UWC Dayis the annual global celebration of the UWC mission and values, which takes place on 21 September every year, to coincide with the UN International Day of Peace. Each year, UWC Day is celebrated by thousands of people worldwide, including students and staff at UWC schools and colleges, national committees, UWC alumni and friends.
UWC Day is a moment to celebrate the strength and diversity of the UWC movement and our mission for a more peaceful and sustainable future through connecting and mobilising UWCers globally. It serves as a chance to spread the word about UWC, our work and values. But it is also an opportunity to reflect on what we do as a movement, to determine how to be more effective changemakers, and to continue to challenge ourselves.
Theme of 2018"Inspire Change"
Each year, UWC Day has a different theme which helps to provide a central focus for the day's actions and initiatives. "The Power of Diversity" in 2017, "Inspire Change"in 2018,
2019年的UWC 日的主题是“气候变化”!
The theme for UWC Day 2019is
"Climate of Change"!
In a time in which the consequences of climate change are increasingly devastating, the UWC mission to bring about peace and a sustainable future for all becomes more urgent day by day. UWC Day 2019 will be dedicated to exploring creative, thoughtful and meaningful ways to bring about this change.
2019 UWC 日活动安排
2019 UWC Day at UWC ChangshuChina
常熟UWC将举办丰富多彩的活动庆祝UWC日,提升对环境保护的意识,为创造绿色家园出一份力。无论是沿着昆承湖边慢跑边清理岸边的垃圾、用回收的塑料瓶和通过设计技术的课堂变废为宝、在养耕共生中心了解有机种植、互换闲置物品,还是通过Climate Collage工作坊,了解气候变迁的因果关联,掌握正确的技能实现有针对性的变革,最后创造性地协作创建一幅拼贴画,我们都怀着共同的信念,只要每个人都从我做起,一点一滴做起,世界会更美好,期望天更蓝、水更清、山更绿。
UWC Changshu China will have a series of activities to celebrate UWC Day 2019, to enhance awareness of the importance of environmental protection and encourage everyone to do a bit for a greener home.Whether it's morning plogging, recycling through design technology, learning about aquaponics, swap shop or Climate Collage workshop, we believe everyone can take personal example and make contributions to create anenvironmental friendly world.
无论身居何处,我们鼓励全球UWC社区的所有成员在9月21日这一周从我做起,践行UWC的使命和价值观。All members of the global UWC community areencouraged to take actions to live UWC mission and values wherever you are in the world during the week of 21 September 2019.
United World Colleges(世界联合学院,简称UWC)是当今世界独具一格的全球性教育运动,从全世界150多个国家和地区挑选优秀的学生。UWC创建于1962年,旨在通过教育,联合不同的国家、民族和文化,从而促进世界和平与可持续发展。在UWC,来自不同种族、文化和家庭经济背景的学生一起生活、学习,通过UWC的教育,培养学生成为具有国际视野和社会服务精神的未来领袖。