2019年IB中国教育论坛现公布分论坛内容,场次增加到35场,全面覆盖幼儿园、小学、初中、高中,校长和领导力等各方面主题。我校张海涛、Wang Yachuan、许虹琳3位老师将出席论坛演讲嘉宾,与您分享教学实践成果(主题在下文中已标红,敬请关注)。
2019 IB China Education Forum Breakout Sessions Highlights
IB中国教育论坛(简称IBCEF)已成功举办两届,成为中国的IB 学校展示本土化实践成果,分享教学实践经验的重要平台。2019年IBCEF将于11月15—16日在上海尚德实验学校举办,主题为“激发能动性——让学生成为学习的主人”。
IB China Education Forum (IBCEF) has been successfully held twice, becoming an important platform for IB schools in China to showcase the results of localization practices and share practical experience in teaching. The 2019 IBCEF will be held from November 15 to 16 at Shanghai Shangde Experimental School on the theme "Student Agency by Design".
由于投稿人数激增,本次大会分论坛由原计划的 25场增至35场,全面覆盖幼儿园、小学、初中、高中,校长和领导力等各方面主题, 来自30多所中国IB学校的优秀教育工作者,将分享最精华、最实用的教学实践案例。此外,更有融合课程分享展示,十场PYP、MYP、DP 示范(Demo)课程,IB幼儿园深度参观学习。为参会者真正提供一场将国际化与本土化结合的教育实践盛宴。
Due to the surge in the number of applications of call paper, the conference breakout sessions increased from 25 to 35, covering kindergarten, primary, middle, high school, principal, leadership and other topics, from more than 30 Chinese IB schools outstanding educators, will share the best, and most practical teaching and management practice. In addition, there are more integration course sharing presentations, ten demo classes of PYP, MYP and DP, with IB Kindergarten deep visiting and learning. It will Provide a combination of internationalization and localization of the educational practice feast to all participants.
The languages of the forum, keynote speaking with interpreter to translate, while breakout sessions include Chinese, English and bilingual, giving participants the opportunity to participate fully and learn. We warmly welcome educators from all walks of life to attend.
分论坛讲座介绍Breakout Sessions
10:20 |
Title:Implement "People-Oriented" Education in China: Exploration and Practices of Agency in the Curriculum Integrating the East and West题目:在中国实施以人为中心的教育:融合东西方课程谈内驱力的探索和实践
Presenter/演讲人:Jason Tsui 崔建社 Job Title:General Principal 职务: 总校长 School:Zhongshan Whampoa International Education (ZWIE) 学校:中大黄埔教育集团 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
11:30 |
Title:Leading Teaching and Learning in an IB School题目:在IB学校中领导教与学
Presenter/演讲人:Iain Riley Job Title: Western Pricipal & IB Director 职务: 外方校长兼IB课程总监 School:Shanghai Liaoyuan Bilingual School 学校:上海燎原双语学校 Language: English 演讲语言:英语 |
14:20 |
Title: An Eggleston-based Family Learning Experiences (FLE) Model for best developing student agency through collaboration with parents题目:埃格尔斯顿法為本的家庭学习经验模式: 通过和家长合作, 发展学生自我能动性
Presenter/演讲人:Dr King Chee Pang, MH/彭敬慈博士 Job Title: Chief Director 职务:总校长 School:Beijing International Bilingual Academy 学校:北京海嘉双语学校 Language: English 演讲语言:英语 |
15:10 |
Title: How to create the agency of teachers in the kindergarten?题目:幼儿园管理中如何激发教师的能动性
Presenter/演讲人:Zhang Jun Job Title: Principal of Kindergarten 职务: 幼儿园园长 School: Guangdong Country Garden School 学校:广东碧桂园学校 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
Cross Programs特色专题
10:20 |
相关项目:PYP, MYP, DPTitle:Teachers autonomy through collaboration (CIPD)--A case study in UWCSEA
题目:通过合作实现的教师自主 Presenter/演讲人:Tippi Zhu/朱文婷 Job Title: Competition Coordinator 职务:学术活动协调员 School: United World College South East Asia 学校:世界联合书院(新加坡) Language: English 演讲语言:英文 |
11:30 |
相关项目:MYP, DPTitle:The Application of Visual Arts in Psychology
题目:视觉艺术(绘画)在心理学的应用 Presenter/演讲人:Qi Qiu/Wan Yi Job Title: Leader of Arts of MYP. 职务: 融合课程中学艺术组长 School:Jurong Country Garden School 学校:句容碧桂园学校 Language:Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
12:20 |
相关项目:PYP(Pirmary and early years) (小学幼儿园)Title:Dual lanaguge of English and Mandarin education in China using the IB
题目:中国IB 框架下的双母语教育 Job Title: PYP Coordinator(EY,PY) 职务: 小学项目协调员(幼儿园、小学) Presenter/演讲人:Sue Sapoan/Miao Lingling/Jeremiah Chua School:Overseas Chinese Academy of Chiway Suzhou 学校:苏州工业园区海归人才子女学校 Language: English 演讲语言:英语 |
14:20 |
相关项目:PYP,MYP, DPTitle: Embed a coaching culture in the learner community
题目:学习者社区中的教导文化 Presenter/演讲人:Samuel Xin 辛晓明 Job Title: Moral education director of high school 职务: 高中部德育主任 School: Changwai Bilingual School 学校:常外双语学校 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
15:10 |
相关项目 PYP, MYP, DPTitle: Putting the Student at the Center of Learning
题目:以学生为中心的教育 Presenter/演讲人:Fulton Stephen Job Title: Deputy Director 职务: 副总监 School:Dipont Education 学校: 狄邦教育 Language: English 演讲语言:英文 |
10:20 |
Title: How to develop students' research skills in Extended Essay writing?题目:如何在拓展论文写作中发展学生的研究技能?
Presenter/演讲人:Haitao Zhang张海涛 Job Title/职务: DP Coordinator School:Shanghai Shangde Experimental School 学校:上海尚德实验学校 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
11:30 |
Title: Holistic school curriculum for Chinese students' well-rouned development题目:为了中国学生全面发展的整体学校课程
Presenter/演讲人:Huang (Leo)Xuefeng 黄雪锋 Job Title: vice principal and DP coordinator 职务: 副校长兼DP协调员 School:East China Normal University Affiliated Bilingual School (ECNUAS) 学校:华东师范大学附属双语学校 Language: English 演讲语言: 英文 |
12:20 |
Title: How to better inspire Extended Essay for DP candidates? A criterion-based approach to new Extended Essay题目:如何基于评价标准, 更好激励学生完成拓展论文
Presenter/演讲人:Dong Lei Job Title: MYP&DP Chemistry, EE coodinator 职务: MYP&DP 化学教师,EE协调员 School:Times College Nanjing 学校:南京泰晤士学校 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
14:20 |
Title: Exploration and practice of IO global issues in IBDP new syllabus of language and literature题目:IBDP 语言与文学新大纲之IO全球性问题探索和实践
Presenter/演讲人:Wang Yachuan Job Title: Head of Subject in Group1 职务: IBDP第一组学科负责人 School: Shanghai Shangde Experimental School 学校:上海尚德实验学校 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
- 15:10 |
Title: Experience · Activity · Project——Case studies for exploring the Multi-dimensional connections between DP subject teaching and CAS题目:体验·活动·项目——DP学科教学与CAS多维链接案例解析
Presenter/演讲人:Yu Luyi 俞璐漪 Job Title: Chinese teaher 职务: 中文教师 School: Shanghai Qibao Dwight High School 学校:上海七宝德怀特高级中学 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
10:20 |
Title:How to satisfy the rquirement of the government as well as demonstrate the concept of IB MYP? Experience of Hong Kong题目:当MYP遇到国家课程:香港语文科融合课程的评估设计实践与探索
Presenter/演讲人:Xiaoying Li Job Title:Senior Teacher 职务: 主任 School:ELCHK Lutheran Academy 学校:香港宏信書院 Language:Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
11:30 |
题目:“汝果欲学诗,功夫在诗外”——以学习者社区建设为依托,激发学生能动性Presenter/演讲人:Yu Lei/Chen Chen
Job Title: Executive Principal/ MYP Coordinator 职务: 执行校长/ MYP协调员 School:Hefei Runan Boarding School 学校:合肥润安公学 Language:Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
12:20 |
Title: How Does Service Learning Facilitate the Achievement of International Mindedness in the IB?题目:如何通过服务性学习促进学生国际情怀的发展
Presenter/演讲人:Honglin Xu 许虹琳 Job Title: Coordinator 职务: 中学课程协调员 School:Shanghai Shangde Experimental School 学校:上海尚德实验学校 Language:English/Chinese 演讲语言:英语/中文 |
14:20 |
题目:在中学阶段融合教学管理模式探讨Presenter/演讲人:Wenwen Zhang
Job Title: Faculty Head 职务: 中黄中学教学主任 School:Zhongshan Wampoa International Education 学校:中大黄埔国际教育集团 Language:Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
- 15:10 |
Title:Team-Based Learning in Chinese Literature Education – Examining the Effectiveness on Learning Outcomes题目:以TBL(Team-Based Learning)应用在语文课程学习成效之探讨
Presenter/演讲人:Lanying Ma/Wang Yanmei Job Title:Academic Affairs Director 职务: 教務主任 School:Kang Chiao International School East China 学校:华东康桥国际学校 Language:Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
10:20 |
Title: Integration of PYP and national curriculum with the concept-driven pedagogics (taking upper UOI and Chinese subject for instance)题目:概念驱动教学法下的PYP和国家课程融合(以小学高年级UOI和语文学科为例)
Presenter/演讲人:Cheng Ming程明 Job Title: PYP Chinese Coordinator 职务:PYP中文组长 Co-Presenter/第二演讲者: Chen Meng 陈萌 Job Title: PYP Homeroom Teacher 职务: PYP全科教师 School:Times College, Nanjing 学校:南京泰晤士学校 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
11:30 |
Title: The Implementation of Chinese Traditional Culture in IB Framework题目:在IB框架下实施中国传统文化
Presenter/演讲人:Deng Xingzhi Job Title: Chinese Subject Team Coordinator, Homeroom Teacher 职务: 语文科组学科协调员、教师 School:Guangzhou International Primary School 学校:中大黄埔国际教育集团 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
12:20 |
Title: Curriculum construction based on integration of Core-competencies of New Chinese National Curriculum Standard (2017 edition) and IB concept based curriculum题目:IB概念驱动和中国国家基于核心素养新课标(2017版)融合课程实践
Presenter/演讲人:Leo Wang 王旺 Job Title: Teacher development center teacher trainer 职务: 教师发展中心师训专员 Co-Presenter 雍海涛 Haitao Yong Job title : Director of Teacher development center 职务:教师发展中心主任 School: Shanghai Pinghe Bilingual School 学校:上海平和双语学校 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
14:20 |
Title: Helping Students Develop Problem Solving Skills题目:帮助学生发展解决问题的技能
Presenter/演讲人:Casey Dugas Job Title: Homeroom teacher 职务: 班主任 School:Ningbo Huamao International School 学校:宁波华茂外国语学校 Language: English 演讲语言:英文 |
- 15:10 |
Title: Data Rich, Analysis Poor - Introduce Data Driven Dialogue (DDD) in the school community to improve student learning题目:丰富的数据与不足的分析-介绍学校在社区里如何运动数据驱动对话来提高学生的学习
Presenter/演讲人:Annie Chew Job Title: PYP Coordinator 职务: PYP协调员 School: Beanstalk International Bilingual School Upper East Side Campus 学校:北京青苗双语学校上东校区 Language: Chinese(PPT in bilingual) 演讲语言:中文 |
PYP(Agency)小学(自主能动性 )
10:20 |
Title: The Power of Student Voice in School Improvement题目:学校进步中学生发言权的力量
Presenter/演讲人:Adam Hill/Chen Yuanyuan Job Title: Head of year/homeroom teacher 职务: 年纪组长 班主任 School:Victoria Shanghai Academy 学校:香港维多利亚沪江学校 Language: bilingual 演讲语言:中英双语 |
11:30 |
Title:Localized PYP Exhibition: Agentic Role Students Have in Leading and Taking Actions.题目:本土化的学习成果展:学生引领和采取行动的能动性
Presenter/演讲人:Zhang Shaobo(张少波)Tan Shaocheng(谭邵成) Job Title: Head of PYP at PCIS (Zhang Shaobo), PYP Coordinator (Tan Sahocheng) 职务: 凤凰城中英文学校副校长(张少波), 国际小学项目协调员(谭邵成) School:Phoenix City International School 学校:广州凤凰城中英文学校 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
12:20 |
Title: Implementing agency through the multiple dimensions of the learning community题目:在学习社区内多维度实施能动性
Presenter/演讲人:张 萍Apple Zhang Job Title: Assistant Head & PYP Coordinator 职务:副主任、PYP协调员 School: Shanghai United International School Hongqiao Campus 学校:上海协和双语学校虹桥校区 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
14:20 |
Title: Let the agency get your learning and teaching moving题目:提升学与教的能动性
Presenter 1/演讲人 1:Kathy Liu 刘晶 Job Title: PYP Director 职务: 融合部课程总负责人 School:Shanghai Qingpu World Foreign Language School 学校:上海青浦世界外国语学校 Presenter 2/演讲人 2:Narcy He 何诗美 Job Title: ES Principal 职务: 小学部校长 School:Peking university experimental school International division Elementary school 学校:北大附属嘉兴实验学校 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
- 15:10 |
Title: Creating Agency through Language Choice题目:通过语言选择提升自主能动性
Presenter/演讲人:Ryan Ihle Job Title: homeroom teacher 职务: 老师 School:Beijing City International School 学校:北京乐成国际学校 Language:English 演讲语言:英文 |
PYP(Early years)学前教育
10:20 |
Title: A learning enviornment with voice题目:有发言权的学习环境
Presenter/演讲人:Tracie Chen Job Title: Principal 职务: 园长 School: Beijing Bright Academy 学校:北京柠檬幼儿园 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
11:30 |
Title: Student Agency by Design---School Culture Take the Lead题目:发展学生自主能动性——学校文化先行
Presenter/演讲人:Song Xiaoyan/Qu Xiaoxuan Job Title: Principal/PYP teacher 职务: 园长/PYP 老师 School: Golden Apple Tianfu International Preschool and Kindergarten 学校:金苹果天府国际幼儿学校 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
12:20 |
Title: Mathematics Learning Agency by Design题目:激发数学学习的能动性
Presenter/演讲人:Apple Li/Gong Ting Job Title: Kindergarten IB Curriculum Consultant/ IB PYP Coordinator 职务: IB课程顾问/IB PYP 协调员 School: Zhuoyue International Kindergarten, Huadu 学校:卓越花都国际幼儿园 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
14:20 |
Title: Agency by Design in the UOI题目:探究单元实施过程中幼儿能动性的培养
Presenter/演讲人:Zhao Jianping 赵建平 Job Title: Group Leader 职务: 教研组长 School: Guangdong Country Garden School 学校:广东碧桂园学校 Language: Chinese 演讲语言:中文 |
- 15:10 |
Title: Promoting Agency through the Learning Environment题目:通过学习环境提供学生自主能动性
Presenter/演讲人:Emily Cotey/Wang Jianru Job Title: PYP Coordinator & Early Years Teacher 职务:中文教师/教研组长 School:Victoria Kindergarten Shanghai (Xinzhuang) 学校:上海维多利亚幼儿园莘庄园 Language: Bilingual (Primarily in English) 演讲语言:英文 |
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: yuxi@linstitute.net 沪ICP备2023009024号-1