Trick or treat,
Bags of sweets,
Ghosts are walking down the street.
Happy Halloween!万圣节 | Halloween10月30日,清华附中国际部小学部举办万圣狂欢。孩子们脑洞大开,用‘鬼’点子打造自己独一无二的万圣装扮;老师们别出心裁,用六个趣味游戏将知识和技能融入玩乐中。
On Wednesday 30th October, the Primary School of THIS celebrated the spooky and exciting event that the kids look forward to every year—Halloween! Students brought their own unique Halloween costumes and teachers delighted in these ghouls and goblins with six spook-tacular Halloween games that promoted skills and knowledge.
骷髅在游荡|Q-Tips Skeletons
Activity One小朋友们用棉签、胶水和黑色卡纸制作骷髅。人体的骨架,你们了解多少呢?
Students created skeletons using Q-Tips, glue and a black piece of paper.
南瓜大变身|Pumpkin Decoration
Activity Two万圣节怎么能少了传统项目装饰南瓜?小朋友用马克笔和贴纸制作自己独一无二的南瓜灯。
Using markers, stickers and other objects, the students decorated their own little pumpkin.木乃伊比拼|Mummy Wrapping
Activity Three小朋友们兵分三组,争分夺秒在三分钟内用卷纸包裹一名组员。被紧紧包裹起来的‘木乃伊’当之无愧成为万圣节的最佳装扮。
The students were separated into 3 teams. Each team had 3 minutes to wrap one of their teammates with toilet paper.
梦幻水晶泥|Halloween Slime
Activity Four颜色鲜艳的水晶泥是小朋友的最爱。‘眼球’‘骷髅’,这些万圣节元素通通融入进孩子们手中的水晶泥中。
Slime is the one of the kids’ favorites. Students decorated their own slime with Halloween elements such as eyeballs and skulls.眼睛鼻子嘴|Pin the Pumpkin
Activity Five遮住双眼的小朋友们在组员的指引下给大南瓜加上了五官。眼睛鼻子嘴,南瓜将在夜幕降临时复活。
Like pin the donkey but students placed the eyes, mouth and nose on a big pumpkin cut-out.万圣大派对|Halloween Party
Activity Six在万圣节音乐的气氛烘托下,小朋友们分享小食和饮料。今天是他们的节日!
Grab a drink and snacks, it is time for Halloween party.变装游行|Parade万圣节最激动人心的环节当属变装游行。孩子们穿戴好精心准备的服装道具,在老师的带领下在教学楼内开始盛装游行。Trick or treat?老师和高年级的同学们为小朋友精心准备好糖果,分享节日的喜悦。热爱生活,单纯快乐,童心不会随时光长大。
The most exciting part of Halloween is the parade. THIS teachers led the "little devils" who dressed themselves in creative costumes through the school from the 1st floor to the 4th floor. Trick or treat? The secondary students prepared candies for the primary kids and shared the joy of the Halloween.
Jeremy Scaramuzzi是小学五年级的班主任,也是此次小学部万圣节活动的策划者之一。Jeremy表示:“斯巴达家庭每个月都会组织集体活动,10月的主题自然离不开热闹的万圣节。我们设计的活动需要孩子们的互动与合作,不仅让他们玩的开心,更重要的是在一起感受集体的归属感,展现国际部的核心价值观。”
Jeremy Scaramuzzi is the 5th grade homeroom teacher and is also one of the planners of this year’s Halloween activities. He said that: “Each month we meet in our Spartan families and we do different activities. For the month of October, we always traditionally done a Halloween party. We are looking for the kids to have a fun time and the activities are planned for the kids that involves collaboration and interaction. The core values of collaboration, discovery, engagement and Tsinghua Spirit are intertwined in our activities. To have fun, to be together as Spartan Family, to celebrate the fact that we are together as a community and to represent the core values of THIS are the purposes of these activities.”
Besides the Halloween games, teachers also planned in-class activities that were suitable for kids in different grade. “Depending on the grade, I know some teachers designed coloring activity, others did ghost stories. And there were teachers who also told the history of Halloween to give students some background information about this holiday.”
Learn in games and grow in happiness. The wonderful moments should be a life-long memory; the students and teachers exhilarated by fun games and frightening fellowship. Night fell, ghosts went home. They are already looking forward to next Halloween。
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