Sports Week
During the Sports Week this year, G3 students from Puxi campus participated in the first ever Third Grade Olympics! Based on the school principles of embracing cultural diversity and fostering global citizenship, all G3 students were divided into seven teams in total: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia. Each team should wear their team color to school, and they worked together representing their continent and tried to bring home the gold medal!
In the Personal Growth class of 11th , October, students wearing the same team color gathered together. Under the guidance of each homeroom coach, they got to greet each other, practiced saying their own continent cheers, and knew deep down the rules and expectations.
During the 3rd and 4th classes on 14th October, G3 Olympics was officially kicked off outdoors. Students as a continent group took turns to participate in varied characteristic activities such as Asian “Chopsticks-Pingpong” Relay, American Touchdown Pass, South-American Football Kickoff, Antarctica Dress Up Relay, Australia Kangaroo Hop Relay and so forth. They all enjoyed their sweat!
The Award Ceremony was held on 16th,October. After seven grueling competitions, the Gold Medals went to teams of North America and South America!
This G3 Olympics worked with students on cooperativecompetitiveness, and also engaged diverse teaching. All G3 teachers and students are inspired by this special event and they will put this spirit to practice in the future teaching and learning!
Written by Jenny Zhang
Pictures by G3 teachers
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