Mental Health Week Is Coming!
Do you get anxious when you almost miss a deadline?
Do you feel upset when you are so close to getting the top score, but miss it by only one point?
Or... Do you feel irritated and depressed when you can’t handle the workload?
The tediousness of student life can almost make you feel out of control.
The problems you face with homework, activities, social life and family can haunt you. What should you do to ease your bad mood when nobody understands you?
You can get the answer to this question duringMental Health Week.
Weiyu is hosting itsfirst ever Mental Health Awareness Week.We are focusing on the daily mental state of members of school (students, teachers, staff), and to shorten the distance between each other with various activities. During the week of December 16th, students and teachers will be working together, learning and sharing with one another. We ask each and every one of you to be honest and to ask each other the question: Are You Okay? Together we can remind one another that: We Are Not Alone. Together we can help those who are struggling and lift one another up.
当代人的生活压力来源过于“全面”:社交,课业,家庭,工作,活动…… 貌似每件事都有令人不愉快的地方。想要舒缓情绪却无人理解,无处发泄,那该怎么做呢?
答案就在即将到来的Mental Health Week里。
为期一周的第一届Mental Health Week将于12月16日启动。
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: yuxi@linstitute.net 沪ICP备2023009024号-1