在做托福听力 conversation 细节题时,会遇到这样的问题:上课基本可以听懂做对,但是对话反而总错1-2道题,分数徘徊在 20-23上下,很难提高。今天和大家一起来分析下,为什么你的对话总是漏听细节,有什么做对题的技巧?
题目:What is the professor's opinion about Sills's production of The Blue Light?
A. He thinks that it was an inventive and powerful performance.
B. He believes that the use of some props would have enhanced the performance.
C. He thinks that the theme is even more relevant today than it was in the 1960s.
D. He believes that it was less effective stylistically than some of Stephenson's plays.
原文: Student: But weren't you…um, audiences…bothered that the actors were performing on a bare stage?
Professor: Well, story theatre is a departure from traditional dramatic theater…with its realistic, elaborate props and scenery. But Sills could make us "see"… say, a big, tall mountain…through the facial expressions and body movements of the actors—and their telling of the story. We were all swept up, energized by such an innovative approach to theater—even if one or two of the critics weren't as enthusiastic.
正解:这里教授在介绍完Sills的艺术表达形式之后,提到:We were all swept up, energized by such an innovative approach to theater—even if one or two of the critics weren't as enthusiastic.
这里面swept up是形容词用法,表示沉醉。如果不认识,可以通过后面并列的energized去理解。以及后面innovative approach 和 even if one or two of the critics weren't as enthusiastic 都可以感受到教授觉得Sill’s approach非常赞。因此,选A。
题目:What does the student imply about her current work at the circulation desk?
A. She already keeps track of the specific tasks she does.
B. She occasionally has nothing to do.
C. She is too busy to learn new tasks.
D. She appreciates being able to study at work.
Supervisor: So, right now you check out books for students, bond the returned books, and sort them by categories so the stock team could put them back on the shelves. Anything else?
Student: No, that's about it.
Supervisor: Okay well, we’re expanding that job to have you do some other tasks too. So, going forward you’ll also help students locate books on the shelves, and put returned books in their proper places on the shelves.
Student: Oh, that would be good! There're times that I sit at the desk just waiting for students to come by to check out or return books.
最后叮嘱大家在听对话的时候,尽量把自己带入到对话中,主要听听双方说了什么?为什么要这么说呢?放下笔,放松心态,对话就会变得 easy 很多啦。
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