2022 PhysicsBowl Exam Results!
PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately, this year’s PhysicsBowl results were compromised in more than one way. The exam itself was available on the internet prior to the actual window of time designated for its administration, the answer key to the exam was made available prior to the completion of the exam, and finally, there were technical glitches that potentially favored some of the students that took the exam via WebAssign. Consequently, we will not be designating winners in any of the normal categories. Rather, we will simply report the scores for each student or team in each division and region.
We recognize that the overwhelming majority of students took the exam fairly and honestly. We also acknowledge the honesty, commitment, and oversight of the teachers/proctors of these students. Thank you to both students and teachers for approaching the exam in the manner in which it is intended. It is because of all of you that the PhysicsBowl continues to be the successful competition that it has always been! Thank you also to both students and teachers for understanding that, in spite of your diligent preparation, hard work, and perseverance, the most that we can report with confidence and integrity is the list of scores as we have them. Due to several factors, both out of our control and potentially impacting the outcome, we cannot provide any rankings beyond the scores that you see.
2022 年物理碗考试成绩!
请注意:不幸的是,今年的 PhysicsBowl 结果不止一种方式受到影响。考试本身在为其管理指定的实际时间窗口之前在互联网上提供,考试的答案密钥在考试完成之前提供,最后,存在可能有利于某些人的技术故障通过 WebAssign 参加考试的学生。因此,我们不会指定任何正常类别的获胜者。相反,我们将简单地报告每个部门和地区的每个学生或团队的分数。
我们认识到绝大多数学生公平诚实地参加了考试。我们也承认这些学生的教师/监考人员的诚实、承诺和监督。感谢学生和老师以预期的方式参加考试。正是因为你们所有人,PhysicsBowl 才能继续成为它一直以来的成功比赛!还要感谢学生和老师的理解,尽管你们努力准备、辛勤工作和坚持不懈,但我们最能自信和正直地报告的就是我们所拥有的分数列表。由于几个因素,我们无法控制并可能影响结果,我们无法提供超出您看到的分数的任何排名。
2022年PHYSICS BOWL物理碗个人D1全球前100名分数成绩公布!
2022年PHYSICS BOWL物理碗D2个人全球前100名分数成绩公布
2022年PHYSICS BOWL物理碗团队D1全球前50名分数成绩公布
2022年PHYSICS BOWL物理碗团队D2全球前50名分数成绩公布
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: yuxi@linstitute.net 沪ICP备2023009024号-1