”Confucius said: 'I do not open up the truth to one who is not eager to obtain knowledge, nor help out anyone who is not anxious to explain himself'. Socrates said: 'Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire'.
Rousseau said: 'Plants are shaped by cultivation, people by education'.
Throughout the ages, many philosophers have deeply pondered the meaning and value of education.
On 21 May, the Shanghai Municipal Office of Private Primary and Secondary Schools and ‘The First Education’ new media will hold the first 'Educators' forum in the Pao School Primary Auditorium. The theme is 'reading, writing and critical thinking'.
During the forum, distinguished Chinese teachers Qian Menglong and Yu Dangxu will deliver speeches. A number of other Pao teachers and students will also speak at the event.
Members of the Pao community are cordially invited to attend the forum.Introduction to distinguished guests Yang Guoshun
• Executive Vice President of the Shanghai Private Primary and Secondary Schools Association
•Deputy Director of the Shanghai Private Education Association
•Shanghai Municipal Education Commission former Deputy InspectorWu ZijianHeadmaster, YK Pao School Guest speaker DistinguishedChinese Teacher Qian MenglongPresentation topic: The Prerequisites and Standpoints of Critical Thinking in Chinese Teaching DistinguishedChinese Teacher Yu DangxuPresentation topic: Comprehensive Reading is a Complex Process Head of Senior Secondary Chinese DepartmentDavid XiongPresentation topic: Surmounting Barriers to Enrich Life: Critical Reading in Practice in Pao School's Secondary Division KathyYear 12 student, Pao School Secondary Division
Has been accepted to New York UniversityPresentation topic: Impromptu remarks ClementineYear 12 student, Pao School Secondary Division
Hasbeen accepted to Columbia University Presentation topic: Impromptu remarks David and Horace
Year 9 students, Pao School Secondary Division
Authors of the novel 'The Book of Light and Darkness' featured at the secondissue of the 'Literature on Campus of China' publication. Presentation topic: Critical Thinking and Literary Creation 'Educator' forum series
Educators play a critical role in all of our lives, helping us acquire knowledge and illuminate its meaning. This month, the TED forum's 'Educator' series debuts at Pao School. The forum will feature vivid stories, sharp insights and cover a wide array of education topics.
Event details
Time: 21 May 2017, 14:00-16:00
Location: YK Pao School Primary Division Auditorium, No. 20 West Wuding Road, Lane 1251, Changning District, Shanghai
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