Emmanuel N Barthalomew
Emmanuel老师执教10年,拥有剑桥大学ESOL 教师资格证加州大学IB教学证书,教授过GCSE、 A Level、雅思、托福、戏剧、媒体等课程。他拥有。他善于思考,热爱表达、喜欢写作。在2013年发表了第一本书,第二本书正在撰写中。之外,他还喜欢健身、骑车、玩猜字游戏和摄影。作为老师,他认为最重要的是鼓励学生并为他们创造一个可以激发他们最大潜能的环境。
Dramagives the opportunity for people to leave out different characters.It has shown confidence in show cases, different abilities, different styles and it also helps people come together, the rehearsal together and find the play to work together.It builds relationships and it helps with elaboration. So I think this helps to lots of people who normally joined the club when they are in G1 and up doing drama when they would in A2, so it has a kind of modern shade to move forward.Ihave been helping with Drama for 7 years now. Normally,I don't really do much cause the drama club leaders do everything.I only come to do the technical stuff.If there is a performance and I come to help to do the blocking, give advice and characterization, voices even things like that.So this is why I coming, to give the technical support.I do want to see because there is a lot of potential.I do want to see more performances other than just Christmas talent show.For example, initially, I plan for us to have a drama feast where it’s a week and we can have because the normal is there are too many people in the drama group not everybody gets to performance so we can have a whole week where we can have 6-7 places.This is the plan but hopefully in the near not so distant future will able to achieve this.
第一年我们演的是《楚门的世界》,虽然最后效果不是那么完美,但是对于我们来讲都是 一次美好的经历。在这学期开学后的第一次社团活动便是选角,我们今年准备了一部经典中文大戏《荆轲刺秦》。我有幸拿到了赵女的角色,之后的排练也是紧锣密鼓的进行着,这次 演出的灯光音乐都有更高端的配置,希望给大 奖呈现一个好的效果。
有兴趣的小伙伴们可以 之后在我们巡演的时候来支持我们呀。在排练的时候也有非常有意思的时光,每个人都会犯特别有意思的错误,特别是嘴瓢。虽然导演们会很累但是当成果摆在眼前时大家都 会非常开心。
G2-2 Sophia 贾林霏
For the first interview, I only remember that my performance was very dry and nervous.Luckily, I finally passed, and in our new play The Emperor and The Assassin, I got a small role with only one line, acting as the maid of the hostess. However, the emotional fluctuation of that sentence is strong, and it needs 'a quiet' outbreak. Whenever I was rehearsing or free, I would try to figure out the emotional expression and her movement and gestures, and the performance is gradually becoming smooth and reasonable from obscurity. During the practice, l observed the deductions of other actors, I feel that to perform the roles well, we should not only have a full grasp of the lines and the psychology in characters' heart, but also need to have a full understanding of the historical background and the conflicts of the characters they represent. Only when the two are combined and speculated repeatedly, can we show the soul of the role we play. This makes me feel that this is a creative and action-oriented community.
—— As-7 Jasmine 钱佳怡
This is my first time to assume the position of director in Drama Club,I was really appreciated that I joined in drama without any doubt at the beginning of this semester. I found plenty of outstanding and interesting people who loved drama here.The thing which satisfied me most was I learnt something meaningful as a director in this short month. In my opinion, nobody will be regret joining us.
—As-5 Mable 钟乐霖
I had been the club member for last two years and this year I actually planned to quit. However when I was invited to act in the show during art week, a particularly intriguing story for me, I still decided to play a role, not only because my interest in history, but also a range of art works including fascinating films and traditional dramas based on story. This is exactly the reason why I like this club so much, we can choose a theme or specific drama which we are interested in. For example, we played the drama version of the film Truman Show last Christmas, which is one of my favorite movies.
—A2-10 Kevin 刘凯文