2021 秋 AMC10/12 线上考试操作手册
2021 Fall AMC10/12 Online Text Operation Manual
AMC 中国区组委会
AMC International Group Leader for China
2021 年 10 月 28 日
1. 准考证查询:
➢ 查询时间:11 月 5 日 10:00 开放查询
➢ 注意事项:请注意查看确定考试形式(线上或线下)
2. 线上考试设备测试:11 月 6 日 10:00-11 月 10 日 18:00(可在此时间范围内任意时间进入考试系统,测试摄像头及浏览器)
3. 模考时间:
➢ AMC10A+B:11 月 6 日 13:00-20:00(可在此时间范围内任意时间进入考试系统进行模考)
➢ AMC12A+B:11 月 7 日 13:00-20:00(可在此时间范围内任意时间进入考试系统进行模考)
4. 考试时间:
➢ AMC10/12A 卷:11 月 11 日 17:00-18:15(考前 30 分钟进入考场,做好考试准备)
➢ AMC10/12B 卷:11 月 17 日 17:00-18:15(考前 30 分钟进入考场,做好考试准备)
5. 成绩查询:活动结束后 4-6 周(具体以官方通知为准)
6. 证书下载:活动结束后 6-8 周(具体以官方通知为准)
7. 得分说明:
➢ 满分 150 分,共计 25 道题目
➢ A-E 项为题目作答选项,答对得 6 分,答错 0 分
➢ F 项为不作答选项,选择 F 项得 1.5 分
8. 账号及密码(重要!!!)
➢ 账号:报名时所用手机号
➢ 密码:amc+手机号后六位(例,amc123456)
➢ 请牢记账号密码,后续登录考试页面、查询成绩以及下载证书都需要使用该账号密码
1. 为确保 AMC 在线考试的公平公正,考试中实时电脑抓拍、手机视频录像、桌面录屏三重防作弊监考,考试时没有打开摄像头或离开摄像头将被判定为考试违纪行为,考试成绩无效;
2. 同一时间、同一个考生账号只能登陆唯一设备进行考试,异地登陆、异常 IP 地址登陆或多设备同时登陆将被判定为考试违纪行为,考试成绩无效;
3. 考生在考试过程中出现自行关闭考试界面并重新登录等行为,经核实不是系统 bug 原因导致的电脑重启等非必要行为,将被判定为考试违纪行为,考试成绩无效;
4. 考前需关闭会出现弹窗的电脑端应用程序(如:杀毒软件、与考试无关的的软件、以及除谷歌浏览器以外的所有浏览器)避免弹屏影响正常考试,考试过程中需全屏考试,离开考试页面(包括弹窗)超过 10 次,则判定为作弊,自动交卷,考试成绩无效;
5. 考生须全程独立参加考试,考试过程中确保考生周围不出现除考生本人以外的任何人,替考、他人于身旁指导等行为将被判定为考试违纪行为,考试成绩无效;
6. 考生翻阅书籍、笔记,通过手机等电子产品查询资料等夹带、旁窥、抄袭行为将被判定为考试违纪行为,考试成绩无效;
7. 考生通过手机电话连线咨询或直接语音、打字咨询他人等行为将被判定为考试违纪行为,考试成绩无效;
8. 考生开始考试前,必须处理完毕个人事项,中途不得离开考场喝水、上厕所等,离开考场视为作弊,则考试成绩无效;
9. 其他影响考试公平性行为;
10. 请各位考试严格遵守在线考试规则,共同维护公平公正的考试环境。
1. 考前 30 分钟登录线上考试系统;考试开始 15 分钟后,未参考的考生,不得再登录考试系统参加考试;
2. 考试期间,请考生在独立、安静考试环境中完成考试,考生须严格遵守在线考试考场纪律,全程安静答题,不允许说话;
3. 考试过程中,要求手机端和电脑端摄像头必须全程打开,考生本人必须全程在摄像头画面范围内;
4. 考试过程中系统自动计时,如考生未按时提交试卷,系统会在考试截止时自动交卷;
5. 在考试结束前,考生不得擅自退出考试系统和监考系统,本次考试不允许提前交卷;
6. 在考试过程中,如遇到电脑或手机端黑屏状况,请考生继续答题,不用做其他操作,考试结束后请联系组委会核实情况;
7. 考试过程中学生可以使用尺子,圆规,量角器,橡皮,及草稿纸,但不允许使用计算器,手机,电子词典等电子产品;
8. 考试结束后 24 小时内不允许与他人讨论本次考试相关的问题。
1. 带有摄像头的电脑(不能使用 XP 系统)(如需外置摄像头请自行安装驱动)
2. 带有前置摄像头的智能手机;
3. 桌面手机支架或其他支撑物品;
4. 网络要求(网速 600k/s 以上);
5. 电脑端安装 Google Chorme 浏览器(或火狐浏览器);
6. 电脑内存放一张身份证(护照/居住证等有效证件)照片,以备考试前公安系统识别不通过时监考老师人工核查身份;
7. 正式考试设备与模考设备保持一致。
1. 登录官网:通过 Google Chorme 浏览器进入 AMC 中国区组委会官网 https://www.amcchina.com/ 点击“考试入口”(请考生务必确保通过 Google Chorme 浏览器或火狐浏览器进入考试界面)
2. 填写账号密码
➢ 账号为报名手机号
➢ 密码为 amc+手机号后 6 位(例:amc123456)
1. 照片采集:点击“拍照”后点击“下一步”(请采集正脸、全脸照片)
2. 进入考试:点击“开始”按钮,进入考试
您的摄像头”弹框,请点击“允许 ”!
1. 电脑端桌面录屏授权(根据浏览器按照屏幕上指引操作)
2. 如图所示:
1. 使用手机微信扫描屏幕中二维码;
2. 将手机摆放在侧面,能够将考生上半身呈现在屏幕内,如下图所示:
1) 考试过程中实时录像,一定确保人脸在摄像头的范围内;
2) 实时监控中会随机抓拍,抓拍的照片会跟数据库内的照片比对,如比对不成功将会被强制交卷,考试过程中一定要保证画面清晰,并且保证人脸在摄像头范围内;
3) 考试前请确保自己的网络状况良好,如果考试途中有断电断网的情况出现,不要慌张,马上恢复电力网络,重新登录即可继续答题。
1. 考试结束后,点击考试页面下方“提交试卷”按钮即可完成交卷,本次考试不允许考生提前交卷;
2. 考试结束后,交卷过程中如卡在提交界面,进度条不走或者并未弹出交卷成功字样,考生只需静待 10 秒钟后关闭页面即可,系统会帮助您自动交卷。
1. 查询时间:11 月 5 日 10:00 开放查询
2. 查询方法:
➢ 进入 AMC 中国组委会官网 https://www.amc-china.com/
➢ 点击“AMC10/12”-“准考证查询”,输入报名手机号,验证后即可查询准考证
1. 查询时间:考后 4-6 周,具体时间以官方通知为准
2. 查询方法:
➢ 进入 AMC 中国组委会官网 https://www.amc-china.com/
➢ 点击“AMC10/12”-“成绩查询”,输入报名手机号,验证后即可查询成绩
1. 下载时间:考后 6-8 周,具体时间以官方通知为准
2. 下载方法:
➢ 进入 AMC 中国组委会官网 https://www.amc-china.com/
➢ 点击“证书下载”,输入报名手机号,验证后即可下载证书
1. 点击“人工审核”
2. 上传身份证照片
3. 不要点击返回按钮,每分钟按“F5”键刷新页面
4. 人工审核成功会显示正在组卷
1. 点击浏览器右上角的红色摄像头图标;
2. 在显示的气泡弹框中,点击勾选红框部分的选项;(下方摄像头,请选择前置摄像头,如只有一个摄像头则无需选择)
3. 点击“完成”;
4. 点击“刷新”或使用浏览器自带的刷新功能,页面自动刷新后,将启用摄像头。
三、Windows 系统 Google Chorme 浏览器(必备)下载安装教程
1. 搜索“谷歌浏览器官网”或输入网址 https://www.google.cn/intl/zh-CN/chrome/
2. 点击“下载 Chrome”
3. 下载后“打开”
4. 打开后选择“接受并安装”
5. 点击“是”允许此应用对设备进行修改
6. 等待浏览器下载以及安装
7. 桌面上出现“Google Chorme”图标,点击即可进入使用
四、IOS 系统 Google Chorme 浏览器(必备)下载安装教程
1. 搜索“Google Chorme 浏览器”进入谷歌浏览器官网
2. 点击“下载 Chrome”
3. 选择适合 Mac 的浏览器版本(请务必按照图片下方教程确认浏览器版本后下载,否则会因版本不适配导致浏览器无法使用)
4. 选择正确的版本后,右上角可以查看下载进度
5. 下载完后,下载进度条如下,点击即可安装
6. 等待验证,无需操作
7. 将上方 Google 图标拖拽到下方蓝色文件夹图标内
8. 等待系统自行安装拷贝,完成后即可正常使用
以上为 2021 秋 AMC10/12 线上考试操作手册全部内容,请考生仔细阅读,并按照要求操作,若因考生操作不当导致无法参加考试或考试成绩无效,后果由考生自行承担。
2021 Fall AMC10/12 Online Text Operation Manual
AMC International Group Leader for China
October 28, 2021
Part 1: Exam instructions
I. Time arrangement
1. Admission ticket query:
➢ Query time: Open for enquiry at 10:00 on November 5
➢ Note: Please check to confirm the test form (online or offline)
2. Online examination equipment test time: 10:00, November 6th - 18:00,November 10th (Candidates can enter the examination system to test the camera and browser at any time within this time range)
3. Mock examination time:
➢ AMC10A+B: 6 November 13:00-20:00 ((Candidate enters the examination system for mock examination at any time within this time range)
➢ AMC12A+B: 7 November 13:00-20:00 ((Candidate enters the examinationsystem for mock examination at any time within this time range)
4. Examination time:
➢ AMC10/12A Volume: 11 November 17:00-18:15 (Candidate enters the examination platform 30 minutes before the examination to prepare for the examination)
➢ AMC10/12B volume: 17 November 17:00-18:15 (Candidate enters the examination platform 30 minutes before the examination and prepares for the examination)
5. Results Query: 4-6 weeks after the event
6. Certificate download: 6-8 weeks after the event
7. Scoring criteria:
➢ Full score of 150, a total of 25 topics
➢ A-E is the question answer options, correct answer 6 points, wrong answer 0points
➢ F item is not answered option, select F item to get 1.5 points
8. Account and password (important !!!)
➢ Account: mobile phone number used for registration
➢ Password: amc + the last six digits of the registered phone number (example,amc123456)
➢ Please remember your account and password, which will be used to log in to the exam page, query the score, and download the certificate
II. Rules for Determination of Cheating and Abnormal Behavior in Examinations (please read carefully)
1. In order to ensure the fairness and justice of AMC online exam, the invigilator will take real-time computer capture, mobile phone video recording and desktop screen recording during the exam. Failure to turn on or leave the camera during the exam will be regarded as a violation of exam discipline and the exam result will be invalid.
2. At the same time, the same candidate account can only log in to the only device for examination, login from different IP addresses or login from multiple devices at the same time will be regarded as violation of exam discipline, and the exam results will be invalid.;
3. If candidates close the test interface and log in again during the test, or restart the computer which is not caused by system bug after verification, it will be regarded as test violation and the test result will be invalid.;
4. Need to close the popup window will appear before the computer terminal of the application (such as anti-virus software, has nothing to do with the test software, as well as all other than the Google browser browser) avoid screen affect normal examination, examination process need to full screen, from the test page (including
pop-up) more than 10 times, is judged to be cheat, submit automatically ,the test result will be invalid;
5. Candidates are required to participate in the test independently throughout the whole process. Ensure that no one is around candidates except candidates themselves during the test. Taking the exam for a substitute or instructing others will be regarded as violation of exam discipline and the test result will be invalid;
6. Students reading books, notes, information through mobile phones and other electronic products such as entraining, peek, plagiarism will be judged as test
violations, the test result will be invalid;
7. The behavior of consulting others through mobile phone or voice or typing will be judged as violation of test discipline and the test result will be invalid;
8. Candidates must finish their personal affairs before taking the test. They are not allowed to leave the test room for drinking water or going to the toilet. Leaving the test will be regarded as cheating and the test results will be invalid;
9. Other behaviors that affect test fairness;
10. Please strictly abide by the online test rules and jointly maintain a fair and just test environment.
III. Exam Notes
1. Log in to the online test system 30 minutes before the test; 15 minutes after the test starts, candidates who do not participate in the test system are not allowed to log in to the test system again;
2. During the test period, candidates are requested to complete the test in an independent and quiet environment. Candidates are required to strictly observe the
online test discipline;
3. During the test, the mobile phone and computer cameras must be turned on at all times, and the examinee must be within the scope of the camera at all times;
4. During the examination, the system will automatically time the examinee. If the examinee does not submit the paper on time, the system will hand in the paper
automatically at the examination deadline;
5. Before the end of the examination, candidates are not allowed to quit the examination system and invigilation system, this examination is not allowed to hand
in papers in advance;
6. During the test, if you encounter a black screen, please continue to answer the questions without doing any other operations. Please contact the organizing
committee after the test;
7. Students are allowed to use rulers, compasses, protractors, erasers and scratch paper, but not calculators, mobile phones, electronic dictionaries and other electronic devices;
8. You are not allowed to discuss questions related to the exam with others for 24 hours after the exam.
Part II: Test System Application Tutorial
I. Device configuration requirements
1. Computer with camera (not XP) (If you need external camera, please install your own driver)
2. Smartphones with front-facing cameras.
3. Desktop mobile phone stand or other support items;
4. Network requirements (online speed 600K / s or more);
5. Installation of Google Chorme browser (or Firefox) on the computer side;
6. An ID card (passport/residence permit and other valid documents) photo is stored in the computer. Before the examination, the public security system can not
identify the identity through manual verification;
7. The mock test equipment shall be consistent with the official test equipment.
II. Login test system
1. Log in to the official website:Enter the official website of AMC China Organizing Committee by using Google Web browser https://www.amc-china.com/ and click "考试入口" (please make sure to enter the test interface through Google Chrome or Firefox).
2. Enter the account password:
➢ Account: mobile phone number used for registration
➢ Password: amc + the last six digits of the registered phone number (example,amc123456)
III. Identity Recognition
1. Photo Acquisition: Click "拍照" and click "下一步" (please collect the front face, full face photos)
2. Enter the exam: Click the "开始" button to enter the exam
IV. Camera permission acquisition
Please click "Allow" for the first time, when the exam system needs to call the camera, the "Use your camera" pop-up box will appear at the top left of the page, please click "允许"!
V. Desktop recording license for computer side
1. Computer Terminal Recording Screen Authorization (according to the browser to follow the on-screen guide)
2. As the picture shows:
VI. Turn on the camera on the cell phone
1. Use the mobile phone WeChat scan screen QR code;
2. Place the phone on the side and you can present the candidates in the upper body in the screen, as shown below:
1) The examination process is recorded in real time to ensure that the face is within the range of the camera;
2) Real-time monitoring will be randomly captured at the same time, the captured photos will be compared with the photos in the database, if the comparison is not
successful will be forced to hand in the paper, the exam process must ensure that the picture is clear, and ensure that the face in the range of the camera;;
3) Please make sure that your network is in good condition before the exam. If there is a power outage during the exam, do not panic, immediately restore the power network, log in again to continue to answer the questions.
VII. Submit test volume
1.After the test, click the "提交试卷" button at the bottom of the test page to complete the test. Candidates are not allowed to submit their test papers in advance
2. If you are stuck in the submission interface, the progress bar does not move, or the word "交卷成功" does not pop up, you only need to wait for 10 seconds and then close the page, and the system will help you to hand in your paper automatically.
Part III: Admission ticket, results query and certificate download
I. Admission ticket query
1. Query time: Open for enquiry at 10:00 on November 5
2. Query method:
➢ Enter the official website of the AMC China Organizing Committee https://www.amc-china.com/
➢ Click "AMC10 / 12" - "准考证查询", enter mobile phone number and check admission ticket after verification
II. Results query
1. Query time: 4-6 weeks after the event, the specific time is subject to official notice
2. Query method:
➢ Enter the official website of the AMC China Organizing Committee https://www.amc-china.com/
➢ Click "AMC10 / 12" - "成绩查询", enter mobile phone number and query results after verification
III. Certificate download
1. Download Time: 6-8 weeks after the event, enter mobile phone number and download certificate
2. Download method:
➢ Enter the official website of the AMC China Organizing Committee https://www.amc-china.com/
➢ Click on "证书下载", enter your cell phone number and then download the certificate after verification.
Part IV: Appendix
I. After face recognition failure, how to conduct manual audit
1. Click "人工审核"
2. Upload ID card photos
3. Don't click the “返回” , press "F5" to refresh the page per minute.
4. Artificial review success diaplay“正在组卷中”
II. How to change the camera authorization after clicking "Disable"?
1. Click on the red camera icon in the upper right corner of the browser;
2. In the bubble box shown, click the option to check the red frame; (below the camera, select the front camera, if only one camera is not required)
3. Click "完成";
4. Click "Refresh" or use the browser to bring the refresh feature, the page will be enabled after the page is automatically refreshed.
III. Windows system Google Chorme browser (essential) download installation
1. Search "Google Browser official website" or enter the URL https://www.google.cn/int/en-cn/chrome/
2. Click "Download Chrome"
3. "Open" after downloading
4. Select "Accept and Install" after opening
5. Click "Yes" to allow this application to modify the device
6. Waiting for the browser to download and install
7."Google Chorme" icon appears on the desktop, click to enter usage
IV. IOS system Google Chorme browser (essential) download installation
1. Search "Google Chorme Browser" into Google Browser official website
2. Click "Download Chrome"
3. Choose a browser version suitable for Mac (please follow the tutorial below to confirm the browser version after downloading, otherwise the browser cannot be
used due to version discomfort)
4. After selecting the correct version, you can view the download schedule in the upper right corner.
5. After the download is over, the download schedule is as follows, click to install
6. Waiting for verification, no action
7. Drag the upper Google icon to the lower blue folder icon
8. Waiting for the system to install a copy, you can use it normally
The above is the full content of the 2021 Fall AMC 10/12 Online Text Operation Manual, Please read carefully and operate according to the requirements. If the candidate fails to take the test or the test result is invalid due to improper operation, the candidate will be responsible for the consequences.
Wish the examinees all the best!
2021 秋 AMC10/12 线上考试操作手册
2021 Fall AMC10/12 Online Text Operation Manual
AMC 中国区组委会
AMC International Group Leader for China
2021 年 10 月 28 日
1. 准考证查询:
➢ 查询时间:11 月 5 日 10:00 开放查询
➢ 注意事项:请注意查看确定考试形式(线上或线下)
2. 线上考试设备测试:11 月 6 日 10:00-11 月 10 日 18:00(可在此时间范围内任意时间进入考试系统,测试摄像头及浏览器)
3. 模考时间:
➢ AMC10A+B:11 月 6 日 13:00-20:00(可在此时间范围内任意时间进入考试系统进行模考)
➢ AMC12A+B:11 月 7 日 13:00-20:00(可在此时间范围内任意时间进入考试系统进行模考)
4. 考试时间:
➢ AMC10/12A 卷:11 月 11 日 17:00-18:15(考前 30 分钟进入考场,做好考试准备)
➢ AMC10/12B 卷:11 月 17 日 17:00-18:15(考前 30 分钟进入考场,做好考试准备)
5. 成绩查询:活动结束后 4-6 周(具体以官方通知为准)
6. 证书下载:活动结束后 6-8 周(具体以官方通知为准)
7. 得分说明:
➢ 满分 150 分,共计 25 道题目
➢ A-E 项为题目作答选项,答对得 6 分,答错 0 分
➢ F 项为不作答选项,选择 F 项得 1.5 分
8. 账号及密码(重要!!!)
➢ 账号:报名时所用手机号
➢ 密码:amc+手机号后六位(例,amc123456)
➢ 请牢记账号密码,后续登录考试页面、查询成绩以及下载证书都需要使用该账号密码
1. 为确保 AMC 在线考试的公平公正,考试中实时电脑抓拍、手机视频录像、桌面录屏三重防作弊监考,考试时没有打开摄像头或离开摄像头将被判定为考试违纪行为,考试成绩无效;
2. 同一时间、同一个考生账号只能登陆唯一设备进行考试,异地登陆、异常 IP 地址登陆或多设备同时登陆将被判定为考试违纪行为,考试成绩无效;
3. 考生在考试过程中出现自行关闭考试界面并重新登录等行为,经核实不是系统 bug 原因导致的电脑重启等非必要行为,将被判定为考试违纪行为,考试成绩无效;
4. 考前需关闭会出现弹窗的电脑端应用程序(如:杀毒软件、与考试无关的的软件、以及除谷歌浏览器以外的所有浏览器)避免弹屏影响正常考试,考试过程中需全屏考试,离开考试页面(包括弹窗)超过 10 次,则判定为作弊,自动交卷,考试成绩无效;
5. 考生须全程独立参加考试,考试过程中确保考生周围不出现除考生本人以外的任何人,替考、他人于身旁指导等行为将被判定为考试违纪行为,考试成绩无效;
6. 考生翻阅书籍、笔记,通过手机等电子产品查询资料等夹带、旁窥、抄袭行为将被判定为考试违纪行为,考试成绩无效;
7. 考生通过手机电话连线咨询或直接语音、打字咨询他人等行为将被判定为考试违纪行为,考试成绩无效;
8. 考生开始考试前,必须处理完毕个人事项,中途不得离开考场喝水、上厕所等,离开考场视为作弊,则考试成绩无效;
9. 其他影响考试公平性行为;
10. 请各位考试严格遵守在线考试规则,共同维护公平公正的考试环境。
1. 考前 30 分钟登录线上考试系统;考试开始 15 分钟后,未参考的考生,不得再登录考试系统参加考试;
2. 考试期间,请考生在独立、安静考试环境中完成考试,考生须严格遵守在线考试考场纪律,全程安静答题,不允许说话;
3. 考试过程中,要求手机端和电脑端摄像头必须全程打开,考生本人必须全程在摄像头画面范围内;
4. 考试过程中系统自动计时,如考生未按时提交试卷,系统会在考试截止时自动交卷;
5. 在考试结束前,考生不得擅自退出考试系统和监考系统,本次考试不允许提前交卷;
6. 在考试过程中,如遇到电脑或手机端黑屏状况,请考生继续答题,不用做其他操作,考试结束后请联系组委会核实情况;
7. 考试过程中学生可以使用尺子,圆规,量角器,橡皮,及草稿纸,但不允许使用计算器,手机,电子词典等电子产品;
8. 考试结束后 24 小时内不允许与他人讨论本次考试相关的问题。
1. 带有摄像头的电脑(不能使用 XP 系统)(如需外置摄像头请自行安装驱动)
2. 带有前置摄像头的智能手机;
3. 桌面手机支架或其他支撑物品;
4. 网络要求(网速 600k/s 以上);
5. 电脑端安装 Google Chorme 浏览器(或火狐浏览器);
6. 电脑内存放一张身份证(护照/居住证等有效证件)照片,以备考试前公安系统识别不通过时监考老师人工核查身份;
7. 正式考试设备与模考设备保持一致。
1. 登录官网:通过 Google Chorme 浏览器进入 AMC 中国区组委会官网 https://www.amcchina.com/ 点击“考试入口”(请考生务必确保通过 Google Chorme 浏览器或火狐浏览器进入考试界面)
2. 填写账号密码
➢ 账号为报名手机号
➢ 密码为 amc+手机号后 6 位(例:amc123456)
1. 照片采集:点击“拍照”后点击“下一步”(请采集正脸、全脸照片)
2. 进入考试:点击“开始”按钮,进入考试
您的摄像头”弹框,请点击“允许 ”!
1. 电脑端桌面录屏授权(根据浏览器按照屏幕上指引操作)
2. 如图所示:
1. 使用手机微信扫描屏幕中二维码;
2. 将手机摆放在侧面,能够将考生上半身呈现在屏幕内,如下图所示:
1) 考试过程中实时录像,一定确保人脸在摄像头的范围内;
2) 实时监控中会随机抓拍,抓拍的照片会跟数据库内的照片比对,如比对不成功将会被强制交卷,考试过程中一定要保证画面清晰,并且保证人脸在摄像头范围内;
3) 考试前请确保自己的网络状况良好,如果考试途中有断电断网的情况出现,不要慌张,马上恢复电力网络,重新登录即可继续答题。
1. 考试结束后,点击考试页面下方“提交试卷”按钮即可完成交卷,本次考试不允许考生提前交卷;
2. 考试结束后,交卷过程中如卡在提交界面,进度条不走或者并未弹出交卷成功字样,考生只需静待 10 秒钟后关闭页面即可,系统会帮助您自动交卷。
1. 查询时间:11 月 5 日 10:00 开放查询
2. 查询方法:
➢ 进入 AMC 中国组委会官网 https://www.amc-china.com/
➢ 点击“AMC10/12”-“准考证查询”,输入报名手机号,验证后即可查询准考证
1. 查询时间:考后 4-6 周,具体时间以官方通知为准
2. 查询方法:
➢ 进入 AMC 中国组委会官网 https://www.amc-china.com/
➢ 点击“AMC10/12”-“成绩查询”,输入报名手机号,验证后即可查询成绩
1. 下载时间:考后 6-8 周,具体时间以官方通知为准
2. 下载方法:
➢ 进入 AMC 中国组委会官网 https://www.amc-china.com/
➢ 点击“证书下载”,输入报名手机号,验证后即可下载证书
1. 点击“人工审核”
2. 上传身份证照片
3. 不要点击返回按钮,每分钟按“F5”键刷新页面
4. 人工审核成功会显示正在组卷
1. 点击浏览器右上角的红色摄像头图标;
2. 在显示的气泡弹框中,点击勾选红框部分的选项;(下方摄像头,请选择前置摄像头,如只有一个摄像头则无需选择)
3. 点击“完成”;
4. 点击“刷新”或使用浏览器自带的刷新功能,页面自动刷新后,将启用摄像头。
三、Windows 系统 Google Chorme 浏览器(必备)下载安装教程
1. 搜索“谷歌浏览器官网”或输入网址 https://www.google.cn/intl/zh-CN/chrome/
2. 点击“下载 Chrome”
3. 下载后“打开”
4. 打开后选择“接受并安装”
5. 点击“是”允许此应用对设备进行修改
6. 等待浏览器下载以及安装
7. 桌面上出现“Google Chorme”图标,点击即可进入使用
四、IOS 系统 Google Chorme 浏览器(必备)下载安装教程
1. 搜索“Google Chorme 浏览器”进入谷歌浏览器官网
2. 点击“下载 Chrome”
3. 选择适合 Mac 的浏览器版本(请务必按照图片下方教程确认浏览器版本后下载,否则会因版本不适配导致浏览器无法使用)
4. 选择正确的版本后,右上角可以查看下载进度
5. 下载完后,下载进度条如下,点击即可安装
6. 等待验证,无需操作
7. 将上方 Google 图标拖拽到下方蓝色文件夹图标内
8. 等待系统自行安装拷贝,完成后即可正常使用
以上为 2021 秋 AMC10/12 线上考试操作手册全部内容,请考生仔细阅读,并按照要
2021 Fall AMC10/12 Online Text Operation Manual
AMC International Group Leader for China
October 28, 2021
Part 1: Exam instructions
I. Time arrangement
1. Admission ticket query:
➢ Query time: Open for enquiry at 10:00 on November 5
➢ Note: Please check to confirm the test form (online or offline)
2. Online examination equipment test time: 10:00, November 6th - 18:00,November 10th (Candidates can enter the examination system to test the camera
and browser at any time within this time range)
3. Mock examination time:
➢ AMC10A+B: 6 November 13:00-20:00 ((Candidate enters the examination system for mock examination at any time within this time range)
➢ AMC12A+B: 7 November 13:00-20:00 ((Candidate enters the examination system for mock examination at any time within this time range)
4. Examination time:
➢ AMC10/12A Volume: 11 November 17:00-18:15 (Candidate enters the examination platform 30 minutes before the examination to prepare for the
➢ AMC10/12B volume: 17 November 17:00-18:15 (Candidate enters the examination platform 30 minutes before the examination and prepares for the examination)
5. Results Query: 4-6 weeks after the event
6. Certificate download: 6-8 weeks after the event
7. Scoring criteria:
➢ Full score of 150, a total of 25 topics
➢ A-E is the question answer options, correct answer 6 points, wrong answer 0points
➢ F item is not answered option, select F item to get 1.5 points
8. Account and password (important !!!)
➢ Account: mobile phone number used for registration
➢ Password: amc + the last six digits of the registered phone number (example,amc123456)
➢ Please remember your account and password, which will be used to log in to the exam page, query the score, and download the certificate
II. Rules for Determination of Cheating and Abnormal Behavior in Examinations (please read carefully)
1. In order to ensure the fairness and justice of AMC online exam, the invigilator will take real-time computer capture, mobile phone video recording and desktop screen recording during the exam. Failure to turn on or leave the camera during the exam will be regarded as a violation of exam discipline and the exam result will be invalid.
2. At the same time, the same candidate account can only log in to the only device for examination, login from different IP addresses or login from multiple devices at the same time will be regarded as violation of exam discipline, and the exam results will be invalid.;
3. If candidates close the test interface and log in again during the test, or restart the computer which is not caused by system bug after verification, it will be regarded as test violation and the test result will be invalid.;
4. Need to close the popup window will appear before the computer terminal of the application (such as anti-virus software, has nothing to do with the test software, as well as all other than the Google browser browser) avoid screen affect normal examination, examination process need to full screen, from the test page (including
pop-up) more than 10 times, is judged to be cheat, submit automatically ,the test result will be invalid;
5. Candidates are required to participate in the test independently throughout the whole process. Ensure that no one is around candidates except candidates themselves during the test. Taking the exam for a substitute or instructing others will be regarded as violation of exam discipline and the test result will be invalid;
6. Students reading books, notes, information through mobile phones and other electronic products such as entraining, peek, plagiarism will be judged as test
violations, the test result will be invalid;
7. The behavior of consulting others through mobile phone or voice or typing will be judged as violation of test discipline and the test result will be invalid;
8. Candidates must finish their personal affairs before taking the test. They are not allowed to leave the test room for drinking water or going to the toilet. Leaving the test will be regarded as cheating and the test results will be invalid;
9. Other behaviors that affect test fairness;
10. Please strictly abide by the online test rules and jointly maintain a fair and just test environment.
III. Exam Notes
1. Log in to the online test system 30 minutes before the test; 15 minutes after the test starts, candidates who do not participate in the test system are not allowed to log in to the test system again;
2. During the test period, candidates are requested to complete the test in an independent and quiet environment. Candidates are required to strictly observe the
online test discipline;
3. During the test, the mobile phone and computer cameras must be turned on at all times, and the examinee must be within the scope of the camera at all times;
4. During the examination, the system will automatically time the examinee. If the examinee does not submit the paper on time, the system will hand in the paper
automatically at the examination deadline;
5. Before the end of the examination, candidates are not allowed to quit the examination system and invigilation system, this examination is not allowed to hand
in papers in advance;
6. During the test, if you encounter a black screen, please continue to answer the questions without doing any other operations. Please contact the organizing
committee after the test;
7. Students are allowed to use rulers, compasses, protractors, erasers and scratch paper,but not calculators, mobile phones, electronic dictionaries and other electronic devices;
8. You are not allowed to discuss questions related to the exam with others for 24 hours after the exam.
Part II: Test System Application Tutorial
I. Device configuration requirements
1. Computer with camera (not XP) (If you need external camera, please install your own driver)
2. Smartphones with front-facing cameras.
3. Desktop mobile phone stand or other support items;
4. Network requirements (online speed 600K / s or more);
5. Installation of Google Chorme browser (or Firefox) on the computer side;
6. An ID card (passport/residence permit and other valid documents) photo is stored in the computer. Before the examination, the public security system can not
identify the identity through manual verification;
7. The mock test equipment shall be consistent with the official test equipment.
II. Login test system
1. Log in to the official website:Enter the official website of AMC China Organizing Committee by using Google Web browser https://www.amc-china.com/ and click "考试入口" (please make sure to enter the test interface through Google Chrome or Firefox).
2. Enter the account password:
➢ Account: mobile phone number used for registration
➢ Password: amc + the last six digits of the registered phone number (example,amc123456)
III. Identity Recognition
1. Photo Acquisition: Click "拍照" and click "下一步" (please collect the front face, full face photos)
2. Enter the exam: Click the "开始" button to enter the exam
IV. Camera permission acquisition
Please click "Allow" for the first time, when the exam system needs to call the camera, the "Use your camera" pop-up box will appear at the top left of the page, please click "允许"!
V. Desktop recording license for computer side
1. Computer Terminal Recording Screen Authorization (according to the browser to follow the on-screen guide)
2. As the picture shows:
VI. Turn on the camera on the cell phone
1. Use the mobile phone WeChat scan screen QR code;
2. Place the phone on the side and you can present the candidates in the upper body in the screen, as shown below:
1) The examination process is recorded in real time to ensure that the face is within the range of the camera;
2) Real-time monitoring will be randomly captured at the same time, the captured photos will be compared with the photos in the database, if the comparison is not
successful will be forced to hand in the paper, the exam process must ensure that the picture is clear, and ensure that the face in the range of the camera;
3) Please make sure that your network is in good condition before the exam. If there is a power outage during the exam, do not panic, immediately restore the power network,log in again to continue to answer the questions.
VII. Submit test volume
1.After the test, click the "提交试卷" button at the bottom of the test page to complete the test. Candidates are not allowed to submit their test papers in advance
2. If you are stuck in the submission interface, the progress bar does not move, or the word "交卷成功" does not pop up, you only need to wait for 10 seconds and then close the page, and the system will help you to hand in your paper automatically.
Part III: Admission ticket, results query and certificate download
I. Admission ticket query
1. Query time: Open for enquiry at 10:00 on November 5
2. Query method:
➢ Enter the official website of the AMC China Organizing Committee https://www.amc-china.com/
➢ Click "AMC10 / 12" - "准考证查询", enter mobile phone number and check admission ticket after verification
II. Results query
1. Query time: 4-6 weeks after the event, the specific time is subject to official notice
2. Query method:
➢ Enter the official website of the AMC China Organizing Committee https://www.amc-china.com/
➢ Click "AMC10 / 12" - "成绩查询", enter mobile phone number and query results after verification
III. Certificate download
1. Download Time: 6-8 weeks after the event, enter mobile phone number and download certificate
2. Download method:
➢ Enter the official website of the AMC China Organizing Committee https://www.amc-china.com/
➢ Click on "证书下载", enter your cell phone number and then download the certificate after verification.
Part IV: Appendix
I. After face recognition failure, how to conduct manual audit
1. Click "人工审核"
2. Upload ID card photos
3. Don't click the “返回” , press "F5" to refresh the page per minute.
4. Artificial review success diaplay“正在组卷中”
II. How to change the camera authorization after clicking "Disable"?
1. Click on the red camera icon in the upper right corner of the browser;
2. In the bubble box shown, click the option to check the red frame; (below the camera, select the front camera, if only one camera is not required)
3. Click "完成";
4. Click "Refresh" or use the browser to bring the refresh feature, the page will be enabled after the page is automatically refreshed.
III. Windows system Google Chorme browser (essential) download installation
1. Search "Google Browser official website" or enter the URL https://www.google.cn/int/en-cn/chrome/
2. Click "Download Chrome"
3. "Open" after downloading
4. Select "Accept and Install" after opening
5. Click "Yes" to allow this application to modify the device
6. Waiting for the browser to download and install
7."Google Chorme" icon appears on the desktop, click to enter usage
IV. IOS system Google Chorme browser (essential) download installation
1. Search "Google Chorme Browser" into Google Browser official website
2. Click "Download Chrome"
3. Choose a browser version suitable for Mac (please follow the tutorial below to confirm the browser version after downloading, otherwise the browser cannot be
used due to version discomfort)
4. After selecting the correct version, you can view the download schedule in the upper right corner.
5. After the download is over, the download schedule is as follows, click to install
6. Waiting for verification, no action
7. Drag the upper Google icon to the lower blue folder icon
8. Waiting for the system to install a copy, you can use it normally
The above is the full content of the 2021 Fall AMC 10/12 Online Text Operation Manual, Please read carefully and operate according to the requirements. If the candidate fails to take the test or the test result is invalid due to improper operation, the candidate will be responsible for the consequences.Wish the examinees all the best!
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: yuxi@linstitute.net 沪ICP备2023009024号-1