At 8:20 a.m. on September 29th, fire bell rang all of a sudden on SHSID Pudong campus. The hallway was permeated with thick fog and smoke immediately. An unpleasant smell overspread the air. Having morning P&B class in their homeroom, the teachers and students from 1st grade to 5th grade didn’t know what happened, but still, they reacted without hesitation: using the knowledge of fire prevention, the teachers led the students trot out of the classroom.
They all covered their mouths and noses when leaving classroom. With the help of escape directions, which are always taped on the doors, teachers and students got outside of the building successfully and assembled at the school gate. There was no real fire, instead of which was a fire drill without early warning. In this fire drill, the whole school took 2 minute 53 seconds to escape from the danger zone with nobody injured!
We don’t expect a real fire breaking out on campus. The entire faculty in SHSID Pudong division will do their best to prevent from it and get prepared for it.
9月29日上午8点20分,上海中学国际部浦东校区的校园里忽然响起了消防警报,走廊里顿时烟雾弥漫,难闻的气味布满在了空气中。教室中正在上早读课的老师与学生们并不清楚发生了什么,但是早已牢记火灾预警知识的他们在刹那间做出了反应:各个班级的老师指挥着学生按次序小跑出教室,手捂着口鼻,按照贴在班级门上、大家早已熟记的逃生路线离开楼道,在校门口集合。这不是真正的火灾,却是一场毫无预警的逃生演习。根据工作人员的统计,本次逃生演习全校师生总共用了2分53秒逃出危险地带,全体安然无恙。 我们希望火灾永远不会在校园出现,但若是有万分之一的概率出现危险情况,相信老师们与学生们会做好万全的准备。对于安全知识的普及和危险情况的防备,我们不会有一丝松懈!
Written by Yuchen Xie
Pictures by teachers in Pudong Campus
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