The annual MLES International Education Fair is the exchange event tailor-designed for Maple Leaf students and parents, is the taking off window of realizing Maple Leaf students’ dream of further studies overseas, and is the best showcase platform for universities and colleges to attract Maple Leaf students.
In 2005, the first Fair was successfully held in Dalian with 18 universities and colleges participating. The number of participating institutions has been steadily increasing over the past years and a total of 89 universities from 12 countries and regions will participate in the roadshow held in Dalian, Tianjin, Xi’an, Chongqing, Wuhan, Zhenjiang and Shanghai this year, including 28 of the MLES Global Top 100 institutions, a new record! Including students, parents and others, the total number of participants this year is projected to surpass 15,000!
MLES Official Wechat will introduce participating institutions for students and their parents. Please read the relevant information firstly, take the valuable opportunity of our Education Fair to proactively communicate with the representatives and make an informed decision for higher education.
瑞士篇 Switzerland
EHL Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality
EHL is continually recognized as the No.1 hospitality school in the world, 126 years of experience in hospitality education and a reputation for excellence. As an EHL student, you will benefit from this strong background and recognition in the global industry. EHL is the only Swiss hospitality school to be recognized by the Chinese Ministry of Education. EHL’s SSTH campus is a former Spa hotel, located in Graubünden, Switzerland’s #1 tourism region. Only one program: Hospitality Management.
英国篇 UK
剑桥教育集团自1952年起,为数千名学子,提供高质量的学术及英语课程,帮助其升读至英国,美国,荷兰,瑞典的世界顶级名校。比如伦敦政治经济学院(英国),伦敦国王学院(英国),阿姆斯特丹大学(荷兰),隆德大学(瑞典), 伊利诺伊理工大学(美国)等等。CEG ONCAMPUS项目在英国共有7个嵌入式预科中心,提供本科预科,国际大一,硕士预科项目。其中,通过ONCAMPUS London IFP(伦敦预科中心 本预精英班),学生有机会升读LSE所有本科专业。Top 3 项目1. 伦敦预科中心 本预精英班 (有机会升读LSE)2. 考文垂预科中心 (升读考文垂大学)3. 雷丁预科中心 (升读雷丁大学)。
Cambridge Education Group
Since 1952, Cambridge Education Group has been delivering high quality academic and English Language programmes, preparing thousands of students to progress onto the world's leading universities in the UK, USA, Netherlands and Sweden. For example, LSE (UK), KCL (UK),University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Lund University (Sweden), IIT (USA). In the UK, CEG ONCAMPUS has 7 centres and offers UFP, IY1 and MFP programmes. Among them, students are eligible to apply for all Bachelor Degrees of LSE after OC London IFP. Top 3 Programmes: 1. ONCAMPUS London IFP (Chance to LSE) 2. ONCAMPUS Coventry UFP (To progress to Coventry University) 3. ONCAMPUS Reading UFP (To progress to University of Reading).
美国篇 USA
1929 《日落》杂志的艺术总监Richard S. Stephens创办旧金山艺术大学,专业从广告,美术发展到现在22个院系,53个专业,130多个本科与硕士学位,学生从45名发展至现在近2万在校生,数十万毕业校友遍布影视,动画,广告,媒体,建筑,时尚等行业引领行业的发展。2019年,学校也在温哥华与兰加拉学院成立兰加拉娱乐艺术中心(CEA),未来旧金山艺术大学将继续在学科建设,行业合作,国际化交流上稳步发展,也继续为全球艺术娱乐行业培养有领导精神的艺术家。
Academy of Art University
Academy of Art University was founded in 1929 by Mr. Richard S. Stephens, Art Director for Sunset Magazine, with a beginning enrollment of 45 students. With 90 years growth, the university has expanded into 22 faculties, 53 majors, and more than 130 degrees in AA, BA, MA, MFA. The university has provided more than 200,000 students into the Film & TV, Game, Fashion, Design, Media, Advertisement industries and been recognized one of the best applied art educational institutions and will continue train world leaders and artists for global entertainment world.