Theory of Knowledge (TOK) 是IB的三大核心课程之一,可能也是无数IB学子极端头疼的一个科目。
借TD的平台,我就谈谈我对TOK的理解,以及how to survive it。
就拿自然科学举例子吧,我们如何知道我们对自然现象的解读是真实的呢?现代科学所依赖的“科学方法论”(scientific methodology)是从哪些层面向我们确认“自然科学”的真实性呢?这就牵涉到一个TOK术语,paradigm shift,即人类文明在认知层面上发生的转变。
宗教解释世界的方式又是因为什么原因被 early modern时期的“科学家”所挑战的?
还是太抽象是不是?抽象化思考是TOK所鼓励的,但抽象的结论最后还是要基于实际的案例,行话就是Real Life Situation(下文简称RLS)。
我不喜欢把TOK reduce成应试的套路,因为每个人从TOK得到的收获都是属于自己的。
可以说,TOK是一个deep humane quest,要求学生放下自己的傲慢与偏见,体贴地去考察一个又一个的perspective,就算这个perspective和我们自己的想法是天差地别,尽自己的可能带入语境,确保自己有足够的理解后再做判断。
TOK的Knowledge Question
为了引导学生去反思,TOK格外强调我们要问Knowledge Question。
相信不少人对Knowledge Question是有爱又恨。
Namely,Knowledge Question有以下特点:about knowledge,open-ended,以及general——不是所有疑问句加个to what extent就是knowledge question!
About Knowledge就是要对“知识生产”的整个过程进行考量,考量的角度可以涉及方方面面。
首先,每个area of knowledge的知识生产都是会有一个系统的方法(methodology),这个方法需要哪些assumptions,知识的精准度、普适性、呈现方式和这个方法又有什么关系。
其次,这个研究方法有用到怎样的ways of knowing,这些ways of knowing又有哪些自身的限制,研究方法如何应对ways of knowing自身的缺陷,ways of knowing是怎样在这个area of knowledge的方法论中达成互补的。
最后,知识生产出来以后是如何被认为是真实的,valid knowldge的标准是什么,不同area of knowledge之间的标准又有怎样的相似性和差异性,知识被认为真实之后是如何传播的,传播中间有没有什么偏见(bias),知识的真实性是如何在传播中间被一步步减弱/加强的。
一个Knowledge Question是需要不同的perspective,在argument和counter-argument的反复折磨下进行深入探讨的。
画重点:一个Knowledge Question完完全全可以不用to what extent开头!
General这个要求是顺着About Knowledge这条线下来的,就是要broad enough to argue,但又不能too broad to sufficiently argue,怎样的general才是恰到好处的general是一门学问。
个人的经验是可以去“About Knowledge”中提到的各个角度找,如果可以用一个特定的角度来frame knowledge question,一般就okay。
但注意:general不代表着能vague,不是说迷迷糊糊问一个大概是关于knowledge的question然后能找到东西瞎扯就是一个好的knowledge question。
怎样学习提Knowledge Question呢?最好的方法是恐怕还是模仿范例、结合RLS来practice,再根据以上说的三条标准和同学、老师、甚至是自己研究探讨。
费了吃奶的劲,终于想出了一个RLS对应的Knowledge Question,终于挣扎着选好了脑回路仿佛在异次元的Essay Prompt,可自己给自己挖的坑该怎么填啊?!!!
TOK Essay
对比一下Level 4和Level 5我们可以发现,Level 5只是以一个更为卓越的要求涵盖了几乎所有Level 4的元素。
所以IB学子能做的,只有对得起自己的努力,至于到底自己的努力又没有达到Level 5的标准某种程度上也是玄学。
鄙人不才,TOK最后拿个了B,大概也就是Level 3-4的水准吧,所以也就只能带大家翻译翻译一篇Satisfactory Level的TOK Essay需要哪些要素。
首先,我们要理解Prompt所关注的knowledge issue,并围绕这个knowledge issue写argument去回答与prompt紧密相关、并能推进针对knowledge issue进行讨论的knowledge question。
这个knowledge question可以是隐藏于文章的argumentation中,但建议还是直接了当地行文中提出。
" In the production of knowledge, traditions of areas of knowledge offer correctives for ways of knowing. " To what extent do you agree with this statement?
How does thetradition of collecting empirical evidence in natural science enhance the objectivity of the knowledge produced by the ways of knowing that involve subjectivity?
How does creating definitions reduce the drawbacks of sense perception and intuition?
学会切题回答是IB相当看重的一个品质,也是诸如Chinese A Paper 2 Response,Eng B Paper 2 Section B这些assessment需要注意的地方。
我的两只Knowledge Question就切着tradition和ways of knowing两只关键词写作。
下一组关键词:linked to area of knowledge and ways of knowing.也就是说,TOK Essay需要学生利用TOK的专属词汇进行论证。
使用专属名词能提升文章的clarity和precision,写文章要是时时刻刻把这些专业名词铭记于心,免得扯得太high,跑偏了,洋洋洒洒800字都不是About Knowledge的,这就很要命了。
TOK的专业名词是构建TOK specific argument的guidance,具体的argument呢,则需要RLS来support。
在rubric中,Level 4与Level 5对RLS的要求是evaluate,要求是批判性地论证,能做到acknowledge所用的RLS对于argument所存在的limitation,pros and cons,assumptions等等。
继续拿自己的TOK Essay举例,我的第一个argument就是讲sense perception的主观性是如何通过empirical evidence的普适性来得以纠正的。
Sense perception candeviate from individual from individual; in order to develop a consensus,a commonly agreed standard needs to be established in natural science.
As a result, quantitative data is collected as empirical evidence to enhance the accuracy of qualitative observations.
Qualitative data is descriptive.In a titration experiment, a sudden change from colorless to pale pink can be regarded as the end point.
Then we record the volume of chemicals and do the calculations, which is inaccurate because different degrees of pale pink contribute to data fluctuations.
However, if the pH value is recorded, we can draw a pH curve with actual numbers to illustrate the ending of the titration reactionsusing mathematics.
Instead of calling it “pale pink”, we can now say that using 20.0 mL of chemical A, we can obtain the solution of pH 7 which signifies the precise ending of the titration.
Therefore, quantitative figures provide us with a reliable source to specify what we are sensing. Empirical evidence corrects the vagueness of sense perception.
这一段的开头,我点明了sense perception的主观性的由来,指出了commonly agreed standard的必要性。
我通过quantitative data和qualitative data这两类数据的对比,来论证commonly agreed standard。
接下来,我用的RLS是IB化学臭名昭著的“滴定实验”,把quantitative data和qualitative data的作用apply到这个RLS上进行论证,最后得出结论。
首先,在试图quantify sense perception的时候,我们需要借助instrumentation,而pH probe在测量时的精度则是empirical evidence所面临的limitation。
换句话说,当我们采用quantitative data来纠正观察的主观性,其有效程度必须要将测量的误差进行考量。
其次,数学在量化中的作用也没能很好地articulate,我们为什么对pH calculation的信任大过于对于recorded volume的信任,数学的运算是怎样的一个commonly agreed standard。
要对应着rubric,我这个大概只能算是Level 3,arguments are clear and supported by examples。
光有正面的argument是不够的,rubric明确指出我们需要counterclaims和different perspectives。
Again,satisfactory level要求这俩关键词的存在,评分表越往上走对这两个aspect的要求就越高。
Logical reasoning provides a verification for results obtained via intuition.
Intuition cannot be replaced due to its speed to generate knowledge.
TOK的counterclaim都是针对knowledge question的counterclaim,不一定是对前文claim的直接否定。
所以我们回到最初我们要回应的essay prompt,如果我说logical reasoning能纠正intuition的错觉,那么什么是logical reasoning不能纠正的就可以是我们的counterclaim。
Judgement of “what is ethical” is intrinsic in any justice system.
History plays an important role in justice system.
One might argue that since the field of ethics is based in intuition and logic, that which is ethical does not change over time.
这是一篇满分范文,作者在第一和第二个claim中,用ethics和history两种perspective来体查knowledge regarding justice。
至此,我们已经过完了TOK Essay的重要元素。
万事开头难,TOK Essay的开头需要学生自己解释prompt中的knowledge issue,给出关键词的核心定义,解释prompt背后的假设和暗示,概述文章会涉及的领域及论证思路,最后得出一个中心的论点。
“There is no reason why we cannot link facts and theories across disciplines and create a common groundwork of explanation.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Interdisciplinary studies are often utilized as a route to creating broad frameworks of explanation. Interdisciplinary studies connect theories and facts across disciplines.
这就是作者对于题目自己的解释,并点名这篇论文的论证视角是interdisciplinary studies。
A theory may be defined as an understanding which is justified by sufficient evidence, and although it has not been disproven, still retains some level of doubt. A fact, meanwhile, may be defined as information which is justified beyond doubt.
TOK Essay不欢迎字典定义,因为字典的“权威定义”往往会忽略知识的复杂性。
Knowledge includes, but is not limited to, facts and theories. The interdisciplinary synthesis of facts and theories from ethics and history are linked to form the basis for modern justice systems.
Similarly, facts and theories from mathematics and natural science are linked for the creation ofmedical technology. However,
discrepancies may exist when trying to link facts and theories across all disciplines.
For example, religious knowledge systems may advocate justice systems that contradict widely accepted norms for human rights.
Also, diseases defined as biologically “incurable” may be viewed as reversible by indigenous knowledge systems.
最后,thesis statement:
Therefore, although related facts and theories can sometimes be linked across areas of knowledge to create a common groundwork of explanation, there are also some discrepancies in which areas of knowledge contradict one another.
以上所有讲的内容都适用于TOK Presentation!
这是Guide上给出的大体流程,我们可以发现,TOK Presentation是个圈。
IB学子先要自己找RLS,然后提取Knowledge Question,分析回应Knowledge Question,得出结论,并用这个结论来再次体察原先提出的RLS,并且应用于新的一个RLS。
Presentation的一大痛点可能是如何找合适的RLS、以及如何把Knowledge Question从RLS中抽象出来。
如果你还在DP1,基于自己的兴趣与激情去探索吧,接触各种新奇古怪、冲击三观的knowledge issues。
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