Grade 2 Planetary Gallery二年级 小小星球展览会
Grade 2 students wrapped up their Unit Of Inquiry “Where we are in space & time” today with their planetary gallery display.
Grade 2 students used the knowledge they have gained throughout their UOI to make their own planet & present it to the rest of the school in our B2 Art Gallery.
Grade 2 Students had to take their planet's geographical make-up, atmosphere, distance from the sun, density, gravity, among many other factors to determine whether not their planet would beinhabitable by humans; if it was not, they would have to decide what kind of creatures could possibly make their planet a home.
Planets ranged from hospitable planets within a star's habitable zone, to candy planets made of ice cream & other goodies.
Grade 2 students showed a stunning amount of creativity & critical-thinking with their displays.
Materials used to make planets included straws, cardboard, a basketball, paint, glitter, & even a
camera obscura.
We are always so impressed with the different approaches that our students take with this project; it has quickly become a crowd favorite.
The planetary gallery works as a wonderful culminating project because it pushes students to draw from every subject taught in the classroom in order to make a coherent argument for how & why
their planet would work.
Using math, science, & language arts they convey their ideas about their creation & share it with other students across all grades.
This integrative approach to learning is a
crucial part of the IB curriculum, it maximizes learning & develops a sense of personal responsibility in a student's research skills.
Congratulations to our grade 2 students & staff on a very well done planetary gallery.
It was an exemplary sample of the quality of instruction & learning at HQIS.
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