美国大学申请是一项复杂而繁重的工作,当所有申请者开始绞尽脑汁地策划和创作那些刁钻费解的文书并被虐得死去活来的时候,越来越多的名校开始要求学生提交Video Essay (视频文书)。
随着申请的激烈竞争,很多申请者享受到了Video Essay带来的帮助。它的异军突起,更加突出了西方高校“不以GPA以及语言考试分数作为唯一恒定标准”的准则,毕竟每个个体都是不同的,都是有差异性的,它无疑为展示这些差异性与独特性提供了一个绝佳的平台。
什么是 Video Essay
Video Essay (视频文书) 又称机面,不同于常规的“in-person interview”(即人面),可以理解为一个“自我介绍”性质的短视频,是一种给招生官展现自我的方式,对申请者的应变能力要求较高。
Video Essay 每题只给申请者极短的准备时间,并要求在时间范围内作答。通常情况下,每一次的Video Essay都会随机抽取3个问题,每个问题只有1次回答机会。
A / 个人经历介绍
Describe a time whan you had to cope a strict deadline.
What is the leadership experience at work that you are most proud of?
What is your favorite food?
Describe a time when you have different opinion than your coworker.
B / 学校项目
How do you think your academic and professional experience has prepared you for XXX program?
How will XXX program help your short-term goals?
C / 时事/抽象问题
Should government policy provide equity or opportunity?
How should western countries balance their immigration policies with the economic needs of their social safety nets?
以下列举哥伦比亚大学的一些 Video Essay 问题供大家参考:
Do you perform better when you are competing or collaborating?
What moral dilemma you faced recently?
what is the worst advice you have ever received?
Do you use emojis during communications?
How do you motivate yourself when you are assigned a task?
How would you like to change the world?
Describe your ideal work environment.
What is an important celebration in your family?How do you get news?
How do you spend $100,000?
Tell me about your biggest weakness?
How would you feel if youspend one day without cell phone? One week?
How do you concludewhether you agree or disagree with an idea?
How do you handle peer-pressure?
How you test the limit of your knowledge?
How do you explore an interesting topic?What is your dream job?
How do you get more information about an interesting topic?
Why this program?
How can you see you in yourself career path?
What is something that you proud of doing?
What are your three greatest strengths?
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