NOV 9th-10th
The 3rd annual THIS-NHSDLC debate tournament was held on November 9th and 10th, welcoming more than 240 students from 36 different schools.
As the hosting school, THIS saw many familiar faces from past years, but there was a group that seemed to stand out. These students were from the Waring School in the US, and were part of an exchange program with our Speech and Debate Club. It was their first time competing in a tournament in Asia.
“This is by far the best trip I have ever been on. The entire THIS community has been extremely kind and welcoming to me.”
-Thomas Davis, Waring School
本次比赛在清华附中国际部民乐团带来的表演中拉开了序幕。今年,辩论社践行碳中和计划,与比赛相关的食物,交通,辩论的笔记,甚至是裁判的评分表都被计算成碳消耗。比赛的收入将会捐给相关组织,让此次比赛实现“零污染”。此外,为了减少比赛的碳污染,辩论社还把辩论场地的纸质标识替换成电子标识、提供了可回收纸箱,方便辩手们回收草稿纸及废纸。衷心感谢众多辩手,家委会,及 Community Service Club 的支持,让我们在保护环境的终极目标中前进了一小步。
The tournament kicked off with a breathtaking performance from the Chinese band! This year, all tournament-related carbon emissions, from food and transportation to flow paper and ballots, were accounted for with payments to environmental organizations. There were no longer paper room signs, and boxes from the recycling club were scattered around the school to collect any paper produced during the debates. Thanks to the many debaters who decided to pay an additional 50 RMB, parent council, and our Community Service Club, we were able to pay off a total of 16800 RMB to offset the carbon released from the tournament.
“It was a great lesson for everyone out there…gaining experiences, learning about how to be carbon-neutral and protecting our environment all at once in a single debate tournament. Truly life changing.”
-Chelsea Wang, Community Service Club
We hope everyone can join our campaign to take action in combating the effects of climate change instead of only talking about it in debate tournaments. (Scan the QR Code below to calculate your carbon footprint!)
随着第一天的比赛进入尾声,大家所期盼的晋级名单即将公布。为了缓解辩手紧绷的神经,国际部阿卡贝拉社团、音乐社团和舞蹈社团接连带来了精彩的演出。晋级名单也在Studio 35的首席摄影师以及才华横溢的国际部辩手的即兴表演中顺利公布。
As the first day drew to a close, the moment everyone had been waiting for arrived – break announcements. To relieve debaters of the stress of a full day of competition, we began with performances from our A Capella club, the THIS music community and another wonderful dance from MGnet. The show also featured improvisations from our head photographer from Studio 35 and talented debaters, successfully transitioning everyone from the excitement of the performances to the bittersweet moment of break announcements.
The first day was fruitful day, with a total of 22 teams advancing into the Open Elimination rounds, the Traditional Division Elimination rounds, and the Middle School Elimination rounds. Our Waring school buddies also performed outstandingly, having five out of six teams break into Open Division.
On breakout day, we were awarded a multitude of speaker awards and took home the certificate for the highest achieving school. Through fierce battles with the Waring students and debaters from other schools, we secured the champions for the open division along with two second places in the middle school and traditional division.
Special Thanks to
本次比赛的成功举办离不开清华附中国际部大家庭的帮助。在此,我们感谢Mr. Spatzierath, Mr. Brocard, Mr. Chatzimanolis, Ms. Sarr, Mr. Weil, 和 Grace Chen(初中辩论教练),他们放弃了宝贵的周末。我们由衷地感谢他们的付出!
This tournament was made possible because of the continuing support of the THIS family. A special thanks to Mr. Spatzierath, Mr. Brocard, Mr. Chatzimanolis, Ms. Sarr, Mr. Weil, and Grace Chen (Middle School Debate Coach) for giving up their weekends to judge at our tournament! It was no simple task sitting through a full day of debates, and your dedication is greatly appreciated.
感谢Ms. Klimasara在活动策划中给予我们的支持。感谢NHSDLC选择与我们再度合作。也感谢烘培俱乐部,学生会,Scinex,以及艺术社团。
Thank you to Ms. Klimasara for supporting us during the planning of the event. Thank you to those from NHSDLC for working with us once again. Thank you to Baking Club, Student Council, Scinex, ArtShop and the THIS Art community for joining us in this school-wide event.
感谢Studio 35,带来了丰富多彩的照片。(如需更多,请点击以下链接)。
Thank you to Studio 35 for taking the wonderful pictures included in this post. (For more pictures, please click the link below)
感谢Tim Averill先生带领威尔林中学的辩论队参加本次比赛。清华附中国际部辩论社的成长以及此次交换项目的顺利进行离不开Tim先生的帮助。很荣幸能邀请他主持周末的四场辩论以及两场决赛。
Thank you to Mr.Tim Averill, who led the Waring School debate team to join this humble adventure. Tim has been so kind to offer support to the THIS debate program long before he visited and opened up the possibility of a debate exchange. It was an honor to have him judge four debate rounds throughout the weekend, including two finals.
最后,感谢Mr. Cusack和辩论赛学生组织团队(Celine Lee, Randy Gu, Ben Yang, Rubin Wong, Jessica Zhan, James Wang, Kevin Hou, Tianyi Wang, Oscar Tsui, Tina Cui)。他们组织了整个活动,让本次比赛成为辩手们心中难忘的一段回忆!
Finally, a huge thank you goes to Mr. Cusack and the debate executive team (Celine Lee, Randy Gu, Ben Yang, Rubin Wong, Jessica Zhan, James Wang, Kevin Hou, Tianyi Wang, Oscar Tsui, Tina Cui) for organizing the event and ensuring the tournament ran smoothly!
See you next year!
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