Section 1- Mining diamonds in Botswana
Botswana is the world’s largest producer of diamonds. Indeed, in 2015 diamonds accounted for a third of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of US$18 billion and for 80% of the country’s exports.
The country currently gets most of its income from mining and selling rough (uncut) diamonds. It receives only US$700 for a 1.5 carat rough diamond. The diamond is then cut, polished and finished, usually in other countries. India is the market leader in cutting and polishing diamonds. The cost of cutting and polishing diamonds in India is only a quarter of the cost in Botswana. The global average cost of finishing a 1.5 carat diamond is US$8000. The diamond is sold to the customer with a 25% profit margin.
Botswana is trying to develop industries connected with diamond mining, such as cutting, polishing and jewellery making including diamond rings. Fig. 1 shows how the global market for diamond rings changed in 2015.
The Botswanan Government has also encouraged the world’s largest diamond company to set up in Gaborone, the capital of Botswana. Some government ministers, however, are concerned that Botswana is too dependent on diamonds. They warn that there is a finite supply of diamonds and urge the government to encourage diversification.
As well as diamonds, the country has a number of other strengths. It has good infrastructure, a developed education system and free hospital treatment.
Identify, using information from the extract, two reasons why a foreign diamond company may set up in Botswana. [2]
1. 题目要我们从文中找出两个外国钻石公司在博茨瓦纳成立公司的原因,总分2分,每个原因各1分。
2. 这道题比较简单,只要找到2点即可得分。
参考答案:Botswana has a large supply of diamonds (1mark) and there is good infrastructure. (1 mark)
Explain two benefits that a country may gain from the presence of a foreign multinational company. [2]
1. 题目要我们解释两点跨国公司在博茨瓦纳创建公司对于博茨瓦纳的好处。满分4分,每点2分。
2. 注:是对于博茨瓦纳这个国家的好处,不是对于跨国公司本身的好处,答题时切记不要搞混。
3. Explain题型稍难于Identify题型,除了要找对点,还要稍加解释说明。
The output produced by foreign multinational companies will be counted in the country’s GDP.(1mark)Hence,this may result in increased output and economic growth in the country. (1 mark)
Moreover, the country may benefit from higher rate of employment (1 mark) as the MNCs may hire domestic workers for their production processes.(1 mark)
CIE考试局重视考查学生对经济知识的理解以及分析问题的能力,课程内容分为6大模块:经济学的基本问题、资源配置、微观经济决策者、政府与宏观经济、经济发展、国际贸易和全球化。成绩以八个国际认可的成绩(A* 到 G)为基准,这些成绩有明确的指导方针来解释每个成绩的标准。
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