年份 | 2017 |
学科 | 行为与社会科学 Behavioral and Social Sciences |
国家/州 | Canada |
Sensory Integration in Adolescents with a History of Multiple Concussions
Past research has shown that athletes have higher susceptibility to multiple concussive events after initial injury. Novel understanding of the detrimental effects of multiple concussions have resulted in a need for investigation a potential deficits associated with multiple concussive events. Studies have demonstrated that neuronal damage can result in the early onset of dementia-related symptoms and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. This study aimed to examine the sensory integration of high school athletes with a history of multiple concussive injuries using virtual reality as a novel approach to isolate visual dependence and discover differences in reaction and postural sway. Two sets of high school aged participants were used comprising of one set composed of students who had experienced more than one concussion and another who had no history of concussive events, which was used as a control. The participants experienced several virtual reality scenes including two star scenes as well as a park scene, allowing for the reaction time and body movement of each participant to be recorded and mapped in order to comprehensively document the sensory integration ability of athletes. In tandem with reaction time, the postural sway and balance of participants was recorded to establish a correlation between sensory integration and motor output. This correlation further reveals the pivotal influence of sensory integration on athlete’s vulnerability to concussive events. This can be determined through the movement of a participant's head in a 3D environment. Expanding our understanding allows for the development of new and novel therapies to better rehabilitate athletes.
英特尔国际科学与工程大奖赛,简称 "ISEF",由美国 Society for Science and the Public(科学和公共服务协会)主办,英特尔公司冠名赞助,是全球规模最大、等级最高的中学生的科研科创赛事。ISEF 的学术活动学科包括了所有数学、自然科学、工程的全部领域和部分社会科学。ISEF 素有全球青少年科学学术活动的“世界杯”之美誉,旨在鼓励学生团队协作,开拓创新,长期专一深入地研究自己感兴趣的课题。
The science or study of the thought processes and behavior of humans and other animals in their interactions with the environment studied through observational and experimental methods.
Clinical and Developmental Psychology (CLN): The study and treatment of emotional or behavioral disorders. Developmental psychology is concerned with the study of progressive behavioral changes in an individual from birth until death.
Cognitive Psychology (COG): The study of cognition, the mental processes that underlie behavior, including thinking, deciding, reasoning, and to some extent motivation and emotion.
Neuroscience (NEU): Studies of the neural basis of cognitive processes, including learning and memory, language and thought, perception, attention, and affect. It investigates the human brain, from the functional organization of large scale cerebral systems to microscopic neurochemical processes.
Physiological Psychology (PHY): The study of the biological and physiological basis of behavior. This field studies the neural mechanisms of perception and behavior through direct manipulation of the brain in controlled experiments.
Sociology and Social Psychology (SOC): The study of human social behavior, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human society. Sociology is concerned with all group activities-economic, social, political, and religious.
Other (OTH): Studies that cannot be assigned to one of the above subcategories. If the project involves multiple subcategories, the principal subcategory should be chosen instead of Other.
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