随着Beyond Meat实验室合成肉制品,以及雀巢等多个食品巨头成功研发植物基的蛋奶制品风靡全球,越来越多的未来食品创新和“超级食品”进入大众视野,变革传统食品行业生态。
With Beyond Meat's lab-grown meat becoming a global phenomenon, Nestle and other food giants'plant-based dairy products, more and more future food innovation and "super foods" are disrupting the traditional food eco-system.
Food industry related college majors also extended rapidly in the past few years, from traditional culinary school and Food Engineering, to Synthetic Biology, Food Design and other interdisciplinary fields.
有哪些大开脑洞的食品设计和黑科技?这些未来食品设计创新又能够解决哪些行业与社会问题?10月20日,虞山书院设计创新中心和BreakLine( 国内首家专注于青年的跨界创新平台)联合举办未来食品设计创新工作坊,和大家一起探索全球前沿的未来食品科技与创新。
What “crazy” food design and technologies are out there? What industry or social problems these future food innovations are solving? On Oct.20th, Yushan Academy Centre for Design and Innovation X BreakLinewill jointly take you on a “safari” to explore global frontier food innovations and technologies within one day of experiential workshop.
工作坊引导师Workshop Hosts Facilitator
Federico 创立了 YEAST —— 专注于食品行业科技应用的未来实验室,并且是 IDEO 的 Food Portfolio Director 以及中国第一个食品创新孵化器 BitsxBites 的导师。
Federico is the founder of YEAST, a future food lab focusing on tech applications in food industry. He also serves as Food Portfolio Director at IDEO and mentor to BitsxBites, China’s first food accelerator.
曾在法国进行专业的厨艺训练,并获得上海交通大学和 KEDGE 的MBA。他在过去的10年里,成功创立了多家结合食品、文化和科技的产品和企业,并为肯德基、麦当劳、必胜客、湾仔码头等多家企业提供食品设计创新服务。
A chef by training, Federico also received MBA education from Shanghai Jiaotong University and KEDGE. He spent the last 10 years building products and ventures combining food, culture and technology. His food design work stretches extensively within global food scene such as KFC, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Wanza Matou and so on.
你会在工作坊里做什么?Whatwill you do In the Workshop?
You will be introduced to frontier food innovations and emerging opportunities in food industry through a series of case studies. As future change-makers, participants will work as a team to compete in a design challenge where food will be used as a design and prototype medium to solve issues related to sustainability and the climate crisis.
Date: Sunday, Oct.20, 2019
9:30 - 10:00 Introduction to Food Design食品设计介绍
10:00 - 12:00 Sustainability and Food Innovation可持续与食品创新
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Break午餐
13:00 - 13:30 Design Challenge Methodologies设计挑战方法
13:30 - 14:30 Inspiration and Ideation创新风暴
14:45 - 15:30 Rapid Prototyping创造原型
15:30 - 16:15 Team Presentation小组成果展示
16:15 - 16:30 Closing Award Ceremony总结及颁奖
本次工作坊将会评选出 —— 最佳创新方案奖、最具商业潜力奖、最具社会影响力奖 —— 三个获胜团队。
Three award winners will be selected by the Jury: Best Innovative Solution Award, Best Business Potential Award and Best Social Impact Award.
All participants will receive a certificate of completion awarded by YSACDI.
时间:2019年10月20日 (Sunday,Oct.20, 2019 )
Venue: Yushan Academy Centre for Design and Innovation, UWC Changshu China,No.88 Kunchenghuxi Road, Changshu, Jiangsu
适合年龄 Age:15-19 years old
语言要求 Language:English(可提供中文帮助)
费用 Fee :RMB400 (含午餐including lunch)
Numbers of students: 35 students(10 UWCersand 25 external students)
申请截止日期:10月16日 或 满员即止
Deadline for Registration: Oct.16 or full class.
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