Last Sunday, SAS Puxi held its annual International Fair and it was EPIC. Blue skies, huge turnout, near 50 performances across two stages, and food, shopping and game booths as far as the eye could see, all kicked off with an international flag parade led by our talented Grade 8 marching band students to the tune of Portugal. The Man’s Feel It Still.
上周日,上海美国学校浦西校区举行了规模宏大的年度国际市集。碧空万里,人潮如织。演出者在两个舞台上表演了近50场节目。目之所及皆是琳琅满目的美食、购物和游戏摊位。伴随着“葡萄牙人”乐队的一首Feel It Still,才华横溢的8年级行进乐队领着各国的游行队伍为本次活动揭开了序幕。
Special mention goes to a group of nine high school students, who developed and launched a mini WeChat program, fully supported by SAS, called the International Fair Digital Platform, to almost 2,000 users. The program allowed visitors to access information and purchase tickets via mobile payment, helping to facilitate convenience and efficiency.
A huge thanks to our sponsors, PTSA reps, students, Tommy and the gang, and everyone who made the day such a roaring success. Let’s see next year top this one.
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