来自美国大学理事会CB中国区主任Carol女士的最新公布的分数如下。从下面的分数结果来看, 大众科目:微积分、经济学是容易拿高分的科目,由于这里没有统计学的数据,常年统计学也是容易拿高分的科目。微积分今年是第一年改革,看来改革对微积分的高分率没有什么影响。
经济学已经酝酿好几年要改革了,目前还没有消息,改革后一定会难。建议大家早点考。 理科类:物理1、2改革后高分率降低,物理C是小众,因此能够参加考试的都是物理高手,高分率高。化学和生物仍然高分率低。
计算机也相对于为小众,高分率提高很多。 历史类:三大历史科目全部完成第一次改革,但2018年还要有微调,具体评分标准8月份出来。请大家及时关注。 英语类的两个科目都比较难,建议学生先以准备托福、SAT层次的英语要求。如果有能力,可以把AP英语语言和SAT英语阅读结合起来学习。
第一大类:数学与计算机类 【AP微积分AB】
今年AP微积分AB分数趋势:The 2017 AP Calculus AB scores: 5: 18.6%; 4: 18.1%; 3: 21%; 2: 21.9%; 1: 20.4%.
3 students, out of 317,000 worldwide, earned all 108/108 points possible on this year's AP Calculus AB Exam.
今年AP微积分BC分数趋势:The 2017 AP Calculus BC scores: 5: 42.4%; 4: 18.3%; 3: 19.9%; 2: 14.3%; 1: 5.1%.
1 student, out of 133,000 worldwide, earned all 108/108 points possible on this year’s AP Calculus BC Exam.
AP Computer Science has doubled since 2012, when the most frequent score was a 1. This year: it’s a 5.
今年的AP计算机A分数趋势:The 2017 AP Computer Science A scores:5: 24.4%; 4: 20.9%; 3: 21.9%; 2: 11.5%; 1: 21.3%.
今年的AP微观经济学分数趋势:2017 AP Microeconomics scores 5: 21.5%; 4: 28.3%; 3: 18.5%; 2: 12.8%; 1: 18.9%.
These may shift slightly as late exams are scored.后期加试阅卷结束后结果也许还会略有变化。
今年的AP宏观经济学分数趋势:2017 AP Macroeconomics scores :5: 16.4%; 4: 23.1%; 3: 17.2%; 2: 16.2%; 1: 27.1%.
These=the highest AP Macro scores in many years. Congrats!
这个学科历年来最好成绩. 祝贺考生们!
今年AP心理学分数趋势:The 2017 AP Psychology scores: 5: 18.8%; 4: 25.2%; 3: 20.1%; 2: 14.7%; 1: 21.2%.
今年AP人文地理分数趋势:The 2017 AP Human Geography scores 5: 10.6%; 4: 17.4%; 3: 21%; 2: 17.2%; 1: 33.8%.
今年AP美国历史分数趋势:The 2017 AP United States History scores: 5: 10.9%; 4: 17.9%; 3: 22.6%; 2: 23.5%; 1: 25.1%.
今年AP世界历史分数趋势:The 2017 AP World History scores: 5: 8.5%; 4: 20.1%; 3: 27%; 2: 29.5%; 1: 14:9%.
AP World History students scored higher this year than any other year this decade: ~56% earned 3+ vs ~49% in 2011.
今年AP欧洲历史分数趋势:The 2017 AP European History scores: 5: 9.5%; 4: 18.8%; 3: 28.5%; 2: 31.4%; 1: 11.8%.
第三类:自然科学 【AP物理1+2】
AP物理1 & 2自2015年课程改革来,师生们在调整和适应新的要求,成绩逐年在提高。 物理1考试多选题中,学生在有关科学实践的题目得分最低
Science Practice 5: Data Analysis and Evaluation of Evidence.
今年AP物理1分数趋势:The 2017 AP Physics 1 scores: 5: 5%; 4 :15.8%; 3: 20.3%; 2: 29.5%; 1: 29.4%.
今年AP物理2分数趋势:The 2017 AP Physics 2 scores: 5: 11.1%; 4: 15.6%; 3: 34.1%; 2: 29.7%; 1: 9.5%. These may shift slightly as late exams are scored.
【AP物理C机械学】今年AP物理C机械学分数趋势:The 2017 AP Physics C: Mechanics scores 5: 34.7%; 4: 27.8%; 3: 16.1%; 2: 13%; 1: 8.4%.
These may shift slightly as late exams are scored.后期加试阅卷结束后结果也许还会略有不同。
今年AP物理C电磁学分数趋势:The 2017 AP
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism scores 5: 28.1%; 4: 25.1%; 3: 15.6%; 2: 18.2%; 1: 13%.
今年AP生物分数趋势:The 2017 AP Biology scores: 5: 6.2%; 4: 20.9%; 3: 36.7%; 2: 27.8%; 1: 8.4%.AP Biology students and teachers have achieved the highest number of scores of 3+ of any of the past 5 years. #equityandexcellence
今年AP化学分数趋势:The 2017 AP Chemistry scores: 5: 9.2%; 4: 15.7%; 3: 26.1%; 2: 27%; 1: 22%.
今年的AP环境科学分数趋势:2017 AP Environmental Science scores 5: 9.4%; 4: 24.5%; 3: 15.5%; 2: 24.6%; 1: 26%. These may shift slightly as late exams are scored.
今年AP英语语言与写作分数趋势:The 2017 AP English Language & Composition scores: 5: 9.1%; 4: 18.4%; 3: 27.8%;2: 30.7%; 1: 14%.
今年AP英语文学分数趋势:The 2017 AP English Literature scores: 5: 6.8%; 4: 16.1%; 3: 29.9%; 2: 33.9%; 1: 13.3%.
今年AP艺术史分数趋势:The 2017 AP Art History scores 5: 11%; 4: 23.1%; 3: 27.3%; 2: 26.2%; 1: 12.4%
3)These may shift slightly as late exams are scored. 以上阅卷结束后结果也许还会略有变化。
让AP成绩发挥作用!这里是如何寄送AP成绩到学生要申请的大学的操作方法:Put those AP Exam scores to work! Here's how to earn college credit for your scores.
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