每年NAFSA都会表彰了一所社区学院、一所公立大学和三所私立机构对全球学习的影响。在过去的 20 年中,NAFSA:国际教育工作者协会表彰了全国各地为学生提供全球文化和学习经验的机构所做的杰出工作。
今年,NAFSA 向 2022 年参议员保罗西蒙校园国际化奖授予五所特殊学院和大学在这项工作中取得卓越成就,其中包括综合获奖者肯特州立大学和莱克县学院。他们灵活的解决方案不仅使程序能够在现场和在线运行,而且还为未来提供了创新的想法。
Marist 是其海外留学工作的常年获奖者,因其新生体验而获得分数,这让学生有机会学习和拥抱意大利佛罗伦萨和爱尔兰都柏林的文化。Marish 通过学术和住宿支持服务大力支持这种沉浸感,可以帮助学生从第一年开始“区别于他人”。
西北大学的全球参与研究所因其在哥斯达黎加、加纳、阿根廷和越南等众多国家解决全球挑战的使命以及在 COVID 危机期间转向混合动力的能力而获奖。
PAST WINNERS(往年的名单)2021
Comprehensive Award
Davidson-Davie Community College
Florida International University
Lehigh University
Santa Fe College
The University of Texas at Austin
Spotlight Award
Indiana University for its Global Gateway for Teachers program
Miami Dade College for its Educate Tomorrow Abroad program
University of North Carolina Wilmington for its First-Year Spring Admit (FYSA) in the UK program
PAST WINNERS(往年的名单)2020
Comprehensive Award
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach Campus
Emerson College
United States Naval Academy
University of California-Davis
Spotlight Award
Agnes Scott College for its SUMMIT Global Journeys program
DePaul University for its Global Learning Experience program
University of Maryland-College Park for its Year of Immigration initiative
PAST WINNERS(往年的名单)2019
Comprehensive Award
Brown University
Dickinson College
Kirkwood Community College
Miami University
West Virginia University
Spotlight Award
SUNY Buffalo State for its SUNY Buffalo State International Professional Development Schools (IPDS) Consortium
University of Evansville for its UE Builds: Local and Global
Virginia Tech for its Rising Sophomore Abroad Program
PAST WINNERS(往年的名单)2018
Comprehensive Award
Babson College
St. Lawrence University
Stony Brook University
Texas Tech University
University of Florida
Spotlight Award
Baldwin Wallace University for its BW in Zambia program
Harper College for its Global Region of Focus Initiative
University of Georgia for its UGA-Minas Gerais Joint Research Partnership
PAST WINNERS(往年的名单)2017
Comprehensive Award
Florida State University
Santa Monica College
University of Iowa
University of Pittsburgh
Spotlight Award
Spelman College for the Spelman Going Global Initiative
Texas Christian University for the TCU Rhino Initiative
University of North Texas for the Heart of Mexico Program
PAST WINNERS(往年的名单)2016
Comprehensive Award
College of William & Mary
New York Institute of Technology
University of Massachusetts Boston
The University of Tampa
Spotlight Award
East Carolina University
Texas Tech University
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
PAST WINNERS(往年的名单)2015
Comprehensive Award
University of Delaware
Mount Holyoke College
North Central College
University of San Diego
University of Virginia
Spotlight Award
Rice University
Virginia Commonwealth University
Wake Forest University
PAST WINNERS(往年的名单)2014
Comprehensive Award
Columbus State University
North Carolina State University
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
The Ohio State University
Spotlight Award
Albion College
George Mason University
The University of Texas at Austin
PAST WINNERS(往年的名单)2013
Comprehensive Award
Colorado State University
Green River Community College
Lone Star College System
St. Cloud State University
University of South Florida
Spotlight Award
Fairfield University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Northwestern University
PAST WINNERS(往年的名单)2012
Comprehensive Award
College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University
Juniata College
Northern Arizona University
San Francisco State University
University of Michigan
Spotlight Award
Providence College
University of Arizona
Washington and Jefferson College
PAST WINNERS(往年的名单)2011
Comprehensive Award
Beloit College
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Kennesaw State University
Macalester College
New York University
Spotlight Award
Barnard College
University of Rhode Island
University of San Diego
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