1. 雅思成绩。雅思成绩需要由雅思中心直接寄出
2. 高中毕业证或者高中在读证明
3. 高中成绩单。对于OUAC101的学生,学校会自动上传高中成绩。而对于OUAC105的学生,则需要向学校申请正式的纸质成绩单,并且装在密封信封中,邮寄出去
4. 文书材料,包括推荐信和个人陈述及个人简历。多伦多大学主校区以及世嘉堡分校的部分专业,需要学生完成Supplementary Application Form
5. 作品集。这一部分针对艺术类专业的学生,一般需要学生提供4-6个作品,并添加作品描述
St. George Campus
1. Online Student Profile
1)Engineering Program Selection — 给所申请项目做排名
2)Educational Timeline— 填写从九年级后的教育经历
3)Academic Profile — 详细填写课程情况以及标化成绩
4)Interest in PEY Co-op — 表明对Co-op 项目的兴趣,选择Yes/No不会影响申请结果
5)Extracurricular Involvement — 课外活动
6)Personal Profile 个人简要
Rotman Commerce
1. 写作
第一个问题为固定题目:“What are the two accomplishments or endeavours outside the classroom that you are most proud of and why?”在课堂外最你令骄傲的两个成就或努力是什么?为什么?
2. 视频面试
Computer science
1.online supplemental applicationArchitecture, Landscape and Design
1. 补充材料:One Idea Application从以下四个主题里选择一个主题进行文书材料撰写,250 – 650个单词。主题已经在官网上公布,可以提前准备。
➤ Describe a problem that you solved; intellectual, ethical, or otherwise important to you.
➤ Describe a moment when you challenged a belief or idea.
➤ Tell us about a time when you learned from failure.
➤ Tell us how you express your creative side (through problem solving, innovative thinking, artistically, etc.)
2. 作品集
Architectural Studies Applicants建筑方向的学生可选上传4 – 6个图片作品。
Visual Studies Applicants视觉艺术方向学生必须上传4 – 6个图片作品。
Kinesiology and Physical Education
一篇Statement of Interest
Music Questionnair 部分专业需要Audition 具体看各个Program的要求。
Scarborough Campus
多大士嘉堡校区以下专业需提交补充申请表(Supplementary Application Form,简称SAF),包含多个short answers。
➤ 所有管理类专业 All Management programs
➤ 所有双学位专业(工商管理/理科) All Double Degree (BBA/BSc)
➤ 国际发展研究的带薪实习项目 Co-op International Development Studies
➤ 辅助医疗 Paramedicine
➤ 必须由申请人本人完成表格,并如实回答申请表中的问题。
➤ 可以保存答案,分次完成。但一旦提交,便不能再修改答案。
Personal Profile questions
1. Explain how you responded to a problem and/or an unfamiliar situation.
What did you do, what was the outcome
2. Briefly describe the culture of your school community and your involvement within it.
What impact has the school culture had on you? How would you enhance or change it?
3.Tell us about who you are.
How would your family, friends, and/or members of your community describe you? If possible, please include something about yourself that you are most proud of and why.
4. What is important to you? And why?at did you learn from the experience?
5. Describe up to five activities that you have pursued or accomplishment achieved in one or more of the following areas.
Please outline the nature of your responsibilities within these activities. (50 words per description)
6. Tell us more about one or two activities listed above that are most important to you.
Please explain the role you played and what you learned in the process.
You will be asked for a reference who can speak to your response.
7. Additional information: You may wish to use the space below to provide UBC with more information on your academic history to date and/or your future academic plans.
For example: How did you choose your courses in secondary school? Are there life circumstances that have affected your academic decisions to date?
What have you done to prepare yourself specifically for your intended area of study at UBC?
8. Please submit the names of two referees who know you well and can comment on your preparedness for study at UBC.
Examples of referees include an employer, a community member, a coach, a teacher/instructor, or anyone who knows you well.
One of the referees you select must be able to speak to one of the activities/experiences described in one of your long-answer responses above.
For applicants who are currently attending a high school, one of your referees must be a school official
(e.g., Grade 12 or senior year counsellor, teacher, or IB coordinator).
Neither referee should be a friend, family member, or paid agent.
Vancouver campus温哥华校区
Sauder School of Business
Dental Hygiene
1. supplemental application
2. 视频面试
➤ 第一轮申请者将会根据他们的GPA和supplemental application进行挑选是否面试(没有机会面试的同学不会被录取)。
➤ 第二轮将只看面试分数,GPA和supplemental application将不做参考。
Media Studies
1. supplementary application
2. written response
Your written response will help the admission committee understand your approach and current interests and involvement in media studies.
Please answer the prompts below in a double-spaced, typed, two-page document in PDF file format.
Explain your ideas about the following three areas in a maximum 500 words.
1)Introduce us to your unique perspective by giving us your notion of the term ‘media’ and provide a detailed explanation of its role in our world.
(100-200 words)2)Name important challenges of our times that media can have a role in, and describe what that role can be.
Tell us how you see the roles and responsibilities of those who contribute to the scholarly study of media, as well roles and responsibilities as makers of media objects.
Specify the ways you see the Bachelor of Media Studies program at UBC Vancouver guiding your intellectual and professional ambitions within the study paths it opens to you.
(100-200 words)3)The final area of your written response should focus on one of your portfolio pieces and connect it to the ideas you explained in the first two components of this written response.
Tell us about your interests, aims, goals and strengths demonstrated in the portfolio piece and how the work you chose to include reflects your values, outlooks and priorities you mention above. (100-200 words)
3. Portfolio of Work
Created a website highlighting two samples of work that showcase at least two different media formats。
Samples :1)Artwork or graphics such as drawing, sketching, painting, photography, typography, design, illustration, and technical drawing: and/or examples of work for theatre or film production.
Digital submissions in .jpg, .pdf, format are preferred.
2)Films, animation or motion graphics no more than 3 minutes long.
Video content must be uploaded to a third-party site such as WordPress, Vimeo, YouTube, and SoundCloud.
Video content should be viewable on the applicant's online portfolio.
Content requiring a password will not be considered.
3)Coding (please include and document at least 100 lines of original code that you created)
4)Images from a sketchbook or concept/idea book (e.g. studies and examples of your media/tools experiments, process explorations)
5)Interactive media (e.g. website design, game design, smartphone apps, and/or other interactive work)
6)Creative writing samples, or papers or essays in subject or topic matter that may relate to media studies (all writing samples must be in English)
As part of your digital portfolio, applicants must include a 300-word written analysis of a media object.
For example, you can choose a scene in a film, newscast, podcast, an artwork, a mural, a web-page, an advertisement, a youtube blog, a meme, etc.
Please include an image, video, link, screen shot or description of the media object alongside the written analysis.
1. Audition申请者需要填写audition form然后参加试音,并交audition 费CAD$70.50。
2. Portfolio3. Letters of reference
Fine Arts
1. Audition or portfolio
1)A cover letter, with your name, address and email.
2)15 to 20 images, and/or links to up to 3 short videos, which illustrate your best work while showing the range of media you have explored.
3)You also MUST include an image description page with the titles and medium used in your work, which correspond to your numbered images and/or videos.
You may include a link to your personal website if available.
Architecture, Landscape and Design
1. Video interview学生将会被提问并要求提交视频回复。
2. Creative test学生将需要完成三个简短的设计项目,这些项目将通过学院的在线系统分配。
3. Resume列出学生在教育,工作,旅行,志愿服务和其他相关领域的经验的1或2页的简历。
Okanagan campus 奥肯那根校区
Visual Arts、Media Studies
1. Letter of Intent
Tell us why you wish to apply to the Bachelor of Media Studies program.
What are your interests in media studies? The written response must be submitted in PDF format and must not exceed 500 words.
2. Portfolio of Work
Compose a digital portfolio of examples of creative or artistic work, which illustrate your best work while showing the range of media you have explored.
The portfolio may include, but is not limited to, the following:
➤ 3 to 5 images documenting artistic work
➤ Links to no more than 3 short videos ( do not submit links that are password protected)
➤ Blog posts
➤ Web site designs (do not submit links that are password protected)
➤ Writing samples in PDF format (creative writing, short stories)
Note: you MUST ensure that your file is not larger than 5MB.
Images should be resized to a maximum of 160 dpi, and a maximum of 1000 px on the long side of the image.
一、滑铁卢大学所有专业都必须提交入学信息表 (Admission Information Form,简称AIF)
1. 工程学院,软件工程,建筑学院
AIF可以使学院能够更好地了解申请人的能力,以及可能参与的兴趣,目标,爱好,工作和其他活动。申请滑铁卢工程专业如果不交AIF, 很可能拿不到offer.
2. 数学,计算机和财务管理学
➤ 课程(学校希望通过你在学校修的课程评估你的能力)
➤ 课外活动(希望申请者能够全面发展,看到学生在社团,体育,音乐,艺术,领导力,志愿服务和就业方面的表现和参与度)
➤ 数学学术活动(数学学术活动会给你的申请加不少分。欧几里得学术活动和/或加拿大高级数学学术活动是学院授予大部分奖学金的重要考虑因素)
➤ 其他方面的信息
3. 医药专业
Accounting and Financial Management
除了必须提交入学信息表外,申请人还须提交会计与金融管理入学评估( Accounting and Financial Management Admissions Assessment,简称:AFMAA)
1. 视频面试
Tell us about a time when you had to work in a team and the team encountered a challenge or setback.
Describe the process used by your team to collaboratively solve the problem? How will this experience affect your future collaborations?
Tell us about a time when you had to work with people from different social backgrounds than you.
What were the challenges and benefits and what did you learn from this experience?
Tell us about how you stand out from your peers, what makes you unique and what life experiences have contributed to make you who you are.
TIPS for your AFMAA interview practice session:
➤ Pay attention to the lighting within your room and the lighting on you.
Adjust lighting to ensure that your ID, face, etc are lit adequately for the AFM Admissions Committee to see clearly.
➤ Pay attention to the angle you hold your photo ID and the distance your photo ID is from the camera.
Your photo ID should fill the frame of the screen.
Hold your photo ID as still as possible for at least 10 seconds.
2. trait assessment
➤ 补充材料递交截止日期
2019年3月1日为提交入学信息表格 (Admission Information Form) 的截止日期,但建议在收到来自滑铁卢大学电子邮件申请确认信后的3周内完成该表格提交。
Engineering 、Architecture
1. Interview
2. English precis-writing exercise
3. portfolio
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