回顾2019,小助手为大家带来了一系列写作类干货文章,其中,Narrative Writing(叙事性写作)系列向大家详细介绍了该文体在申请阶段和美国大学中的运用与重要性,如何写好Narrative Essay,以及Narrative Essay必备的几大基本要素。在2020的开始之际,小助手将为大家带来Argumentative Essay(议论文)写作系列。如果说写好Narrative Essay是申请阶段同学们的拦路虎,那么Argumentative Essay(议论文)就会是同学们在进入美国大学后遇到的第一大难题。议论文在大学阶段占据了Paper文体的半壁江山。
Argumentative Essay
议论文是英语写作中常见的一种文体,美国大学的议论文侧重于论述观点,还有说服的目的,文章都要求有严谨的格式,论据大多都是引用的文献数据或者自己的研究数据,文章不需要华丽的辞藻,而在于严谨有力。Argue一个论点听上去不难,有理有据的阐明并论证观点即可,但同学们往往会卡在第一步,How to develop a clear thesis statement.
Thesis指的是文章的论题,也就是要论证的话题。通常,一篇文章的thesis是通过thesis statement(中心论点)来体现的。要想形成一个优秀的论题(develop thesis),写好Thesis Statement是第一步。那么,为什么Thesis Statement如此重要呢?
A thesis statement conveys to the reader the points and/or arguments you wish to make in a paper. It serves as a road map that forecasts what the essay is going to be about and the direction of your argument or analysis, and how you will interpret the importance of the subject. It also helps the writer organize his or her writing.
除了写好Thesis Statement以外,要想进一步发展自己的论题,根据中心论点发散出几个分论点making an argument)也很重要。
the purpose of making an argument is an attempt to convince someone to accept an idea or policy or take some action
如上方引用所说,分论点的主要目的是服务于中心论点,帮助说服读者接受作者的观点,因此,这是一种 “persuasive writing”, 即具有说服性的写作。想要文章有说服性,就不得不提到Evidence (论据)了。
The audience will only believe what the writer or the speaker has to say if he proffers strong evidence to back up his arguments. Therefore, evidence not only helps the writer convince his readers but also persuades them to feel sympathy or to support his argument.
Structure Example
Introduce the topic and give thesis
Thesis Statement:
Making an argument
Reason 1
Discuss your first reason for your position (topic sentence) and offer one piece of evidence
Evidence 2
Evidence 3
Reason 2
Discuss your second reason for your position (topic sentence) and offer one piece of evidence
Evidence 2
Evidence 3
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