1、题目:If today is Friday, what is the day that follows the day that comes after the day that precedes the day before yesterday?
伊顿公学,英国最有名的寄宿私校,以盛产“精英” “绅士”而出名,比如:皇室的威廉王子和哈里王子,著名作家---George Orwell、著名演员---小雀斑,以及二十几位英国首相……
想进入这所学校,要求有过硬的背景,才华、智慧、天分等等…… 每一年,伊顿通过13+考试招收新生,科目包括英语、数学和外语等……此外,伊顿每年还会从新生中,选出14个国王奖学金获得者King's Scholars。
全英第一的伊顿入学考试,已经有很大的难度了,奖学金考试更是难上加难。主题包含了科学、数学、文学、宗教、哲理等等……堪称“英国私校最难的入学考试“。 英媒总结了10道真题,一起来感受一下!
1、题目:If today is Friday, what is the day that follows the day that comes after the day that precedes the day before yesterday?
3、题目:It's 2040, and you're the UK Prime Minister. Explain why it was "both necessary and moral" for you to employ the Army to fight — and kill — violent protesters in London.(如果你是2040年的英国首相,请解释为什么用军队对付暴力抗议者,是“唯一可行的、必要的以及道德的选择)
The year is 2040. There have been riots in the streets of London after Britain has run out of petrol because of an oil crisis in the Middle East. Protesters have attacked public buildings. Several policemen have died.Consequently, the Government has deployed the Army to curb the protests. After two days the protests have been stopped but twenty-five protesters have been killed by the Army.You are the Prime Minister. Write the script for a speech to be broadcast to the nation in which you explain why employing the Army against violent protesters was the only option available to you and one which was both necessary and moral.
4、题目:As a judge, decide whether a property owner should pay compensation to someone who walked through her field and got attacked by a bull.
A woman called Cinderella took a short cut to her local railway station across a field owned by Snow White. Members of the public had been crossing Snow White's field to get to the railway station for 35 years.Snow White had made attempts to prevent people from doing so but had never taken any serious action because some of the people stopped at her house to buy milk that she sold there and she was pleased to be able to sell it.One day, when crossing the field, Cinderella was attacked by a bull which had been placed in the field by Snow White. The bull had been in the field for many months. Cinderella knew it was there and had regularly cross the field before when it was present.
伊顿传统比赛: "Eton Wall Game"
5、题目:Geography is fundamentally about the study of places. What is the most important place in the world, and why?
比如:"Birley""Wooflish""Gibberian"伊顿校友:著名演员Eddie Redmayne
7、题目:Fill in the blanks to create an oxymoron.
"I like a smuggler. He is the only ___ thief.""I am a ___ superficial person."“He belongs to the ___ dead.”
答案:Honest, genuinely, living这是伊顿国王奖学金2009年的真题,主要考察语法,以及正义词和反义词。“oxymoron”矛盾修饰法,是指把两个语义相互矛盾的词放在一起,产生特殊效果的一种修辞手段,比如 "hot ice" 和"wise fool."。
8、题目:"Wet and windy with occasional sunny spells" (summary weather forecast, 16th January 2015). To what extent could this statement be applied equally to the UK's climate?
9、题目:"A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past." How far do you agree with this statement?
A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past.(革命是在过去和未来之间的誓死斗争。),这是古巴著名革命领导人---卡斯特罗Fidel Castro的名言。 这道题,来自国王奖学金2015年真题,同样是主观论述,要求学生陈述观点。描述1987年法国大革命的一幅画
10、题目:Write a response of no more than 700 words, in whatever style seems appropriate, on: The Future.
这道题,是国王奖学金2017年的真题,要求学生写一篇700词的作文,风格不限,主题是:The Future。伊顿校友-哈里王子以上,就是英国最顶尖公学伊顿,最顶尖的入学考试题目,大家感受到难度了吗? 其实,只想去英国好一点的入学考试,难度都不会低,除了英语、数学、文字推理和图形推理这几门必考项,有的学校13+还会涉及到科学、地理、历史等其他科目……
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