1. The shafts were constructed for ventilation to bring fresh air to workers labored inside to breathe. 通风作用
2. The shafts, especially those in the king’s tomb, were positioned in relation to stars which were linked to particular gods for religious reasons. 宗教原因
3. Ancient builders may have built shafts as passageways or openings for the king’s spirit to enter the afterlife. 死后升天的通道
1. Although the shafts from the upper chamber reached the out wall of the pyramids, those coming from the lower chamber stopped several meters before they reach the outside, which means shafts from lower chamber couldn’t bring air from outside. All four shafts were quite similar to each other so it is very likely that they were for the same purpose. 下面的通道其实在墙里面距离外面几米的地方就阻断了
2. The relationship between stars and gods were established in the later years, well after the time when the great pyramid was built. Meanwhile, records from earlier ancient period did not mention strong connections between stars and gods. 星星与神仙连接起来,其实是有金字塔之后的事情
3. Ancient Egyptians didn’t believe the spirit needed shafts to travel through. The reason was that Egyptians constructed many pyramids for their kings and they built only symbolic passageways, false doors onto the surface of the walls which actually did not open. 门其实都是被封死的,是象征意义
You may choose between two professors who will be teaching a course that you must take at your university. If the following statements are the only information available to you about the differences between the two professors, which professor would you choose? Why?
1. Some professors who are voted to be the most popular.
2. Some professors who are rewarded for outstanding research.
Some people like to record experiences by photos or diaries while others don’t. What’s your opinion and why? Use specific reasons and example to support your response.
内容:Online math tutoring
术语:Vertical Migration
根据员工sale items 数量来发工资的2个缺点:
1. 女学生找教授问考试范围,并且讨论对于濒危物种的保护。老师有提及一种特殊现象并用蜜蜂举例。
2. 女学生教孩子们“三姐妹系统”。提及对于农业感兴趣的原因以及老师建议她去周围农村做一下志愿者。
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1. 地理隔离和自然选择导致分化形成新物种
2. 讲美国文化从英国独立(文学和美术层面)
3. 关于英国的coins
4. sea ice的形成
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