今天讲一个大家也会在暑假热门申请的夏校--Cornell University 康奈尔大学的summer college programs。一方面,康奈尔大学的夏校申请相对比较便捷。此外,康奈尔大学在8所常春藤里,相对录取率是最高的。也深受大家的喜爱。所以每年夏天,Cornell的夏校项目总会遭遇疯抢。
先提供给大家下Summer 2020年的每个夏季课程的阶段:
1. TOEFL成绩,如果你在美高,或者高中是用全英语教学的话,那可以不提交;其余必须提交。TOEFL要求是100以上。如果100没有到,成绩在97-99左右,那只能申请以下三门课:
Strategies for College Success
Research and Information Literacy
Academic Writing
2. 申请I20。这段时间申请I20需要注意,目前由于疫情的缘故,现在美领馆批签还不明朗,之后我也会针对这起事件专门写文章,让大家理性分析。
3. High School Transcripts的扫描件,申请时可以直接上传
4. 老师的推荐信:注意,这是最不同的地方:因为不用老师亲自提交了。只需要老师们把推荐信扫描版转成PDF给你,然后在你自己的账号里上传就行。
Your answers to each of the three items should be in English and should not exceed 250 words.
1. What are your three most significant interests and activities (including any employment or volunteer work experience)?
Note the time you devote to the activities, how long you've been involved in them, and your main responsibilities.
Describe why one of these interests or activities is important to you, your reasons for becoming involved in it, and your related accomplishments.
2. So that we can get to know you better, please provide a personal statement that addresses the following questions:
What distinguishes you from your classmates and peers?
What do you expect to gain from Summer College?
What do you hope to accomplish during the program?
3. Tell us about your interest in the Summer College programs (both your first and second choices) you selected in your application.
Why did you select these programs?
What do you expect to gain from them?
What personal, work, or volunteer experience have you had related to these programs?
If you are applying to the Research Apprenticeship in Biological Sciences (RABS)program, also tell us about a biological research project that you have initiated or participated in.
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