7月20日 ~7月28日
8月1日 ~ 8月11日
通过微信公众号填表报名 ---> 确认报名拉群 ---> 为了个人隐私分了7、8个微信大群进行题目投递, 本场赛事的小助手们忙得不亦乐乎。
本次征文比赛的题目终于揭开了神秘的面纱。主办方达师共挑选了5个作文题供大家随意挑选。其中,选择江苏卷的人数占到整个比赛参赛人数的40%, 而相对较有挑战性的的全国 I 卷则也出乎意料地有几位参赛者选择,当然也有不少学生挑战了英文演讲稿和主持稿的写作,勇气可嘉!
8月31日 12:00 p.m.
9月10日 ~ 9月11日
金奖得主 蔡子悦
《Two generation’s opinions on children’s life orientation and direction of children’s growth》
评语 #1:本文结构、思路都很清晰,论据结合了真实事件与个人经历来为自己的观点提供支撑,来源多样,让文章更有说服力。作者结合当下新闻及广为人知的事件,比较了两种关系模式,让读者能感受到文章的相关性,并进一步总结了为达到理想的亲子关系需要考虑的三个方面。相较而言,结尾写得比较仓促,可以适当总结个人观点并提出建议。如果继续润色文章,可以尝试运用更复杂的句式和词汇,并写一个更完整、更有力的结尾。
评语 #2:Parental influence and the environment that is provided to their child as they grow up shapes the individual they become. Conversations about family dynamics have been consistent through the centuries, and we are still left questioning what is the right way to raise a child, as if a singular, straightforward answer exists. “Two generation’s opinions on children’s life orientation and direction of children’s growth” explores a situation of how to reconcile differing expectations. The writer skillfully uses anecdotes to illustrate the severity of the issue, as well as introduce an example of an ideal relationship balance. The problem, which is truly pervasive, often has unintended consequences if children feel they must meet parental expectations, no matter the costs. Drawing on personal experiences to support their argument emphasizes the universal, stubborn persistence of this problem, and simultaneously prompts the reader to think back on their own life - and for those who are parents, perhaps it serves as a call to reflect on the expectations they have for their children. Overall, a very thoughtfully written and heartfelt work.
创意奖得主 朱涵章
所选题目:全国 I 卷
《 Guan Zhong and Bao Shu From My Perspective 》平均得分:8.67分
评语 #1:This is an insightful comparative analysis of Bao Shuya and Guan Zhong, one pair of most devoted friends in history. Rather than dwell on a superficial "which historical figure was a better friend/politican" discussion, this essay examines the multifaceted personalities and deeds that made the two unique and inspiring in their own ways. In terms of language, the subjunctive mood was properly used, as the author makes several hypothetical what could have happened back then--this has been especially challenging to many high school students. Well done overall!
1《Passion for being an “Bilibililist” 》 平均得分:8.3
文章结构清晰,开头简洁描述了互联网算法推送现象,主题详细描述了自己作为b站用户上传视频的有趣经历。美中不足在于结尾没有对开头提出的话题进行回应,例如,“with further sophisticated algorithm, recommendations on the Internet become even more precise", 可以想一想接下来的故事与此类现象的联系,并在结尾加入一些对个人经历的反思或感想。
2《 Take You to Kunming 》 平均得分:8.3
本文以演讲稿的形式写成,由提问(When do people start using their trampoline?)自然地引入对昆明的介绍,并且精炼地从不同方向进行了介绍。文章考虑到目的观众与说话者的角色,采用了适当的语气和表述,整体一致性把握得比较好。
3《 Meet your own life 》 平均得分:7.67
Very good storytelling. The reader is easily able to understand the premise of the movie, as well as empathize with the main characters. The personal experiences are also quite relatable! I would’ve loved to see more in the latter p, as it would help establish an even deeper connection~
Overall a well-written, concise, yet comprehensive summary of a key problem that technology brings. It does not condemn any thing or person, but rather explores a solution that starts with awareness and action on an individual basis, meaning as a reader, we are all able to take action.
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