On October 15th, we had our first grade parents’ meeting. The parents listened to the introduction of the teachers. They carefully made notes and most importantly showed great interest in what they heard.
Ms. Lizzy, who is the Coordinator of the Primary Division of the Integrated Department, explained the features of our learning programme. It includes six trans-disciplinary themes and fosters an “immersive” teaching environment.
1. 双班主任包班制,发展多元语言
邓老师介绍了尚德实验学校融小是由中外方双班主任和教学助理三位老师包班,并实行中外方班主任半天负责制。中方班主任负责的半天主要发展学生的母语,外方班主任负责的半天,班级的教学和生活语言使用英文,教学助理会全天跟班辅助课堂教学,在生活方面给予小朋友更多的关心和照顾。Half day制度体现了融小的优势和特色,孩子们浸润在双语环境下,为下一个阶段的语言学习打下了坚实基础。
Ms. Lizzy introduced the class system of our school. Each class has a Chinese head teacher, a foreign head teacher and a teaching assistant. The roles and responsibilities are outlined as follows:
The Chinese head teacher is responsible for Chinese. The foreign teacher is in charge of English activities. In order to make students better bilingual learners, we also implement the system of a “Half Day.” The Chinese head teacher and the foreign head teacher will each work in the classroom for half a day. They provide a bilingual environment in order to give children a step-by-step language process. It also lays a foundation for the next stage of language learning. In addition, our class system incorporates a bilingual Chinese and English reading system as it cultivates good reading habits. The teacher assistant is responsible for assisting the head teacher and caring for the students.
Trans-disciplinary inquiry identifies six different themes. "Who we are, Where we are in place and time, How we organize ourselves, How the world works, How we express ourselves, and Sharing the planet", it provides students with a real learning experience unfettered by traditional discipline boundaries and encourages children to explore independently based on real situations. Let children become active learners, pay attention to practical problems in social life at home and abroad, promote learners' and effectively reach their full potential.
3. 中英双语阅读体系,培养阅读习惯
Moreover, the English curriculum involves a perfect grading reading system. Famous educator Vasyl Sukhomlynsky said: “Students' intellectual development depends on a good reading ability.” We have carefully selected the reading list in both Chinese and English for students, and improved the grading reading system in both Chinese and English to cultivate good reading habits for children. The goal is to accumulate English reading during childhood, and strive to cultivate a balanced development of talents.
4. 多样的体育课程设置,发展运动能力
In our school, a variety of physical education is essential. Students in different grades need to take different types of physical education, such as swimming, taekwondo, football amongst others. We regard physical education as an integral part of development. We have different Physical clubs every week. Hence, the curriculum allows for enough time for outdoor activities and physical education which help students develop their athletic ability.
5. 中华传统文化经典,建立身份认同
The traditional Chinese cultural course is indispensable in integrated courses. The time-honored traditional culture of the Chinese nation is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese ancestors over thousands of years. In the course of traditional Chinese culture, students in different grades learn different courses of Chinese culture. All courses of traditional Chinese culture require students to recite and inherit traditional Chinese culture.
在融小我们也为孩子们提供了很多个性化的学习指导,有Spelling bee社团,科学、数学、艺术等各种学术活动活动。我们希望学生能够在这个过程中找到自己的优势,激发能动性。同时,我们用多种评估方式记录和庆祝学生的成长,邓老师以五年级毕业成果展为例,向家长们展示了学生们自主选择真实环境中的话题进行探究,将五年的超学科探究学习用自己的方式展现给大家。家长们是不是十分期待呢!
We also provide a lot of personalized learning guidance for our kids, including Spelling bee clubs, science, math, art and competitions. We hope that students can find their own advantages and stimulate their initiative in this process. At the same time, we celebrate student growth with assessments. Taking the fifth grade graduation exhibition as an example, Ms. Lizzy also showed us the fifth grade curriculum exhibition, in which students choose the topics they are interested in, under the guidance of their tutor. Parents are looking forward to it!
Ms Wang the pastoral supervisor, explained to parents the influence of a good moral education on children's physical and mental development with her own personal experience.
At school, we have class meetings, from behavioral habits to emotional intelligence. In addition to class meetings, the journey of survival is also a big feature of the curriculum. Self-protection is a necessary ability for children to grow up happily and healthily. Only when children learn to protect themselves from danger can they have happiness and enjoy a good life. Safety has always been the top priority for us, and we can never ignore it. We hope that through different themes of annual survival trips, children will learn how to deal with emergencies.
Children's education is inseparable from home-school cooperation. Free but not wild, caring but with boundaries, strong rulesbut not oppressive. Let our children be learned but humble, gentle but strong, open and independent, able to enjoy the best and endure the worst.
一年级年级负责人马老师和Miss Mei向家长们介绍了一年级的课程和重要活动。他们以“我们是谁”探究单元为例,展示了各学科是如何围绕主题开展教学,又是如何在教学中发展学生的学习方法。一年级的活动更是丰富多彩,我们希望孩子们在各类活动中找到展示自己的舞台。最后,一年级所有班主任上台分享自己的教育感言,每位老师都说出了心中最真挚的话。相信在他们的陪伴与呵护中,孩子们定能插上梦想的翅膀,展翅飞翔。
Ms. Ma and Miss Mei, who are in charge of Grade One, introduced the curriculum and outlined the important activities of grade one to the parents. Taking the "who we are" inquiry unit as an example, they show how subjects are taught around themes and how students' learning methods are developed in teaching. First, grade activities are colorful and we hope that the children using a range of all kinds of activities find a place to show their talent. Finally, all the head teachers of the first grade came on stage to share their teaching experience; each teacher said sincere words and motivational words. I believe that in their company and care, the children will be able to add wings to their dreams and spread these wings.
家长感言 The parents wanna say
So many thanks for today’s gathering to give us an important opportunity to understand “the Target, the Way and How Parents Could Do” during whole integratedperiod.To make Freddy to be an unique guy in the future, it seems enjoying the process of study itself, team work and how to recover from the failure are more important than the result. Meanwhile, children’s mental health is another important thing to be paid attention by parents. We hope to keep good communications among teachers, parents and children to make everything in the primary shcoolperiod amazing.
——1A 王星杰妈妈
——1B 苗润嘉妈妈
As the parent of a first-year student in primary year division, I was so glad to be invited to attend the parent orientation which shared the education concept and elaborated how to put the concept into practice through well-organized courses and colorful activities. I felt clearer about and more confident in the course I chose for my daughter. Also, I was inspired by the teachers who gave so appealing presentations. I am looking forward to seeing the growth of children in such warm and positive environment provided by the active and close cooperation between home and school.
——1C 朱思源妈妈
——1D 季凌妈妈
Lizzy’s comprehensive and detailed course introduction not only gave me an in-depth understanding of our courses, but also showed us a corner of future courses. I am looking forward to the future study of my children. Linlin’s speech made me more clear about what aspects need to focus on the children, and how parents better cooperate with teachers to help children grow up.
——1E 潘玥婷爸爸
很感谢学校为我们家长提供了一个难得的学习机会,听完学部几位老师的分享,可谓受益颇多,感受非浅 ,首先是对融小教育有了更深刻的理解和认知方向,未来可期;而在德育教育上,我们家长需要反思,在家一定要言传身教,树立正确的教育观和人才观,尊重孩子的思维和想法,理解信任,平等相处,家长要积极配合老师,时时有效沟通,一起灌溉祖国的花朵。
——1F 罗贻潇妈妈
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