The number systems Z and Zm (for a positive integer m) were defined in the previous
problem. We also use the notations:
Q is the system of rational numbers.
4Z is the set of multiples of 4 in Z. Similarly for 4Z12.
Consider the following number systems:
Z, Q, 4Z, Z3, Z8, Z9, 4Z12, Z13.
One system may be viewed as similar to another in several different ways.
(a) Let’s measure similarity using algebraic properties. First consider the following
sample properties:
(i) If a2 = 1, then a = ±1.
(ii) If 2x = 0, then x = 0.
(iii) If c2 = 0, then c = 0.
Which of the systems above have properties (i), (ii), and/or (iii)?
(b) Formulate another algebraic property and determine which of those systems have
that property.
Write down some additional algebraic properties and investigate them.
(c) In your opinion, which of the listed systems are “most similar” to each another?
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