Kyle Kisicki
Senior Educational Consultant
Kyle Kisicki以“本·富兰克林学者身份”毕业于宾大哲学专业。
在宾大哲学系和Philadelphia Futures的合作实验中,作为分析性写作指导深入研究教育学方法论,帮助学生提高写作能力。
When discussing campus culture at American universities with students from across the globe, a topic that frequently comes up is Greek life.
Named for the letters of the Greek alphabet, this cultural facet of college life is unique to American campuses.
For high-school students in China as well as the US, fraternities and sororities are a mysterious, mythologized concept.
In movies, these organizations are often portrayed with raucous Dionysian festivals; in the news, they are often seen as dangerous due to a lack of effective oversight.
As someone who spent four years with mixed feelings in a fraternity during my time at Penn, I think that this media portrayal ignores the nuanced role that Greek life plays on college campuses.
每当我与来自世界各地的学生讨论美国大学的校园文化时,一个主题总会被提到:“希腊生活”(Greek Life)。
作为一个在宾夕法尼亚大学待了四年,有着在兄弟会里酸甜苦辣的经历的人,我认为当今的媒体对“Greek Life”的描绘忽略了它在美国大学校园各个角落扮演的更丰富的角色。
The designation “Greek life” is an umbrella term that is used to identify extracurricular societies---gendered clubs known as “fraternities” for men and “sororities” for women.
These groups operate nationally, with chapters at various schools across the country.
A large fraternity could have over 200 chapters, but most have a smaller national presence.
Although Greek organizations are predominantly social clubs, there are also co-educational Greek organizations that exist specifically for philanthropy, professional networking, academic achievement, and religious/ethnic heritage.
“Greek Life”作为一个总体概括的术语,曾被用于识别课余生活俱乐部。
尽管这些“Greek Life”组织基本都是社交团体,但也有一些以慈善、职业网络、学术成就和宗教/种族文化为核心,不分性别的“Greek Life”组织。
New students typically “rush”—the process of selecting an organization to join—during their freshman year.
This initial process varies from school to school, and also between fraternities and sororities.
At Penn, rush occurs at the beginning of the second semester to allow new students some time to get used to the academic environment before committing.
The first period begins with “open rush,” in which all university students are invited to participate in social gatherings at the various fraternities’ chapter-houses.
The “brothers” of each house provide catered food from local restaurants to entice potential initiates.
After a period of open rush, the fraternities become more exclusive and issue invitations for interesting candidates to return for “closed rush” events.
With little university oversight, the Greek organizations throw events off-campus to impress candidates, such as going to sporting events, playing games, and partying.
As the closed rush period goes on, fewer and fewer candidates are invited to return to the event while the fraternity deliberates on their favorite candidates.
For women, the rush period is different; students visit each sorority house in rotation during the open rush period.
At the culmination of the process, fraternities and sororities issue “bids”—acceptance offers—to their favorite candidates.
When the candidates select their favorite organization, they are then seen to be “pledges” —new initiates.
As pledges, students generally undergo a series of trials to demonstrate their commitment to the group.
This is known as “hazing” and can sometimes be illegal and dangerous.
However, many organizations have strict rules to prevent this activity.
My personal advice is to remember that you’re in control during this process and can leave at any time.
大学新生一般都会在大学第一年的时候“rush”(一个选择加入“Greek Life”组织的过程 )。
第一阶段叫做“open rush”。
在此期间,所有大学学生都会受邀参加一些在兄弟会会所(“chapter houses”)里举行的社交活动。
每个兄弟会的兄弟们(“brothers”)都会用当地餐馆供应的酒菜来吸引未来成员(“potential initiatives”)。
在“open rush”一段时间之后,兄弟会们就会变得更加排外,只邀请一些他们认为有意思的成员“initiatives”来参加名叫“closed rush”的活动。
随着“closed rush”阶段的进行,越来越少的兄弟会候选人会被再次邀请参加活动;与此同时,兄弟会自己也在商榷、挑选他们最喜欢的候选人。
在“open rush”阶段,女生们会轮流逐个参观每个姐妹会会所,在拜访中同步增强姐妹会和候选人互相的了解。
Once initiated into the organization, the group fosters a distinct, institutional type of social life at university.
Sororities and fraternities throw fun parties, concerts, and philanthropy events together.
The immediate benefit of joining one of these organizations is the social network that it will introduce you to.
However, like any large group, fraternities and sororities can be political and clique-y.
A newcomer at university will be introduced to many new people and activities by joining a Greek organization.
For this reason, fraternities and sororities are generally the most relevant during a student’s freshman and sophomore year.
By the time that students are upperclassmen, they typically have developed strong friend groups outside of their Greek organizations.
一个大学新生会通过加入一个“Greek Life”组织从而认识很多新的人和活动。
当学生已经大三、大四的时候,他们通常已经与在“Greek Life”组织之外的人建立了深厚的友谊。
This article is not to say that you should feel pressured to join one of these many clubs.
Whether or not you think they sound appealing is up to you.
Ultimately, I joined a fraternity because my father did the same when he was in school; although it was his favorite aspect of college life, I found that the experience was not necessarily for me.
I enjoyed my time in the club, but I learned that Greek life can be difficult to navigate and shouldn’t be taken too seriously.
At some schools, a majority of students participate in Greek life, at others it is a minuscule fraction.
Either way, you do not need to join one to have a social experience in college.
If you have an interest in something, I’m sure there are many ways to find your passion and pursue it socially at university.
For me, I enjoyed organizing concerts as a part of student government.
The opportunities are endless!
这篇文章的目的并不是让你一定要加入一个“Greek Life”组织。
虽然兄弟会是我爸爸大学生活中最喜欢的一个部分,我个人经历并不是这样的:我享受我待在这个组织中的日子,但是我也认识到了“Greek Life”有时会比较难掌控,也没有必要被过度重视。
在一些学校里,很大一部分学生都参加“Greek Life”;在其它的学校,可能只有极少数的人参加。
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