美国 Bow Seat 海洋意识学术活动(Ocean Awareness Contest)是一个海洋科学与艺术教育相结合的学术活动,鼓励参赛者以艺术作品展现环境问题、探索人与自然的关系并呼吁人类进行积极改变。发展至今,全球已经有将近18,000名学生参与其中
2021年第十届学术活动的主题为:WATER RISING(水位上涨)
PROMPT 1: Global warming affects the water cycle, fueling extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and droughts. Warming seas are also contributing to sea level rise around the world. Whether too much or too little, water is the primary way we will feel the effects of climate change. How do you feel the effects of climate change where you live? How will this change within your lifetime?全球变暖影响水循环,造成飓风、干旱等极端天气。海洋变暖也导致全球海平面上升。无论程度大小,水都是我们感受到气候变化影响的主要方式。你觉得气候变化对你生活的地方有什么影响?在你的有生之年这个影响会有什么变化?
PROMPT 2: We are all interconnected through water. What does it mean to be up- or downstream from one another? Where does your water come from, and what is the journey it takes to get to you?
PROMPT 3: Though water is a basic human right, more than 1 billion people do not have access to clean and safe water worldwide. Access to clean water is increasingly threatened by pollution, privatization, and climate change, but these threats do not impact us all equally. Water contamination and environmental injustice overwhelmingly affect Indigenous communities, people of color, and the poor. How is water a lens through which we can understand and fight for justice? Consider water as a mirror of our society—it reflects back to us who we are. What do you see in the mirror?
PROMPT 4: Clean water is not only necessary to sustain human communities, but all life on Earth. There are many movements rising up to protect water and all those who depend on it. Who has historically led these movements? Who (and what–for example, policies) are our water protectors?
PROMPT 5: Think about the role that water plays in your life, and how that ripples out to connections in your community, society, and the world. What memories do you have of water? What is your water story?
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