托福口语和雅思口语哪个更难啊?这个问题就好像你问我:普林斯顿和耶鲁哪一个更难申请啊?都很难,难到不分伯仲。 回到我们今天的主题,托福转雅思口语备考,如何用托福口语材料解决雅思口语的part 3问题。
OK, without further ado.Let’s check out this question here.What’s the relationship between the toy industry and children’s films?
所以,要想打开格局,咱们得先看一个托福口语task 3的阅读材料:
An effective, widely used marketing practice in the entertainment industry is entertainment merchandising. Entertainment merchandising is a form of marketing in which the brand or image from one product is also used to sell another. The practice of entertainment merchandising often occurs in connection with movies and television shows, especially those associated with children. For example, the success of a popular children’s television show may result in the marketing of toys that are designed to look like characters in the show or the situation may be reversed when a children’s television show is written to include characters that are based on already popular toys.
An effective, widely used marketing practice in the entertainment industry is entertainment merchandising.
Entertainment merchandising is a form of marketing in which the brand or image from one product is also used to sell another.
The practice of entertainment merchandising often occurs in connection with movies and television shows, especially those associated with children.
For example, the success of a popular children’s television show may result in the marketing of toys that are designed to look like characters in the show or the situation may be reversed when a children’s television show is written to include characters that are based on already popular toys.
解释到这儿,我相信,同学们肯定就能够理解children’s films和the toy industry的关系了,我来给大家开个头,接下来你就可以用到刚才的阅读啦。
So, by and large, children’s films and the toy industry are prone to mutually affect each other. It’s indicative of a typical phenomenon of entertainment merchandising.
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