IEA 全球高中生经济学论文学术活动
Institute of Economic Affairs Student Essay Competition——The Dorian Fisher Memorial Prize
IEA 全球高中生经济学论文学术活动是由英国智库 (Institute of Economic Affairs,创始人为Fisher先生)举办的面向全球所有学习A-Level和IB课程的高中生的经济学论文学术活动。
( 需完成并提交全部三道题目 )
01A short essay, of roughly 1,200 words, on one of the following questions:
(a) What challenges do systemic risks pose for economic thinking and analysis?
(b) Are economic principles true and applicable in all times and places, or are they historically and contextually specific?
(c) What does the term ‘innovation’ mean in economics and why is the phenomenon of innovation so important for economists?
02A 500-word answer to one of the following three questions:
(a) What are rational expectations and why do they matter?
(b) What are the differences between classical and neo-classical economics?
(c) What are risk and uncertainty in economics and how are they different?
03A 500-word answer to the following question.
Identify an area of economics that you think should be given more attention in the A-Level or IB syllabus and say why this is so.
指出一个你认为需要在A-Level 或IB 经济学课程大纲中需要更侧重的经济学主题,并说明为什么。
J W Welburn et al (2020a) Systemic Risk in the Broad Economy: Interfirm Networks and Shocks in the US Economy. Rand Corporation.
J W Welburn et al (2020b) Systemic Risk: It’s Not Just in the Financial Sector. Rand Corporation.
ECB Financial Stability Review 2009 ‘The Concept of Systemic Risk’
(b) Are economic principles true and applicable in all times and places, or are they historically and contextually specific?
You should do a general search for accounts of the late 19th century ‘Methodenstreit’ when this issue was first raised. Wikipedia has an entry on this and also an informative entry on the ‘Historical School’ and its contemporary admirers such as Ha-Joon Chang and Erik Reinert. A recent work that sets out why this is a continuing issue and involves fundamental questions about the nature of economics (and other social sciences) is Samuel Bostaph (1996) ‘The Methodenstreit’ Chapter 66 in Peter Boetke (ed) The Edward Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics.
Hodgson, Geoffrey M. (2001). How economics forgot history. The problem of historical specificity in social science. London – New York: Routledge
Kadish, Alon (2012). Historians, Economists, and Economic History pp. 3–35
Reinert, Erik (2007). How Rich Countries Got Rich … and Why Poor Countries Stay Poor. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers
Shionoya, Yuichi (2001), ed. The German Historical School: The Historical and Ethical Approach to Economics. (Routledge)
For the other side see Ludwig von Mises Epistemological Problems of Economics
and this introduction by Peter Boetke with further links.
(c) What does the term ‘innovation’ mean in economics and why is the phenomenon of innovation so important for economists?
Start here; here ; and here.David Warsh (2006) Knowledge and the Wealth of Nations
You should also look at Google Scholar for the many books and articles on this subject.
Matt Ridley (2020) How Innovation Works: and Why it Flourishes in Freedom. Harper.
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