今天我们就来讲一讲经济学的Economic system中的planned economy与其优缺点(考试中经常会出现的问题!!)。
Definition:An economic system describes the way in which an economy is organised and run,including alternative views of how resources are best allocated.
简单来说就是如何回答三个基本经济问题来解决资源稀缺的问题:What to produce?How should we produce? For whom should we produce?
首先是PlannedEconomy计划经济:Planned Economy emphasizes on centralisation资源公有化。
但是有一点,pure planned economy does not exist in the real life.
Governmentand organisations are responsible for:
· 资源分配The allocation of resources
· 收入分布 The distribution of incomeand wages
· 长期经济发展 Long-run Economic growth
· 生产目标 Production Targets
Advantagesof Planned Economy:
Nounemployment: Under a planned economy, unemployment is not an issue.
Economics of scale: Benefits gained from falling long run average costs as the scale of output increases.
Prevent Wastage: The country would only provide goods and services that is necessary for people’s living(只生产必需品工人们基本生活),there is no competition therefore less wastage would be provided.
Social Equality: 社会平等性。
A planned economic system enables basic needs to be met for everyone in society.
Employment of resources: 对于资源的分配政府可以有效地利用现有资源安排factors of production(land, labour,capital and enterprise),保证每一个factor都被充分利用。
Thus, fullemployment of resource can be maintained and economic growth can be planned.
Lack of freedom and choices: Because the central government just offer necessities that are sufficient for consumers to live, the choices of goods and servicesare very limited.
The samesituation also applied to the choice of careers(people do not have freedom tochoose their own job because all the resources are allocated by the centralgovernment).
Lack of incentives: Due to the control by the central government and centralproduction, everything is allocated equally.
Hence there is no competition between the companies and extreme low revenue and profit discourage the firms to be innovative and they have got no incentive to produce goods and services in a higher quality.
Queuing:Because of the limited production of central government and the lack of incentives to produce,basic food stuffs like bread and meat are in excess demand relative to supply.
Queuing becomes away of life.
最后的最后,务必记住pure planned economy现实生活中并不存在,它只是理论上的一种经济体系!!
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