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这次讲座由我们公司专业的留学咨询师Chris Pecaro进行线上分享!Chris先生毕业于美国哥伦比亚大学,是地道的美籍白人,此次讲座他主要来给大家讲述了申请学校过程中需要注意的一些细节问题,并且详细的介绍了什么样的学生才是招生官心目中理想的申请者。
Hello everyone, this is Chris Pecaro, I made graduate of Columbia University where I was part of the Columbia University's Scholar's Program which is a fellowship for the top 10% of College Applicants.
大家好,我是Chris Pecaro,我是哥伦比亚大学的毕业生,入校时我在所有的申请者中排名前10%,我也因此获得了哥伦比亚大学的奖学金项目赞助。
In this session, I will explain the college admission’s process and also answer any question you may have about the application process to elite universities like the Ivy League schools as well as the elite high schools in America.
Whether you are applying to high school or to college, the process involves 4 or 5 main things, your GPA in terms of grades, your SAT scores or other standardized test scores like ACT or TOEFL, your extracurricular activities, your teacher recommendations, and finally, your essays, a lot people asked me, what is the most important thing here, well, it is hard to really say which is more important than the others, what I would advise is that this is a holistic process where all these aspects are as important as the others.
What I will say is that great SAT scores and great grades can get you into the door, it can get your application onto the desk of the admission office of great universities like Harvard or Yale.
But all of us hear stories every year about students who have perfect SAT scores and 4.
0 GPAs, but they still are not admitted into a top university.
That’s where the more qualifying sides of your application matters once you get on the desk.
The admission officer typically takes 5 min to read your essays and another 5 min to look over your recommendations and extracurricular activities, so that’s where you need to show them that you are interested in and engaged in part of the community.
So when you are preparing for a college or high school application, what I would recommend is to begin, obviously taking your grades seriously throughout the process, and work hard to achieve well academically, but also start very early in the standardized tests prep process, what you don't want is to have a test that you have to take maybe a month before the deadline and it’s going to totally alter your application plan based on what score you get.
I really recommend for students to start early, maybe a year to even begin the first test, and really make sure they know the best score they are really capable of achieving.
While the student cannot forget about achieving great grades and also achieving excellent standardized test scores, they must also make sure that these processes aren’t overweighing what maybe the most important part of the application, which is the qualitative side: they need to find some extracurricular activities that they are passionate about, that they are interested in, and show that they are not only going to be someone who is good to have around class, not just someone who is smart and can do well on test.
But someone who is going to make an impact on their community, someone who is going to be able to build a group or community of people around a common interest or a particular passion.
What I would recommend parents is to encourage your student to follow their passions and dreams.
That may sound a bit contrived, but through my experience working with the admission officers, they can usually tell when a student is taking part of an activity because they love it and that is a passion of theirs, or when they are only taking part of it because their parents are making them doing it every week.
That kind of difference comes out in your essays, in your recommendations, and also in your interviews with colleges.
So, it’s very important to find a student is passionate and curious about what they are doing in the world and what they are learning about.
As far as essays they are very few topics that I would discourage off the bag, any topic can make a great essay, but here is what I will say makes a particularly effective essay, an effective essay is obviously going to use story-telling technics, but it does not have to be the most amazing story anyone has ever thought of, what it can be is making extraordinary observations about one’s ordinary life.
One of the best essays I read this year, for example, was about a student who had been going on jogs for over ten years, jogging itself does not sound like the most interesting topic, in fact, it’s quite ordinary.
But he talked about the process of jogging for years and noticing the ways in which the buildings around him, the skyscrapers in Shanghai were expanding.
And he started to talk about the ways in which technology has a good or bad impact.
So what college admission officers want to see is they want to see the student is feeling and thinking, and can extract strong analytical thoughts and opinions out of the ordinary day, that is going to be the kind of students who are going to be successful in the classroom environment when they pick up the book of Plato, or Ovid, some of the ancient Greek techs, the people are able to see the transcendent aspects, the extraordinary aspects of everyday life, that is what really, for me, sets apart the good essays from the great.
Again, what you have to keep in mind when writing your high school or college essay is, the admission officers are only going to take about 5 min to read your essay.
So, what I recommend to the students is, do anything you can to stand out and appear unique, whether if you are funny, be funny, if you have an interesting story to tell, telling an interesting story.
But it’s very very important that in this brief amount of pages we have, you show yourself as unique, and as thoughtful, and as emotional as possible, those are going to make you the kind of student that they want to be around classroom, and in a dorm and in a college community.
When considering a potential college or high school applicant, an admission officer is asking these things: 1, is the student smart enough to attend the school and get good grades and perform well academically; 2, is the student only there to take test and get good grades or, are they actually curious and passionate about what they are learning, are they going to be the kind of person who is challenging others in the classroom, who is asking important questions, who is trying to expand the sense of what we call “Collective Wisdom”, the question being are they going to be good to have in the classroom.
A potential applicant is not only applying to be a part of classroom but they are also applying to be a part of community, they will be living in the dorms, taking part in the club, starting club, they are going to be active parts of the community.
So, the admission officers want to see that you have leadership abilities, and that you are interested in being positively engaged in a larger community.
More and more, big schools like Columbia and Harvard are pushing this idea of a “Global Citizen”, you are not only interested in making your campus community better, but you are also interested in making a positive impact to the global community.
If you can prove these few things that you are smart, curious, passionate, that you are going to be a person to have around the classroom, and a good person to have around the community, who wants to be a leader, and wants to make a positive difference in the campus community and beyond, you are the ideal college applicant.
So, pursue ways in which you are giving passion and you are giving experiences that can lead to a vision of you who expresses these attributes.
I think the last thing that I want to talk about is the major selection.
We touched upon this with our essays, but remember, there are thousands and thousands of people applying for each space that is being granted in top universities like Ivy League schools.
So, when you are choosing your majors, I think it’s important to show, to express the version of you that is unique to a college admission officer.
So, everyone is trying to be a lawyer, everyone is trying to be a doctor, everyone’s going to do research, are their ways that you can present yourself to separate yourself from the average applicants, that’s going to allow you to stand out.
Most colleges either allow you to declare your major as undecided or change your major once you get to college.
I changed my major 4 times when I was in college, so when you apply for a major, you are not essentially held to that.
For example, whenever I have a student from a Catholic school, I tell them to say that they are interested in studying Latin because Latin departments at schools are notoriously under-staffed and there are more professors than there are students that are taking the classes.
So, I always encourage you to express your interests in less popular majors, and once you get into the college, you can actually pursue Biology, English and whatever major you are interested in initially.
It’s about being strategic with your application admission.
That's the advice that I want to present initially.
If there are any comments or questions about anything about I've said, I would be happy to continue talking about different aspects of the process.
主持人: Hi Chris, thank you so much, it was a great summary of U. S. school admission process.
Can you please give us some advice about——I believe there are a lot of parents who care about this question——how do their kids find a job after graduation from U. S. universities like Ivy League school?
Chris: Because to me, I think a lot of parents want their kids to go to the best schools, but at the same time, we all know not every kid can go to the best school, and even though the kids get into the Ivy League schools, they may not survive.
So please explain, what is actually the best for the kids? Are Ivy League Schools the only solution to landing a successful job in the U.
S? Or are there more important factors that can allow a student to find a job after graduation?
I do have some advice about jobs.
What I would say in the current American job market is, especially at school like Columbia or Harvard, pretty much any Ivy League schools besides Cornell, there are actually very few professional majors, some of them have business, then they all have engineering, but otherwise you can be in Latin major, you can be in French major, you can be in English major, you can be in philosophy or anthropology major.
You have to recognize that those are institutions of higher learning and it's an academic program that you are taking part in.
That's not to say that attending Harvard, Columbia is not going to prepare you to have a job, what typically happens is, if you are in a humanity, you can get a job in business, consulting or education, but the expectation now in the job market is that you are going to be using your opportunities to pursue internships while at school or over the summer, or then also attend graduate schools that specialized in industry or higher learning, and that will allow you to home your professional skills.
This is a really good question Gia thank you for asking.
I know students who didn’t even go to colleges and now they are millionaires by the time of their thirties, and I also know students who had great grades at Ivy League schools, graduated with honors from Columbia and they still don’t really know how to make money and still live with their parents.
So obviously part of this is going to be about your own personality your own ambition and your own ability to network and make a living for yourself, and pursue the skills and talents you have, and utilize them in a way to make a good living.
So, what I would say is, no, not going to an Ivy League school does not mean that you are destined to failure or you are not going to get a good job.
What I will say is that attending an elite school like an Ivy League school or a top 20, 30 schools will make things easier.
Doors are open for me because I went to Columbia that isn’t open for someone if they went to Ohio State in the same way.
Furthermore, just the people that I’ve met throughout my time at Columbia, the friends I’ve made, the professors that I’ve had, the people that I’ve contacted with have been the most valuable aspects that I’ve had in the process.
Because the people that I’ve networked with are highly talented, highly connected and highly successful.
So, I always encourage students to go to schools with the best sense of prestige, because those are where the community will help you succeed academically and professionally.
Q: 请问孩子在美国布兰迪斯商学院学的金融,本科国内上的,专业是人力资源。
A: Here is what I will say: American economy is doing very well right now, we have some of the lowest unemployment (rates) in the past 30 years, especially in financial sectors and places where HR major could be an asset, those industries are expanding and growing very rapidly, Brandeis is a very good school and it has an excellent business program, so no I don't think it will be difficult for your child to find a good job in America, especially in the realm of finance, when you use your marketable skills and HR skills.
So, I got it won’t be a trouble for your child to find a job in America.
Host: Thank you Chris, can you also give some tips of the optimal timeline for the application season, especially the advantage of starting early?
Chris: Sure, for the timeline, whether applying to high school or college, standardized tests should be completed by the Spring before the application whether it's an Early Decision in Nov, or whether it's a regular season around Jan 1st.
I really think that those should all be completed by the Spring before the application season or at latest Summer.
You don't want to be preparing or applying to a college on Nov 1st and you are still taking SAT in early Nov.
You are not going to have an accurate assessment of what your scores and what your potential is as an applicant.
And you need time to be able to make those decisions.
So, what I say is, start in the fall of your junior year taking standardized tests and complete them by the Spring or Summer, and from then on you can work on thinking about your college application choices and your essays.
What I would recommend for essays is, I would have five pages of writing done in different kinds of essays by the end of Aug, that way you will have two months to polish your Early Decision essays for Nov and more months to prepare for regular season essays around Jan 1st.
If you have those 5 pages completed by the end of Summer, you can use a lot of those writings as a baseline or platform, from which you can do a lot of your other writings.
Many of the essays kind of repeat questions, or they focus on similar topics, and there is no reason to write a unique essay for every school, if you already have writing that is applicable, obviously you have to answer the problems as specifically as possible, but what I found as a writing consultant, you can recycle and reuse a lot of the writings so long you have prepared them early, that will make the application process much more easier.
Q: 各位老师好,我孩子今年高考,之前没想出国,但就成绩来说很一般,这种孩子恳请老师给个建议,感谢!
主持人: 相信这也是很多家长所关心的问题,没有谁想让孩子进差学校,但是如果孩子目前成绩一般化,该如何做来申请一个好的学校,并足够在美国立足呢?
Chris: This is a very important question.
I think there is a school for everyone.
There are a couple of different routes you can take, the student can either apply to a lower tier university when they turn 18 and they can perhaps transfer after a couple of years, or there is also a community college route where a student can take classes a year or two at a very inexpensive but normally very fairly good quality local school and gain college credits, and use that experience to apply to a much higher tier college.
I’ve had students who graduated from high school and didn't really have good grades, but they were very motivated to spend efforts working hard in community colleges and were able to make a transition to a higher tier university after a year or two.
What I want to say is that if you are willing to work hard, you can attend a good college at any point of your life, it might not be when you are 18, but it could be when you are 20 or 22, I went to school with 30-year old who went to Columbia for their first time.
So, as long as you are willing to work hard, the opportunity will come to you, you just need to keep trying and keep pushing.
主持人: 感谢Chris今天的演讲,我们从八点半开始到现在九点半,一个小时的时间,Chris带给了我们很有帮助的信息,我相信很多家长也从中受益了。
Chris: Thanks so much everyone, please let me know if you have any further questions.
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