Greetings dear ones.
I am eM.
I join you this day to bring a message of hope to help you understand what is taking place in your own physical body, because changes are at hand.
You are moving, literally elevating yourself, not only vibrationally but physically as well.
You are moving to a point where you can start to carry more light in your body.
These are critical times upon Earth, dear ones.
You have placed yourselves here at this time because you carry something very important for these energies you are moving through. You carry a key element and are part of all that is, these changes that are taking place on Earth right now.
Let us address what is going on in the physical body.
If you look to your news and the events that are taking place globally on your Earth, you will see that there is a massive balancing of masculine and feminine.
This is the reason that I, as a balanced entity, can share with you this message of hope and joy.
Yes, truly it is for you; as you lift the veil you are beginning to see beyond the limitations of the illusions of planet Earth and of a timeframe in humanity.
You are starting to understand more about it as you go forward and become more familiar with the fifth dimensional reality and the new attributes that come with that.
The Scientist of the Heart also spoke about how the physical body is changing and I wish to continue that process, by telling you a little bit about what is possible.
Light Seeds
Dear ones, you have been here before.
You knew you were coming to Earth and you planted seeds along the way.
Now, what does it take to nurture those seeds? Sometimes it is simply an activation and other times it is something that happens that reminds you who you truly are.
You may be driving down the highway and will see a sign on the side of the road that reminds you of something, because of how the words are used together or perhaps some symbol that that triggered a deep memory.
Those are exactly the types of things you placed in your own path before you arrived here.
Those are the seeds planted deeply within your spirit that can help with activation.
Your job is to look for those synchronicities, to discover what we call the cosmic winks that verify your true self.
It may be words you read or a tone you hear, that suddenly strikes your heart as truth.
We ask that when this happens, close the book for just a moment and really breathe that into your being.
Allow the energy to really settle into who you are and emanate from you.
Why? Because it opens your metamorphic shell and allows in more light than you probably ever thought possible.
You are all moving into light body, if you so choose.
That is the process that is slowly taking place on Earth and there are many aspects of this that have opened.
Dear ones, the synchronicities are all around if you start looking.
亲爱的一们,同时性随处可见 ,如果你开始查看
Now, there is an interesting part about this.
Once you find one of these cosmic winks and it shows up in your life, you are more likely to look in another place and see another one.
It is as if you are attuning yourself to see these things that you have planted and recognize the triggers, which will allow you to step into the next level of your own energy and light.
These are magical and literally everywhere on planet Earth.
So, watch for these cosmic winks and place them in yourself.
Know that you can also place them for the people around you.
Although you will not necessarily know what may trigger them, but can encourage them to find these for themselves.
A Synchronistic Lifestyle
You know, dear ones, it was not long ago that many of you started noticing master numbers.
Sometimes you saw 10 10 10 or 11 11, or maybe you looked at the clock and saw 9 11 or 9 9 9.
Those are triggers.
Now what does that mean? Well, perhaps it was always there but you simply didn’t notice it before.
If you consider the way time is kept, especially in the United States, those numbers appear on your clock twice a day so is not necessarily synchronistic.
However, consider what makes you look at the clock exactly at that precise moment.
It is your spirit attuning to the synchronicities around you; that is living a synchronistic lifestyle.
You are learning to live in an entirely different way, which is possible for each one of you because you are in the light.
You have learned how to do this repeatedly.
Dear ones, we tell you that the magic is coming and you will learn to be magical with these cosmic winks.
You will learn how to interpret spirit and trust your channel in a different way.
Yes, some of these validations will be everywhere for you to see.
有时候你看到10 10 10或者11 11,或者你看向时钟,看到9 11或9 9 9。
Over the next several of months you see a lot of these synchronicities and cosmic winks.
Know that they are here to re-affirm that you are on the right path.
And if you are not seeing them, keep your eyes open and watch.
The moment you see the first one, you have a choice whether or not to doubt it.
You can say, “Oh, this is just my imagination. I’m making something up, again.
” Or you can take it as a tap from Spirit on the other side of the veil, a re-minder for you to pay attention, because that is how we talk to you dear ones.
We do not always tell you in so many words exactly what is coming next.
Many times, we simply plant the seeds of an idea with you and we ask you to let it grow.
Then we watch as you nurture it, as you evolve it into something very magical far beyond what you could have done any other way.
The light seeds are with you now and your spirit has many of these that you are re-membering.
From a physical level, as the Scientist of the Heart has said, there is much happening on planet Earth right now with a tremendous amount of clearing of the physical levels.
You are almost to the other side of that and you will see much more of this process continue.
But let us explain one piece of this that might be helpful to know as you step forward, especially as you start looking for these synchronicities and these cosmic winks in your life.
Signature Vibration
Each part of your physical body has a vibration.
You can see that very clearly if you look at your hands.
The front of your finger has a different vibration than the fingernail, which is much denser.
Yes, the vibration is much higher on your nail than it is on the front of your finger.
Yet your whole hand has a collective vibration.
In truth, your entire body has a collective vibration that we call your signature vibration.
Your signature vibration can be triggered in many ways.
It can be triggered by seeing or hearing something.
It can often be triggered by reading or experiencing something that reminds you of a time when you had that signature vibration flowing freely from every part of your being.
That takes you Home again into vibrant health; that is possible now more than ever before.
It is part of what we will be doing with the signature seed, the spirit seed vibrations and activations.
All of you can benefit from this in different ways, because now your body is ready to receive these again.
We encourage you to develop the habit of seeking and reaching for these synchronicities, writing them down or grounding them in some way.
Even as you tell your friends about something that happened today, you begin a synchronistic lifestyle that allows you to find the path of least resistance through almost any difficulty that you can imagine.
These are times of great change on your planet and you are absolutely a part of this.
So, with this knowing, find your own energy.
Discover the songs that resonate with you, those with an energy tone that really means something to you.
Read the things that bring your heart to the surface, and allow yourself to see the synchronicities in the road signs as you drive down the highway.
When you feel something triggered, close the book for a moment and fully digest the meaning of the words.
Develop a habit of looking for synchronicities, for we will speak to each one of you through these moments.
Many of these seeds you have planted yourself.
Before you ever came into this body, you placed crystals on your path to find at the perfect time of your evolution.
The other crystals simply allow us to communicate with you and to tell you the easiest path.
We share with you your highest vibration, to help bring you back into joy whenever possible through the process of what you are doing.
Keep Your Eyes Open
You have reached a new level on planet Earth, dear ones, and you are grounding in a new way.
These are magical times for each one of you, and we salute you.
Yes, you are doing very well.
However, we know that there is much difficulty and strife at this time.
There is a tremendous wave of separation on your planet now; everyone seems to be taking care of only themselves and not worrying about the unity consciousness at all.
That will change and shift, for you are literally at the level of opening up these doors and possibilities, but it is going to take every single one of you to accomplish this.
That is why we share with you what this information and what you are starting to go through.
It can influence your body, emotions, and your own energies.
It also impacts the way you work with life and experience joy, which is the piece that we want to see returned to each one of you.
Yes, that light in your eyes when you get excited.
We can show that to you through the cosmic winks which are now all around you.
All you need to do, dear ones, is keep your eyes open.
We will be speaking to you through these cosmic winks, so recognize and celebrate that.
You will hear much from the other side of the veil as time goes forward, for it is actually a thinning of the veil that you are experiencing.
You have earned it, dear ones. You have reached a level where you can start listening in a new way.
It is with the greatest of honor that I share this with you.
Celebrate humanity reaching these beautiful levels of light and being able to change all the history that you have had on the planet.
You now have the opportunity to step into a more empowered society for each and every one of you.
We leave you with three simple reminders: to treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play well together.
I am eM.
通灵:Steve & Barbara Rother
翻译:Nick Chan
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