1. 物理碗真题与解析
《生活大爆炸》都看过吧,有一集剧情是这样的,一群物理学霸们参加“Physics Bowl”,结果谢尔顿一拨人+莱斯利完全看不懂,不是不会,是完全看不懂。
1. A candle, a converging lens and a white screen are placed in a line with the lens between the candle and the screen. A distance of 72 cm separates the candle and screen. As the lens is moved to all points between the candle and the screen, only one focused image of the candle can be made on the screen. What is the focal length of the converging lens?
(A) 12 cm
(B) 18 cm
(C) 24 cm
(D) 36 cm
(E) It cannot be determined without knowing the location of the lens when the focused image is produced.
2. In a mixture of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen gases at room temperature, the molecules having the greatest average speed are those of (A) Hydrogen (B) Oxygen (C) Nitrogen (D) All have the same speed (E) It depends upon the composition of the mixture
3. Consider a traveling wave on a string of length L, mass M, and tension T. A standing wave is set up. Which of the following is true?
(A) The wave velocity depends on M, L, T.
(B) The wavelength of the wave is proportional to the frequency.
(C) The velocity of a given particle in the string is equal to the wave velocity.
(D) The wavelength is proportional to T.
(E) The frequency depends upon L.
4. A lump of clay whose rest mass is 4.0 kg is traveling at three-fifths of the speed of light when it collides head-on with an identical lump going in the opposite direction at the same speed. If the two lumps stick together and no energy is radiated away, what is the mass of the composite lump?
(A) 4.0 kg
(B) 6.4 kg
(C) 8.0 kg
(D) 10.0 kg
(E) 13.3 kg
2. 关于“物理碗”
“物理碗”(PhysicsBowl)是由美国物理教师协会(American Association of Physics Teachers, AAPT) 主办的高中物理学术活动。该项赛事是美国国内影响力很高的高中物理学术活动,每年约有1万名美国学生参加比赛,还有其他11个国家超过500所著名高中参加。
学术活动日期:2022年3月26日(周六) 14:00-14:45
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