September 26, 2019
2019 年 9 月 26 日
Dear Parents:
My name is Glenn Borthistle and I am pleased to be writing you as the new Principal of Maple Leaf International School – Shanghai. I have enjoyed very much meeting your sons and daughters as the new school year has opened and am very impressed with the quality of the teachers who provide instruction and the counselors who provide direction and support for your children. This is my third school for Maple Leaf having worked at Tianjin-TEDA and Shenzhen campus before arriving in Shanghai and am enjoying exploring the beautiful village of Fengjing and the exciting city of Shanghai>weekends. Before coming to China and Maple Leaf I worked in the British Columbia, Canada education system as Principal, Human Resources Director and District Superintendent and am very happy to continue working with BC curriculum in China.
首先,我很荣幸成为上海枫叶国际学校加方校长,借此代表上海枫叶国际学校向家长们致信。我很开心在新学期伊始认识您们的子女,我也很欣慰地看到了教师们高质量的教学能力,以及领事们的超强指导能力。这是我事业生涯中的第三所枫叶国际学校,之前效力于天津枫叶国际学校和深圳枫叶国际学校。我不得不承认上海枫泾镇是一个美丽的城镇,在周末业余之时,我领略了这个小镇的风光以及上海的魅力。在来到中国枫叶国际工作之前,我分别担任过加拿大科伦比亚大不列颠教育体系下校长,人力资源总监和区域主管一职。同时,我很荣幸在中国科伦比亚大 不列颠教育课程体系下继续工作。
This year we have a total of 614 students registered with 502 in the BC program. This is an increase of more than 50 students into the BC program and we are pleased that the school is growing and are committed to increasing the academic and language ability of all students so that the school will continue to grow in both quality and enrolment.
今年我们高中部在读注册的学员已达到614名,其中注册加拿大学籍的已有 502名学生。今年超过50名新生注册了加拿大学籍下的课程体系。我们很高兴见证学校的成长,届时我们也会提升学生的学术技能和语言能力,保证学校在高质量和高招生率下持续成长。
After many years of preparing for curriculum renewal this will be the first year that renewed curriculum is being used in all three grades in the high school program. More information can be found about this>https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/ or here in this document in simplified Chinese Although there are some changes to the required courses, each student is still required to complete 80 credits in order to graduate. One change which will impact all students is that there is no longer a provincial final exam in English 12 as a part of their final English mark. Instead, students will be required to complete three learning assessments over their three years in the graduation program in literacy and numeracy. Their scores will be reported>course.
多年课程体系更新的准备工作将于今年的3个级别中进行实施。更多信息请参阅我们的官方网站:https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/,或者 here 这里参阅我们的中文文件 。尽管有一些变更,但学生还需要达到80个学分才能毕业。其中对学生产生影响的变化是12年级省期末考试不再作为期末英语成绩,而是学生需要在三年的时 间里在文学和运算学科领域完成3项学习任务。他们的分数会在期末成绩单上显示,但对指定的课程来说,这不会成为他们最后学年的一部分。
As students have been in classes now for four weeks, all teachers have provided their current marks>program as an interim report>are not yet connected to this program. Our first formal report card will be produced after the mid semester assessments in November.
We welcome your contact if you have any questions about your child’s program or progress. If you have any questions about any decisions that have been made about your child, the appeal process can be found in the Student Handbook. Our Academic Advisor, Ms. Hatt, has been working hard with teachers to help those Grade 12 students who are applying for the early application deadline for universities in the UK. This is typically>records. The regular application process will begin in November for universities in the UK, America, Canada, Australia and other countries and further information will be provided at that time.
如果您有任何关于我们加方项目或者关于孩子学习情况的问题,我们欢迎您和我们取得联系。如果您对我们处理学生的决定上有任何问题,上诉的流程可以在学生手册中查阅到。我们的学术指导海特老师在和其他老师一直在努力帮助12年级的学生进行早期申请留英工作,争取在英国大学截止期限之前准备好早期申请事宜。留英一般是针对那些学术成绩突出的学生。常规的申请流程时间是在11月,申请留学的国家有英国,美国、加拿大、澳大利亚以及其他国家各高校。具体信息会在11 月作出进一步地更新。
Finally, I am very happy to be working with our capable and talented Vice-Principal, Mr. Lam. He has been of great help with introducing me to the school and the staff and I look forward to us continuing to work well together>school. Best wishes to everyone for a safe and Happy National holiday. A reminder that students are expected in school on Monday, October 7 which will also be an Open House day for parents. Enjoy the holiday and the 70th Anniversary celebrations!
最后,我很荣幸能与我们才华横溢的加方副校长理查德先生共事。他向我介绍了学校概貌以及教职员工的情况,我很期望和他一起继续共事为学校工作。衷心祝愿大家国庆节快乐。在此提醒各位家长,学生开学日期是10月7号,请于10月6号返校。同时提醒您10月7号为家长体验日(欢迎家长预约参加)。祝您在中国成立70 周年庆典之际国庆快乐。
Yours truly,
Glenn Borthistle, Principal
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