• 132: Startup Entrepreneurship
• 220: Personality + Behavioral Psychology
• W301: Fencing
• W303: Basketball for Boys
• HAR: Harvard
• 320: Forensic Science
• 415: Fictional Criminal Psychology
• W540: A Cappella
• W514: Volleyball
• W532: Philosophy + Ethics
该夏令营项目由美国探索学校自1977年开始举办,迄今已有40多年历史。美国探索学校是一家非营利性组织,1976年成立,创始人是Ann和Arnie Singal。
【主 办 方】: 美国探索学校(非营利机构)
【夏令营地点】:耶鲁大学(Yale University)
校园介绍:耶鲁大学是一所坐落于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文的世界著名私立研究型大学,是美国东北部老牌名校联盟“常青藤联盟(Ivy League)”的成员,也是八所常春藤盟校中最重视本科教育的大学之一。
作为美国最具影响力的私立大学之一,耶鲁大学是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,其本科学院与哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学本科生院齐名,历年来共同角逐美国大学本科生院美国前三名的位置,位列2016-17年US News美国大学本科排名第3(与芝加哥大学并列)。
【语言要求】: 英语听说读写流利,须具备中高级英语水平,以保证能够顺利地参加到全部课程和活动中;入营后还将对国际学生进行语言考核,如果不能达到该项目标准,将协调安排学生参加适合英语水平为初级、中级水平的活动中,如英语学习营(因需额外付费会征求家长同意)或者调整到其他英语程度要求相对较低课程等。
【报名材料】: 报名表,推荐信,国际学生进行skypy面试等
【学分信息】: 无学分
7:00 | 早餐 |
8:30 | 集合 |
9:00 | 上午的学术课程 第一节课(9:00 - 10:30) 第二节课 (11:00 - 12:30) |
12:30 | 午餐 |
13:45 | 宿舍组活动 (周二、三、五) 研讨会(周一、四) |
14:45 | 下午的学术课程或运动私教课 |
15:45 | 自由活动 |
16:45 | 下午活动和自选工作坊 |
18:00 | 晚餐 |
19:45 | 集合 |
20:00 | 晚间活动 |
10:30 | 回到宿舍 |
6:30 | 早餐 |
7:00-12:00 | 周末外出活动 |
18:00 | 晚餐 |
20:30 | 集合 |
20:30-11:00 | 晚间活动 |
11:00 | 回到宿舍 |
NBC Studio Tour NBC公司参观
Mystic Aquarium 水族馆
Paintball 彩弹设计
Bike Tour 单车游
Six Flags 大型主题游乐园
Chelsea Market Food Tour 切尔西市场美食之旅
Silo Cooking School 烹饪学校
Blue Man Group 兰色军团表演
Museum of Modern Art 现代艺术博物馆
The Lion King 狮子王
Metropolitan Museum of Art 大都会艺术博物馆
White Water Rafting 漂流
Yankees + Red Sox Baseball 扬基队+红袜队比赛
Hammonasset Beach 海滩
Julia's 8 years at camp were, without adoubt, life-changing. The open and accepting atmosphere that the camp marketingmaterials promote is real. After many efforts to find summer activities for herthat all fell flat, camp delivered everything it promised and more. Year afteryear, we have watched Julia grow as a person. She developed a broad andinclusive world view through her interactions with kids from many places andwith many perspectives and life experiences.
My daughter grew leaps and bounds in selfconfidence. She ventured beyond her comfort level to experience new andexciting things. Moreover, she did a little forward thinking which enabled herto learn things about herself that she was unaware of and encouraged her to notto limit herself.
I've always felt that there's somethingreally magical about camp. There are very few scenarios that I can think ofwhere it is possible to walk up to a random person and start a conversationwithout any awkwardness. Not only is this possible at camp, in a way, it isexpected; everyone wants to meet as many people as they can. The kids who makethe conscious decision to attend camp are the type of people who will inventthe next Facebook, put humans on Mars, or become the leader of their country.Not only are these people intellectually curious and motivated, they have theinterpersonal skills to work with a group and accomplish a task. As much as Iloved my classes, what has stuck with me more than anything are the greatfriendships I made at camp. Having the opportunity to meet people from all overthe world also really amazed me. For the first time, I was meeting people fromthese "far away places" I had learned about in school.
Thank you so much for providing a safe andcomfortable environment in which to explore and try new things. I know Jamesbenefits greatly from this program, and we are grateful.
6 years, 11 sessions, a million memories. Thisprogram changed who I am.
Camp has been the highlight of Shannon'slife. It has opened up a window to the world for her that quite possibly savedher sanity ... if not her life. Not everyone is cut out for small towns, smallschools or small ideas and Shannon NEEDED something like camp so that she couldsee the light at the end of the tunnel, that there is something else out therefor her. I think the camp has taught her to not be afraid; afraid of beingalone, afraid of being far from home, afraid to meet new people but mostimportantly to afraid of getting stuck in place.
I cannot say enough positive things aboutthis amazing program! I have recommended it to everyone I know. My youngerdaughters are interested in attending as well. It really gives high schoolstudents a true taste of college, with just enough supervision and parametersso that they stay safe and are not overwhelmed. We are looking forward to nextsummer!
This was my son Yared's second summer at camp.Each time he has stepped off the return plane from Boston, not only can he notstop talking about his summer at Explo, but he can't stop talking aboutreturning the next summer (still). This means so much to me, especially as asingle working parent, to know deep-down that my child is safe and exactlywhere he is at his best and happiest for three weeks whole weeks. This summer,in particular, Yared returned home with a new strong sense of how to take careof himself (without my having to say so) and of showing care and concern forothers. Living with and negotiating a space with a roommate has also been afantastic area of growth for him. And not only did he come home with a stronginterest in his chosen subjects—he participated in Model U.N. this summer andnow can't wait to participate in high school—but new interests, as well: Nextyear Yared wants to study medicine. His interest in and pursuit of studyingMandarin is a direct result of his living with roommates from China bothsummers. How fantastic is that! As a parent I couldn't be happier—or feelluckier. Thank you!
The experience offered at camp is anexponentially valuable experience. What a gift to expose kids to many differentpeople from many different geographical areas and gaining the benefit of beingexposed to different cultures, attitudes, religions and thought processeswithout having had to travel worldwide. The opportunity to engage with oneanother in an environment of their peers without the influence of their parentsallows them to come together based solely on mutual respect and interest whichis not colored by biases, world issues, or conflict.
Thank you for providing my daughter withanother amazing summer experience. The amount she learned and experienced in a3 week period of time is unreal. I cannot say enough about how great I thinkthis program is, for promoting responsibility and self dependence, learning newthings and skills, experiencing life from the eyes of friends from othercountries, and for all around having a lot of fun! Thank you.
It was a lot of fun for Ryan and he camehome happy which is gold to me. He also formed very intense friendships, moreso than at school, probably bc they just have more time together and morerelaxed. It is sort of like the college experience where bc of living,eatingtogether, strong friendships are formed.
We are SO GRATEFUL for the scholarshipFelicia received this year. She would not have been able to attend without it. Thisprogram has been the most significant educational experience of her life, shesays, and has nothing but incredible, warm memories of all three years inattendance. She would be a tremendous marketing ambassador for the program, ifyou need her. She truly loves it, and I love seeing her so happy. We are very,very thankful for all you have done for us.
You all did a fantastic job, Hannah stayedfor many evening events and took advantage of the field trips and overnight aswell. She made great friends from the Boston area and overseas as well. It wasa whirlwind and she loved every minute of it. She cannot wait to attend Wellesleynext year. You and your staff went above and beyond our expectations and mindyou we came from a private day camp as well. Thank you to all.
Ortho was everything that my daughter hadhoped for and MORE! To say that she had an incredible experience is anunderstatement. She has always been interested in orthopedics, but now she iseven more motivated, determined, and passionate about pursuing a career in thisfield. Thank you for inspiring my daughter!
I was very emotional when I came to pick upmy child. It was amazing to observe every child around her giving her a hug andsinging. My child felt love at the camp. I truly like it and appreciate thecamp and the staff even more.
Mamoun attended English camp at Wellesleyand has come back to us as a changed boy. In addition to impressively improvinghis English, he is so much more mature, independent, and confident. Usuallyprone to homesickness, he only spoke to us three times during his entire stayand when we came to pick him up by the end of the session, he was crying as hedidn't want to leave his friends. Thank you! Thanks to the amazing staff,Mamoun will definitely come back.
I attended the program over 20 years ago,and I am thrilled to see how the program has evolved. And my daughter justloved it — this year even more than last.
She loved all aspects of it. She told menumerous times that the staff were super nice. She loved meeting new friendsfrom all over the world. She loved the independence and still talks aboutwishing to be back at camp!
I can't say enough good things about theprogram. This was the second year my daughter attended, and her first timeboarding (both sessions), even though we only reside about 30 minutes away. Thestaff and the curriculum are amazing(!) and provide a great opportunity to theparticipants for personal and intellectual growth. My daughter had a wonderfultime and met students from many places around the world. She is counting thedays until she returns next summer and is already planning to participate in yourprogram at Yale and Wellesley. Keep up the good work!
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