目的地上海也以晴好的天气热情迎接威雅公学队的到来!威雅公学队 6:0 进才中学二队
开场不久,在C Rensburg和K Liu的完美配合下,威雅公学队成功射进了第一球。
紧接着,队长R Ma迅速将比分追加为2:0。
不久后,K Liu又从场边长驱直入再进一球,此时比分已达到3:0。
前锋B Yun从场中开始带球,一路躲过防守直接来到球门前完成射门,也成功登上了得分榜。
半场之后,B Yun梅开二度,将比分继续拉大到5:0。
最后,R Ma用一记漂亮的射门将比分定格在6:0。
同时,X Clarke和K Sun的完美防守也为威雅公学队赢得比赛作出了极大贡献。
比赛中,队员们奋力防守,非常英勇,其中K Sun的防守技能尤为出色,给所有人做了一次榜样性的展示。
经过两场比赛,队员们已有些疲惫,在上半场的比赛中,X Clark和K Sun在后方与对手顽强拼搏,才将比分紧紧咬住。
威雅公学队0-1 上海中学国际部接近比赛的尾声,威雅公学迎来最后一位强敌——上海中学国际部。
但是,威雅公学的表现也毫不逊色!K Liu的有力射门,A Pan和K Sun的绝妙防守以及前锋的进攻都非常出色。
S Zhou以及M Zhang表现得非常积极,他们十分渴望为团队做出贡献。
在此还要特别提到K Sun,他在中后卫的精彩表现为他赢得了当天的最佳球员奖!在团队中,他也是一位始终值得信赖的成员。
tournament that promised so much but sadly ended in disappointment.
The boys arrived in high spirits after an early start, a fantastic atmosphere was shown on the bus journey and the sun came out to welcome the boys to Shanghai.
WAIS 6-0 JinCai 2nd Team
The day started with a fantastic 6-0 win against Jin Cai second team.
WAIS dominated the game from start to finish, showing excellent positional awareness and the boys were clinical from set pieces.
The games’ first goal came early on, a brilliant corner from C.
Rensburg poked in at the far post by K.Liu.
Captain R.Ma soon made it 2-0, and K.Liu fired home from the edge of the area for 3-0.Striker, B.Yun, found his name of the score sheet shortly after; winning the ball in the middle of pitch, running through the defence and finishing low into the corner.
B.Yun made it 5-0 shortly after half time, then R.Ma capped off a great performance by making it 6-0.
The result can also be credited to a fantastic defensive performance from X.Clarke and and K.Sun.
WAIS 0-0 SUIS Hongqiao 1st TeamThe second game was a close fought affair and WAIS can count themselves unlucky not to walk away with at least a 1-0 win.
The match against SUIS-Hongqiao first team finished 0-0, thanks to another defensive masterclass from K.Sun, the defensive efforts from all the players during the second game were heroic at times.
Going forward, WAIS had their chance to secure the win, chances that on another day would have seen us achieve two wins from two.
WAIS 0-2 SUIS Hongqiao 3rd Team
During the third game we came up against a very well organized SUIS-Hongqiao third team.
By this time the boys had clearly tired and were finding tracking back harder and harder.
The game was tight for the first half thanks to some great work some X.
Clarke and K.Sun at the back, however WAIS unfortunately saw themselves concede two quick goals.
WAIS found themselves 2-0 down and chasing the game.
Grade 3’s L.Xie came on and performed very well but sadly WAIS were unable to take anything from the game.
WAIS 0-1 SHSIDThe day finished with a hard fought 0-1 loss to SHSID, a very well drilled team and eventual winners of the group.
WAIS held their own with a fantastic performance from K.
Liu in goal, brilliant defensive work from A.Pan and K.Sun, and good attacking play from the forwards.
But sadly, the boys were undone by an own goal from a corner.
Overall, a great day out for the under 11 football team.
The boys will now return to Changzhou a little game wiser and hopefully with a better understanding of what team work can do to improve a team.
Super subs S.Zhou and M.Zhang demonstrated fantastic attitude and desire to help the team and contributed positively in all of their appearances.
K.Sun was awarded the player of the day award for his fantastic displays at centre back; an ever-reliable member of the team.
A lot of potential was shown and the boys can head home proud of their performances.
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