The changes in the volume of air present in the lungs are shown here. Note the residual volume, this is the volume of air left in the lungs after as much air has been breathed out as possible.
PVR = tidal volume x breathing rate
An individual's pulmonary ventilation rate at rest was found to be 7.4 dm3 min-1. They took 12 breaths in one minute. Calculate their tidal volume.
Step One: Rearrange the equation
PVR = tidal volume x breathing rate
Rearange to:
Tidal volume = PVR ÷ breathing rate
Step Two: Insert relevant figures
Tidal volume = 7.4 ÷ 12 = 0.6166
Tidal volume = 0.62 dm3
You don’t need to memorise the terms tidal volume, vital capacity or total lung capacity.
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