c >> f; edges[a].push_back(edge(b, {f, c})); edges[b].push_back(edge(a, {f, c})); } priority_queue<vertex> q; q.push(vertex(0, {1, 1000})); double ret = -1; while(q.size()) { vertex curr =; q.pop(); if(curr.second.first == n) { ret = max(ret, curr.second.second / (double)dp[curr.second.first][curr.second.second]); continue; } for(edge out: edges[curr.second.first]) { int nf = min(out.second.first, curr.second.second); int nc = dp[curr.second.first][curr.second.second] + out.second.second; int nd = out.first; if(nc < dp[nd][nf]) { dp[nd][nf] = nc; q.push(vertex(-dp[nd][nf], {nd, nf})); } } } cout << (int)(1000000 * ret) << "\n"; }
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